This week the children finished writing their poems on The Magic Box about their own memories. Then they wrote the poems in neat for our class display. The children followed the structure that Kit Wright used by adding alliteration, prepositions and expanded noun phrases. In Art the children followed instructions to draw a treasure chest.
In Maths, the children have been solving problems by adding and subtracting fractions. They have demonstrated their understanding using resources and drawing pictures.
In Religion, the children imagined they were at the Resurrection and took turns asking and answering questions to one of the people who were there. They thought carefully about how people would have felt and what they might have thought.
Year 6 have continued with their revision programme and have been pleased with the progress they have made. Well done to the whole class for maintaining such great focus throughout the activities.
On Tuesday, Year 6 took part in a PE session with Miss Pringle where they developed their rounders skills. On Thursday the children created animal masks, with Mrs Poyiadzis showing them how to make it as realistic as possible.
In RE, the children looked at Mathew’s account of the Resurrection and described the beliefs we gain from it.
This week, there is a whole school home learning task so please look for details in the newsletter. We were unable to complete our weekly spelling test today, as we completed the 2018 SPaG paper. Children should continue to practise these words and they will be tested on Wednesday.
Wishing you a wonderful long weekend
Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara
Tuesday morning maths enrichment will go ahead. There will be no afternoon enrichment next week. Joyce Joyce2023-04-28 16:30:492023-04-28 15:48:53Friday 28th April 2023
The children in Year 4, moved on to adding and subtracting fractions beyond whole using bar models and consolidated that learning in different playful ways throughout the week, for example by creating their own board games. In English, they practiced using causal conjunctions and prepositions to sequence their explanations whilst also thinking about possible inventions for their final piece.
In Science, the class looked at appliances running on electricity and thought about what electricity changes in those (sound, light, heat or movement). In RE, they compared Luke’s and Matthew’s accounts of the Resurrection, interpreting their beliefs with an understanding of their audience.
In tennis, the children moved on to back-hand hits and in Computing, they debugged their codes for writing their initials in Logo. We also started decorating our classroom ahead of the Coronation and will complete lots of activities related to that monumental event next week.
On Wednesday, 3rd May we will participate in workshops to celebrate National Sports Day, so please come in your full PE kits . Also on Friday, 5th May, the children will celebrate the Coronation in school, therefore they are invited to wear red, white and blue for the day.
(Apologies for the lack of photographs this week, I am experiencing some technical issues.)
This week, we began our new English unit based on Lewis Carroll’s nonsense poem, The Jabberwocky. The children have enjoyed performing it and trying to make sense of the nonsense words, and even had a go at writing their own nonsense poem on Wednesday!
We also began our new Art unit, Mixed Media Land And City Scapes, and this week used black fineliners to draw what we saw outside.
Enjoy your extra-long weekend, and I’ll see you on Wednesday to begin our learning on the Coronation!
This week the children recalled the events of Holy week and reflected on how Mary, the disciples and the crowds would have been feeling at different points in the week.
Year 1 have been enjoying following successful and unsuccessful instructions this week based on ‘How to wash a Woolly Mammoth. They learnt about different types of sentences to use: command, exclamation, statement and question and worked well to group them.
Year 1 worked hard with their new knowledge of 2p, 5p and 10p and applied it to counting in multiples of 2,5 and 10 this week. Additional Maths links to practise multiplication fluency:
Year 1 started their new topic ‘Data Handling’. Year 1 enjoyed collecting lots of objects from the classroom and working together to decide what their categories should be before they made labels for them. They then had to group the objects into pairs and they were able to practise their multiplication too!
-Your child has their days of the week spellings to practise with you at home.
– We revised silent letters this week: wr, kn, mb, gn so I have sent some games home to practise with.
-Please remember to bring reading books in daily.
Have a lovely long weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on:
Wednesday 3rd May- P.E. kits and swimming + bring in your Charles III learning.
Friday 5th May – Wear red, white and blue or Kings/Queens for the King Charles celebrations.
