Autumn 1 Week 2

This week, Year 5 continued to remember those we have lost and participated beautifully in the 2 minute silence on Wednesday. We also took time to pray at our remembrance area of the playground that had been decorated with poppies made by KS1.

We have kept active this week with karate, hockey and today we learnt the rules of new games the children could play at lunchtime.

We also concluded our science learning on life cycles. The children investigated gestation periods and tried to discover if they could make links between that and other aspects of the animal. For example, does a longer gestation period mean a longer life? In preparation of our next science topic, please send in pictures of your child a different stages of their childhood so we can identify the changes they have been through.

Home Learning:


Spellings week 2






Autumn 2 Week 2

This week has been all about dragons! In English the children have written descriptions of their dragons appearance and described their special powers. They have also been busy in art making a class dragon as well as origami and clay dragon eyes.

In maths the children have been reading scales. Please revise counting in 3 and 5 (timetables) using the free app hit the button over the weekend. During our hockey lessons we have been learning to pass, dribble and tackle – I have been very impressed with the control and skill shown!


Spelling  – suffix ture and sure 

Follow this link and learn these words and complete the handwriting sheet sent home.



Please record your independent reading in your reading records and complete five read theory quizzes.


Please complete the mathletics activities set.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Pringle

Friday, 13th November 2020

Year 4 had another busy week. In Maths, the children carried on developing their column addition skills and have now moved onto formal written subtraction. In English they have practiced constructing expanded noun phrases and have planned how to turn our shared play script, ‘The Fly and the Fool’ into a narrative.

On Wednesday, Year 4, as well as all year groups, took part in a live Remembrance Assembly. They  used what they learnt and in an art session, painted water colour pictures themed around poppies.

They had karate this week learning a new sequence with Arthur and Kian showing the rest of the class a chosen sequence alongside Michael.  On Wednesday the children logged onto their Year 4 Google Classroom, took part in a Maths Quiz and then wrote a Book Review using Google Docs.  This session showed us how independent and confident they are growing in using this learning tool.

Today, we said Goodbye to Angela who is leaving our school and going to Cranbourne Primary School.  The children wished her all the best and Maria and Hebe organised a card for her from the class.  We will miss her and wish her all the best.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Ms Varga and Mrs McNamara

Thank you Eric for sharing this picture of you with us!

Our Karate Session with Michael

Using water colours on our poppy designs.

Please see your Home Learning below:

Friday, 13th November 2020 Home Learning
Spelling Please use Spelling Frame to practice this week’s spelling words and later test yourself!

measure, treasure, pleasure, enclosure, creature, furniture, picture, nature, adventure
Reading Please log onto Read Theory and complete three tasks. Please also update your reading logs.

Reading awards will be given next Friday!

Study Ladder Please log onto Study Ladder and complete the assigned activities.

In Maths you will be asked to recap and practice 6s and 7s multiplication facts.

In English your task is to complete and improve sentences using better quality vocabulary. This task is very similar to the ones we do in class as morning challenges but the focus is solely on the use of vocabulary.

Week 2

Another busy week of learning. In Maths we have been learning the strategy ‘Think 5’ when adding. Using a variety of resources and pictures, children persevered at this new concept. The children used the cherry models on the playground to make a number in lots of different ways.

In English we have been writing recounts using sentence starters first, next, then and after. We read the book Where’s my Teddy? And the children described the character’s feelings.

In PE the children were moving in different directions to avoid getting caught. They practised controlling the ball with their feet.

On Wednesday we had an assembly and the children were respectful in the two-minute silence.

In Science, we have been developing out observation and reasoning skills. We have been picking the odd one out of different objects and explaining our choices. Then we learnt about the different animal groups; reptiles, mammals, fish, amphibians and The children have been sorted animals into these groups.

In Art we looked at the artist Piet Mondrian and replicated some of his artwork.


Home Learning

Practise forming all letters correctly and writing on the line. We have been practising writing letters f, g , j, p, q and y where their body sits on the line and their legs go under the line.

Reading and Spelling


Make a bird box – We have been learning about different types of animals. One of the groups we learnt about was birds. Please make a bird box to feed birds. I have attached some examples. Please can the children bring in their bird box to show to the class then they can leave it outside somewhere at home with some bird food in it. Can you get a photo of a bird using your bird box? Send the bird boxes in by Friday 20th November.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Reception Week Beginning 2.11.20

Despite the shorter week, Reception have managed to squeeze in a lot of learning!

This week, the children have been learning all about Diwali- the Hindu Festival of Lights. They listened to the story of Rama and Sita and learnt about how Hindu families prepare and celebrate this special celebration.

Over the course of the week, the children had the opportunity to make their own diva lamps from clay, they have made Mendhi hand prints, created Rama and Sita shadow puppets and have produced Rangoli patterns.


Yesterday, the class learnt all about Guy Fawkes Day, the failed Gunpowder Plot and how King James I wanted everybody to celebrate this day annually. The children discussed how to keep everyone safe on Bonfire Night and made some posters. They also thought about what would be needed to host their own fireworks celebration.

During November, we especially remember our loved ones who have died and so on Tuesday, Reception participated in a very special whole class Act of Worship, where they offered up prayers for their own families and friends that have passed away.

