Year 2

Welcome back, I hope you had a wonderful Easter holiday.

This week in English, we have focused on reading comprehension and SPaG activities. While in maths we have revised telling the time to o’clock, quarter past, half past, quarter to and the nearest 5 minutes.

We have also enjoyed looking for signs of Spring and reading Matthew’s story of the Resurrection.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning

A activity has been set. Please support your child with this.

Mathletics activities on time have been set.

Please read and sign your records.


Year 1 Summer Term Week 1

Welcome to the Summer Term in Year 1.

Religious Education
This week we celebrated the Rising of Jesus on Easter Sunday. The children worked hard to retell the story, then write it themselves before designing beautiful pictures to represent the cross.

The children worked well together to change our prayer space from the purple Lent to the white and Gold for Easter.


The children enjoyed learning all about money this week but were a little disappointed to find our resources were pretend plastic money rather than real coins! The children learnt how to recognise the different coins, order them in their values, use different coins to make the different amounts and even how to use money to pay for ice cream! Again, very disappointed when they found out the ice cream was made of tissue paper!

-Your child has their latest piece of writing from our English unit ‘The Last Noo-noo’. Please let them share it with you.
– I do not need any of the learning back- it is additional to support learning at home: -ed, -ing, -es and –s endings and high frequency spelling and handwriting practise.
-Mathletics has been set for money activities.
-Please remember to bring reading books in daily.

Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you all Monday.

Miss Lambie

Wednesdays- Swimming
Friday- P.E.

Friday, 21st April 2023

I hope you all  had a restful and healthy Easter Holiday! It has been lovely to welcome the children back in class and it is fair to say that we had a busy first 5 days.

On Tuesday, we started our tennis unit in PE led by Mr Mills practicing our grip and revising our technique and basic rallying skills.

On Wednesday, we started our new computing unit of Programming, where the children used ‘Logo’ and wrote their own simple code snippet to programme their ‘Logo Turtles’.

On Thursday afternoon, the class also participated in their first percussion music session with great enthusiasm.

In Maths, we looked at adding and subtracting fractions with regrouping whilst in Writing, we started our new unit of explanation text by explaining how some of Wallace and Grommit’s crazy contraptions work.

In Science we introduced Electricity as our new area of learning and in RE, we investigated Matthew’s Gospel about the Resurrection and explained how his words form our beliefs in Jesus. In History, the class moved on to the Tudors whilst in D&T the children created design briefs to start their electricity powered bedside lantern project.

Just a quick note to confirm that our PE days this term will be Mondays and Tuesdays, so children need to come in their PE kits on those days. Please may I also remind you that we need a  photograph of each child to be displayed on our Special Diversity display board. It’s a beautiful area in our hall celebrating our roots, inheritance and language and it is important that all children are represented. Please only send pictures that you are happy to stay in school.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning:

Spelling:     Set 24- Challenge words

Reading:  Please complete 2 activities and update your reading log

Multiplication: Please sepnd 15-20 mins practicing your tables.

Study Ladder: Complete the tasks in your assigned pod all related to adding fractions wit the same denominator. Although the activities are labelled as y5, they are appropriate for our unit.



Summer 1 Week 1

I hope you had a wonderful Easter holidays.

In English, we read and compared ‘Words are Ours’ and The Magic Box’ poems. Then the children practised reading and performing The Magic Box. They focused on reading with expression, emphasising key words and showing emotions in their face. Then the children used the items that they bought in from home to plan their own poem about their favourite memories. In Design and Technology, they began looking at boxes to support their planning and making of their own magic box.

In Maths, the children have been learning to add and subtraction fractions though problem solving. The children have used cubes and pictures to support their understanding.

In Religion, we have been focusing on Matthew’s story of the Resurrection. The children analysed the text and identified the beliefs that Catholics have frim this story.

For PE for this term, Mr Mills will be teaching the children tennis. The children enjoyed their first lesson and I was impressed with their ball skills. PE days continue to be on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Home Learning

Spellings Spelling shed and write words in handwriting books.

teacher, catcher, richer, stretcher, watcher, dispatcher, butcher, preacher, cruncher and scorcher

Mathletics Complete activities
Studyladder Complete activities
Timetables Rockstars Please practise 3, 4 and 8 timetables.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Maths Learning Friday 21st April

FOCUS:   Fractions

Do have a go at completing the revision power point on fractions and hand your results into Mrs McNamara by Tuesday.  Good luck!!

Click here

Revision Aids


1.      Fraction,Decimal Equivalence             Answers

2.      Multi-step Problem Solving                       Answers

2D and 3D shapes                                          Answers

3D   shapes, Volume and  Nets                           Answers


Thursday 20th April 

Focus: Division

Division Problems  Mental Maths    click here

Click here for the link on division questions      Part 1

Mental Maths focus:  Click here

Friday 21st April

Click here for the work on translation and reflection

Paper – Click here    1   2    3