Spring 1 Week 2

This week, Year 5 have proven themselves to be highly independent learners. In history, they generated their own enquiry question based on the Vikings and used books and the internet to answer it. They then chose how to communicate their findings. It was wonderful to see such a range of ways of showing what they had learnt, such as reports, posters and even a fiction story. In Science, the children used their knowledge of dissolving to create their own fair test investigation based on how long it would take for the colour to dissolve from a skittle. Year 5 considered a range of variables to help them ensure that their test was fair. They then independently ran it and skilfully measured, reported and interpreted the data they received. It was wonderful to watch them complete their learning and show their maturity and show real deep thinking.

In maths, we have come to the end of our mental calculation unit. To conclude, we sorted a range of calculations by the most appropriate strategy.

It was wonderful to receive the result of our RE inspection this week. The children are a huge part of this success as they consistently show great reverence and commitment to learning about their faith. It was an excellent outcome for our whole school community.


Have a restful weekend


Mrs Lines


Home learning:

Mathletics, Spag.com, 10 readtheory.org tests and week 2 spellings.