By now, you should have all received your activation email for Tapestry, the online learning journal platform. Please check your junk folders if you haven’t. A huge well done and thank you to the parents who have already added some observations/ photos of their own. These are hugely helpful to us, as they give us a more rounded picture of your child’s capabilities and interests!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team

Autumn 2 Week 1

Welcome back. I hope you all had a wonderful half term. This week we have begun our new English unit on Ernest Shackleton’s  expedition on the Endurance. The children have been captivated by this survival story and even wrote letters of application, explaining why they would be an asset the the voyage. In maths we have been learning how to multiply by 10, 100 and 1000. We have worked hard to understand the place value change that happens and have applied this knowledge to multiply decimals.

Along with the rest of the school, Year 5 learnt about Judaism for Other Faith Week. We focused on Bar and Bat Mitzvah’s and what this right of passage means to a Jewish child.

In PE, Year 5 have been learning about possession and passing in hockey. They have learnt how to hold the stick correctly and move the ball with ease.

During our Karate lesson, Sensei challenged the children to see how many kicks they could do. Our champion was Freddie with a whopping 43!We’re hoping it will be the school record.

On Wednesday, Year 5 went outside and learnt how to measure the size and age of a tree.

Have a wonderful weekend


Mrs Lines


Home learning:



Spellings Week 1- New sheets have been given.

Readtheory- 10 tests



Autumn 2 Week 1

Welcome back, I hope you had a great half term. Our author this month is Anthony Browne. In our English lessons, we have been reading the story Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne. We described how the characters were feeling before and after they went to the park. Then we sequenced the story and added captions. The children have been painting pictures of the story, building their own parks and writing about their own experiences in a park.

In Maths we have been adding by counting on using a number line. We have played games using dice and a number line, making sure we count on from the next number.

In Science we investigated the different eye colours in our class. We started by predicting what we thought was the most popular colour and then we made a pictogram to show the most popular eye colour. Brown is the most popular eye colour in Year 1. What is the most popular eye colour in your house?

We continued the karate lessons. The children loved the new movements and counting to ten in Japanese.

In PE we danced liked fireworks. We did spiral movements, circle movements, quick fireworks, slow fireworks and our PE T- shirts helped us to make different colour fireworks.

In Religion, we have been learning about the Jewish religion, we learnt about a special ceremony called the Bar Mitzvah.  Then we made poppies and learnt about Remembrance Day.

In the front of your child’s reading record there is a sticker with your child’s google classroom username and password. You will need this if the class or school has to close due to isolation.

Home Learning

Reading and Spelling

Read Anthony Browne books at home or on youtube.



Have a wonderful weekend.


Mrs Carey

Friday, 6th November 2020

The children in Year 4 came back with renewed energy after half term!

In Maths the children have moved on to written formal method for addition, whilst in English they have started working towards writing a new narrative piece based on a traditional Vietnamese folk tale, The Fly and the Fool.  On Friday, the children worked in small groups and after discussing the elements of a play script, they went onto acting out the playscript.


In RE, the children have learnt about Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah as special occasions in children’s life. They also took part in a Remembrance Act of Worship.

The children carried on with their karate lessons with Sophie being given recognition by Michael.  Well done Sophie!  In PE the class have continued to develop their skills through invasion games. They looked at the basic parts of their digestive system in Science and looked at Milton Keynes as the fastest growing city in the UK as part of their Geography.

Leon, Finn and Eric have been exploring our school garden and came across some small peppers.

Please see your Home Learning below:

Friday, 6th November 2020 Home Learning
Spelling Log onto Spelling frame to practice and test yourself on this week’s spelling words.

sadly, usually, completely, finally, comically, happily, angrily
gently, simply, humbly, nobly, basically, dramatically
Reading Please logon to Read Theory and complete 3 tasks
Study Ladder Please logon to Study Ladder and complete your assignments.

They are based on mental and written methods for addition.

Year 2 Blog 06-11-2020


In November we pray for the people we love who are no longer with us. This week Year 2 created a beautiful display of poppies for our Religion table. Year 2 took part in a special class Act of Worship on Remembrance. The children wrote the names of people they are praying for on poppies and hung them from our prayer tree.


In Religion this week, for Other Faiths Week, we have been learning about Judaism. The children learnt about the Jewish Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies.

In P.E. we worked on our throwing and catching skills. The children perfected their bounce and chest passes. There are some talented netball players in our midst.

Home Learning:

Spellings: Autumn 2 – Week 1

Mathletics: Add 3 single digit numbers. Add 3 numbers using number bonds

Study Ladder: Spelling rule ‘y’ and The Wool Mill Reading text

Have a peaceful weekend,

Miss Davey

Year 6 – 06/11/20

It has been a special week back for Year 6, as on Wednesday we were lucky enough to celebrate our class Mass with Fr Shaun on the theme of Remembrance. It was a beautiful Mass, with fantastic answers given by the children during the Homily. Thank you to those who read so well and to Ava, Heston and Emilia for sharing their very moving poems in our post-Communion reflection.

To make the most of the glorious autumnal weather we had this week, the class did an autumn scavenger hunt in the grounds, and used their finds to make a piece of autumn nature art.

In PE, we started hockey sessions with Miss Pringle. This week’s focus was all about keeping possession. The class are looking forward to developing their skills over the coming weeks.

Here is this week’s home learning:

Maths Task assigned on Mathletics:

·         Simplifying fractions

·         Equivalent fractions on a number line

Reading 30 minutes on
Spellings This half term’s spelling words revisit the official Year 5/6 Statutory Spelling List:
















SPaG Tasks assigned on

·         Direct speech punctuation (B)

·         Apostrophes & plurals (B)

Enjoy your weekend.

Miss Donatantonio