Autumn 2 Week 1
Welcome back, I hope you had a great half term. Our author this month is Anthony Browne. In our English lessons, we have been reading the story Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne. We described how the characters were feeling before and after they went to the park. Then we sequenced the story and added captions. The children have been painting pictures of the story, building their own parks and writing about their own experiences in a park.
In Maths we have been adding by counting on using a number line. We have played games using dice and a number line, making sure we count on from the next number.
In Science we investigated the different eye colours in our class. We started by predicting what we thought was the most popular colour and then we made a pictogram to show the most popular eye colour. Brown is the most popular eye colour in Year 1. What is the most popular eye colour in your house?
We continued the karate lessons. The children loved the new movements and counting to ten in Japanese.
In PE we danced liked fireworks. We did spiral movements, circle movements, quick fireworks, slow fireworks and our PE T- shirts helped us to make different colour fireworks.
In Religion, we have been learning about the Jewish religion, we learnt about a special ceremony called the Bar Mitzvah. Then we made poppies and learnt about Remembrance Day.
In the front of your child’s reading record there is a sticker with your child’s google classroom username and password. You will need this if the class or school has to close due to isolation.
Home Learning
Reading and Spelling
Read Anthony Browne books at home or on youtube.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Carey