Reception Spring Term Week 1

Happy New Year!

It has been wonderful to welcome the children back this week. They have delighted us with tales of their wonderful Christmas celebrations and experiences over the holidays.

This week, we started our new topic- Fairy Tales and began our week focussing on the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. This will continue into next week, due to the shorter week.

The class have written letters of apology to the bears on behalf of Goldilocks, they have also made puppets and masks, which they used to retell the story, and they have made bears with moving parts. Reception have also taken part in hot seating the different characters from the story and have written their own versions.

With the help of the adults, the children have turned the outside role play shed into a fairy tale cottage. They have had lots of fun inside retelling the story of Goldilocks and have used props made during Child Initiated Learning to enhance their role play.

Today, Reception joined the rest of the school in a special assembly to celebrate the Epiphany, where they wore their very special Epiphany crowns.

Next week, we will be starting Phase 3 Letters and Sounds. Children will once again need to bring their phonics books into school and complete their home learning every day. Thank you for your continued support!

PE has moved to Wednesday afternoon. If your child wears school shoes rather than trainers, please provide them with some suitable foot wear. Thank you!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer