Week 1: 10th January
Happy New Year! The children have returned to school ready for the new term.
On behalf of myself and Ms Varga we thank you for your kind gifts to us this Christmas and hope that you have a blessed new year in 2020.
This afternoon, the children had the first of their three dance sessions and thoroughly enjoyed working on movements that will lead to creating their Roman dance!
In In RE the children had a wonderful act of worship which focused on the meaning of the Epiphany and the gifts that they will bring with them into the new year. Each child was given a special box to take home today holding their special gift. As part of the celebration in assembly today, they also made crowns which were a wonderful sight to see.
In Maths the children have continued to build arrays and how they can assist them in learning about their times tables. As well as having times table challenges against the clock, the children rehearsed and recalled multiplication facts;making links and spotting patterns.
In English working on developing their sentences whilst writing a setting.
Next Wednesday the children will be going swimming and their PE sessions this term will be on a Friday afternoon.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs McNamara
Homework is:
Revise the 7 timestables.
Click on this link if you would like to find out information about the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Test
Reading: updating their logs. The children need to bring into school their reading logs and reading books this week as we restart our Guided Reading sessions for the new year.
g spelt gu
guitar, guide, guard, guidebook, guest, guardian, guarantee, guess, guilt, guilty, guinea, guild