Spring 1 Week 2

This week, Year 5 have proven themselves to be highly independent learners. In history, they generated their own enquiry question based on the Vikings and used books and the internet to answer it. They then chose how to communicate their findings. It was wonderful to see such a range of ways of showing what they had learnt, such as reports, posters and even a fiction story. In Science, the children used their knowledge of dissolving to create their own fair test investigation based on how long it would take for the colour to dissolve from a skittle. Year 5 considered a range of variables to help them ensure that their test was fair. They then independently ran it and skilfully measured, reported and interpreted the data they received. It was wonderful to watch them complete their learning and show their maturity and show real deep thinking.

In maths, we have come to the end of our mental calculation unit. To conclude, we sorted a range of calculations by the most appropriate strategy.

It was wonderful to receive the result of our RE inspection this week. The children are a huge part of this success as they consistently show great reverence and commitment to learning about their faith. It was an excellent outcome for our whole school community.


Have a restful weekend


Mrs Lines


Home learning:

Mathletics, Spag.com, 10 readtheory.org tests and week 2 spellings.

Week 2: 17th January

This week, the children continued their RE work on People of prayer and from reading Matthew’s Gospel, learnt about the Sermon on the Mount, acting out the story and what Jesus spoke about in the Beatitudes.  They also examined the Beatitudes.

In Maths, the children continued their numberwork on factors and have continued to work hard in learning their timetables.

In Science, they investigated a dancing raisin experiment to teach them about states of matter and the children thoroughly enjoyed observing the raisins.  They could see the bubbles stick to the rough surface of a raisin with the raisin being lifted because of the increase in buoyancy.

In PE they continued with their dance session and in drumming with Kaz, they continued to develop their understanding of music notation and played a three part djembe piece.


It was a pleasure to hear how our wonderful school received its outstanding judgement showing the outstanding commitment of all members of our school community through our home, school and parish partnership.  We are proud that our pupils’ behaviour and their living out of the Gospel values were recognised and thank you for your continued support.


Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs McNamara and Mrs Dunning



Revise their 6- and 7-times tables. Design a rap to help you learn your 6 or 7 tables.


SPAG.com – log on to complete two activities on apostrophes.

Spellings: words ending ‘ture’

mixture, adventure, capture, feature, moisture, nature, picture, vulture, creature, fracture, puncture, culture



Year 2 Blog Week 16

Welcome back everyone!

I hope you had a lovey Christmas and I wish you every blessing for this new year ahead.

It has been a busy first week back in Year 2. We have been focusing on the celebration of the feast of the Epiphany. The children examined the story of the wise men visiting the baby Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel and we thought very carefully about what their gifts revealed about Jesus.

During our class Act of Worship, the children thought about what gift they will bring to our school and their homes this year.

Congratulations to Vincent – 1st Place winner of the Knights of St Columba’s Nativity Art Competition. 

Home Learning:

Spellings: Rule 6 – write, written, wrote, wrong, wrap, wrapper, wreck, wrestle, wrinkle and wrist.

Year 2 common exception words: door, because, mind, child, most.

Mathletics: Statistics.

Have a peaceful weekend,

Miss Davey

Reception Spring Term Week 1

Happy New Year!

It has been wonderful to welcome the children back this week. They have delighted us with tales of their wonderful Christmas celebrations and experiences over the holidays.

This week, we started our new topic- Fairy Tales and began our week focussing on the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. This will continue into next week, due to the shorter week.

The class have written letters of apology to the bears on behalf of Goldilocks, they have also made puppets and masks, which they used to retell the story, and they have made bears with moving parts. Reception have also taken part in hot seating the different characters from the story and have written their own versions.

With the help of the adults, the children have turned the outside role play shed into a fairy tale cottage. They have had lots of fun inside retelling the story of Goldilocks and have used props made during Child Initiated Learning to enhance their role play.

Today, Reception joined the rest of the school in a special assembly to celebrate the Epiphany, where they wore their very special Epiphany crowns.

Next week, we will be starting Phase 3 Letters and Sounds. Children will once again need to bring their phonics books into school and complete their home learning every day. Thank you for your continued support!

PE has moved to Wednesday afternoon. If your child wears school shoes rather than trainers, please provide them with some suitable foot wear. Thank you!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer

Spring 1, Week 1

Happy New Year,

It has been wonderful welcoming Nathalie and the rest of year 3, back to school this week.

We have celebrated Epiphany throughout the week;  making crowns and cards and exploring the meaning of the gifts given to Jesus by the Magi.

In science we have predicted and tested the permeability of soil, which was a lot of fun. Next week we will be start the topic ‘light’, investigating shadow and how light travels.

During geography, we have learnt what volcanoes are and where they can be found in the world. We have begun to learn a volcano dance in P.E. and are reading The Firework Makers Daughter in English, where the main character has to travel into a volcano!

Home learning

Spelling: Homophones and near homophones.

scent, sent, vain, vein, rode, road, steel, steal, waist, waste.

Reading – 10 minutes daily. The children can now record their independent reading too.

Geography: Please research a particular volcano or volcanoes in general and create a fact file, poster or PowerPoint about it/them. Bbc bitesize has some wonderful clips and shttps://www.theschoolrun.com/homework-help/volcanoes has lots of information to support you.

Any writing should be completed in pencil or a blue handwriting pen please.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Pringle

Spring 1 Week 1

Happy New Year! It has been wonderful to welcome the children back and hear all about their exiting Christmases. In Year 5, we have thrown ourselves back into our learning. In maths we are now focusing on mental calculation methods for multiplication and division, whilst in English we are now studying mystery and suspense.

Today in assembly we listened as the Year 6s spoke about the Magi visiting Jesus after his birth. In the classroom, we built on this learning to understand that this is one of 3 epiphanies that happen over the Christmas season. We considered what each epiphany teaches us about God and the incarnation.

Today, we concluded our Viking learning from last term by generating our own lines of enquiry and researching them. It has been fascinating to see what has taken the children’s interest about this time in British history.

Home Learning:



Readtheory.org. Children must now complete 10 tests per week.

Spellings-Week 1 Spelling sheets were handed out today.

Week 1: 10th January

Happy New Year! The children have returned to school ready for the new term.

On behalf of myself and Ms Varga we thank you for your kind gifts to us this Christmas and hope that you have a blessed new year in 2020.

This afternoon, the children had the first of their three dance sessions and thoroughly enjoyed working on movements that will lead to creating their Roman dance!

In In RE the children had a wonderful act of worship which focused on the meaning of the Epiphany and the gifts that they will bring with them into the new year.  Each child was given a special box to take home today holding their special gift. As part of the celebration in assembly today, they also made crowns which were a wonderful sight to see.

In Maths the children have continued to build arrays and how they can assist them in learning about their times tables.  As well as having times table challenges against the clock, the children rehearsed and recalled multiplication facts;making links and spotting patterns.

In English working on developing their sentences whilst writing a setting.

Next Wednesday the children will be going swimming and their PE sessions this term will be on a Friday afternoon.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara

Homework is:


Revise the 7 timestables.

Click on this link if you would like to find out information about the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Test

Reading: updating their logs.  The children need to bring into school their reading logs and reading books this week as we restart our Guided Reading sessions for the new year.


g spelt gu

guitar, guide, guard, guidebook, guest, guardian, guarantee, guess, guilt, guilty, guinea, guild

Year 6 – 10/01/20

Happy New Year and welcome back! Year 6 have jumped straight back into their learning: in RE, we have learnt about the three epiphanies; in maths, we were building our understanding on number magnitude with fractions; in English, the children have been practising their reading comprehension skills; and in science, the children carried out investigations about light.

Here are some of the questions the children answered on the topic of light:

  • How do we see things?
  • How do mirrors help us see objects?
  • Why do shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them?
  • Do darker objects make darker shadows?
  • Does distance from a light source affect the size of the shadow?

This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 14th January) is as follows:

English Please spend a minimum of 20 minutes on readtheory.org/
Spellings Visit login.readiwriter.com/ and practise Adding suffixes to words ending in –fer’












Times tables

Questions on equivalent fractions:

·         CGP Year 6 book p. 18

·         CGP Year 5 book pp. 28


Continue to revise all times tables.

Spring Term – Week 1

Happy New Year!

The children have settled back into class well. We started the week with a  Act of Worship on the Epiphany. The children thought of gifts they will bring to 2020.

In Maths we have been learning to make totals in different ways. The children have explored the many ways we can make the number 7 with counters.

In English our story is The Last Noo– Noo by Jill Murphy. We talked about things the children had at home that were special to them. The children have been hot seating the different characters and asking and answering questions that we might ask the characters.

In Science we predicted the temperature of different bowls of water then we used a thermometer to measure the temperature.

Home Learning

Sounds of the week are oy, ir and ue. Please practise reading and writing words with these sounds in.

Maths– Please practise recalling the number bonds to 10.

Spellings—oo (zoo, pool, food, moon, soon, there, what)

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Carey