Autumn 2 Week 1

Welcome back. I hope you all had a wonderful half term. This week we have begun our new English unit on Ernest Shackleton’s  expedition on the Endurance. The children have been captivated by this survival story and even wrote letters of application, explaining why they would be an asset the the voyage. In maths we have been learning how to multiply by 10, 100 and 1000. We have worked hard to understand the place value change that happens and have applied this knowledge to multiply decimals.

Along with the rest of the school, Year 5 learnt about Judaism for Other Faith Week. We focused on Bar and Bat Mitzvah’s and what this right of passage means to a Jewish child.

In PE, Year 5 have been learning about possession and passing in hockey. They have learnt how to hold the stick correctly and move the ball with ease.

During our Karate lesson, Sensei challenged the children to see how many kicks they could do. Our champion was Freddie with a whopping 43!We’re hoping it will be the school record.

On Wednesday, Year 5 went outside and learnt how to measure the size and age of a tree.

Have a wonderful weekend


Mrs Lines


Home learning:



Spellings Week 1- New sheets have been given.

Readtheory- 10 tests