Miss Lambie
Wednesdays- Swimming
Friday- P.E. (NOT THIS WEEK, wear red, white and blue for Kind Charles) Heymoz Heymoz2023-04-28 15:30:082023-04-27 08:10:50Year 1 Summer Term Week 2
This week the children received a letter about a dragon that has been spotted in Potters Bar, which was caught on CCTV outside our school! The children have been gathering clues and writing about their findings. Watch out for the dragon this weekend.
Our Art lesson this week has been inspired by the dragon too. The children have sketched dragons and designed detailed dragon eyes.
In Maths, the children have been solving time problems and identified properties of 2D shapes.
In PE, the children have been learning to hit forehand shots in tennis.
Please see the newsletter for the whole school home learning project about the Kings coronation.
Reception have had lots of fun learning about St George and the Dragon this week. Some of the children had been to a St George’s Day parade or other celebration on Sunday and were able to articulate what they knew already about him.
The class enjoyed acting out the story, making props and creating their own dragons from a variety of media. They also had fun thinking and writing about how they would get rid of a dragon from the village.
Thank you to all the parents who were able to pop along to the drop-in reading session on Tuesday. We look forward to seeing you again next Tuesday.
Finally, thank you for all the lovely birthday wishes this morning; it was a wonderful way to start the day!
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,
Ms Pemberton and the Reception Team
Please see the newsletter for some optional whole school home learning. Joyce Joyce2023-04-24 08:00:342023-04-27 00:32:28Learning Aids for week beginning 24th April (24th April to 28th April)
Welcome back! We hope you and your family had a restful Easter break.
This week, Year 6 have begun a revision programme to support them in preparing for the upcoming tests. The children have been fantastic in identifying their areas for development and have shown a really mature attitude to their learning and subject knowledge.
In RE we have looked at the resurrection story using Matthew’s gospel. In English, we watched an animation called Broken: Rock, Paper, Scissors. The writing outcomes based on this have been really impressive and incorporated so many of the skills we have learnt this year.
We were lucky enough to be able to use the field this week for PE. We looked at throwing for accuracy.
This afternoon members of the choir joined many members of the Our Lady and St Vincent community to congratulate Sr Margaret on her 60 years of being a Sister of Mercy. The children were given a thank you gift for their lovely singing which was complimented by many of the people there including Sr Margaret. The children in class wrote special prayers and thank yous to Sr Margaret and some of these are on display in the church porch area. Do have a look at these when you have time .
We give thanks to Sr Margaret’s sixty years of religious life – sharing the love of God with those whom she has served over the years. With grateful hearts, we ask God to continue to bless her and allow her to continue to serve Him in love. Amen.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara
Home Learning:
For a whole school display, please can your child bring in a picture of themselves which will be photocopied and returned. Thank you.
Spellings on spelling shed. activities set
Some revision support: see below
Maths: Look back over this last week’s revision aids that we have used in class (see the class blogs section) and ensure you have understood the questions covered.
Log onto your Mathletics account and see what activities have been set for you.
TTRS – log on and ensure your recall speed is improving!! Joyce Joyce2023-04-21 17:00:522023-04-23 22:33:24Friday 21st April 2023
We hope you all had a wonderful Easter. It was lovely to see the children on Monday morning, full of excitement and telling us lots of lovely stories about their two week break.
We began the week by introducing the children to our new RE topic- From Easter to Pentecost. The children heard the story of the Resurrection of Jesus and then demonstrated their understanding of the story by creating their own representations of the empty tomb.
In English, the book focus has been ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ by Maurice Sendak. The story focuses on a young boy named Max who, after dressing in his wolf costume, wreaks such havoc through his household that he is sent to bed without his supper. Max’s bedroom undergoes a mysterious transformation into a jungle environment, and he winds up sailing to an island inhabited by monsters, simply called the Wild Things.
The class had so much fun pretending to be Wild Things and going on a wild rumpus. They also made costumes to wear, created and wrote about their own monsters and made models of things that travel on and under the sea.
In maths learning this week, the children have been representing numbers to 20 in different ways, matching amounts to the correct numerals and building numbers to 20 and beyond.
We would like to invite all Reception parents/carers to come and join us for a weekly drop-in reading session, starting next week. This will take place every Tuesday at 2.45pm. Please enter the school through the main entrance next to the office. Please note, you do not need to commit to coming every week and your child will not be on their own if you or someone from your family cannot make it.