Spring 1, Week 1

Happy New Year,

It has been wonderful welcoming Nathalie and the rest of year 3, back to school this week.

We have celebrated Epiphany throughout the week;  making crowns and cards and exploring the meaning of the gifts given to Jesus by the Magi.

In science we have predicted and tested the permeability of soil, which was a lot of fun. Next week we will be start the topic ‘light’, investigating shadow and how light travels.

During geography, we have learnt what volcanoes are and where they can be found in the world. We have begun to learn a volcano dance in P.E. and are reading The Firework Makers Daughter in English, where the main character has to travel into a volcano!

Home learning

Spelling: Homophones and near homophones.

scent, sent, vain, vein, rode, road, steel, steal, waist, waste.

Reading – 10 minutes daily. The children can now record their independent reading too.

Geography: Please research a particular volcano or volcanoes in general and create a fact file, poster or PowerPoint about it/them. Bbc bitesize has some wonderful clips and shttps://www.theschoolrun.com/homework-help/volcanoes has lots of information to support you.

Any writing should be completed in pencil or a blue handwriting pen please.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Pringle