Friday 13th January 2023

Happy New Year!


On Monday we returned to school and celebrated the feast of the Epiphany. The children wore the crowns they made at the end of last year and thought about what gifts they could bring to the world, like the Magi brought gifts to Jesus.

In both English and Maths, Year 6 took part in assessments to help guide us in where our learning will go next. In D&T, the children have been busy at work cutting and sewing their own phone cases. Our Science learning this week has focused on reflection. We explored which material was the best reflector and looked for patterns in reflecting images. The focus for PE this half term will be gymnastics.

Today we were reunited with our reading partners. There were plenty of smiles and laughs as they caught up after the break.

Have a restful weekend.


Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


Home Learning:

  • Complete the task on
  • Read for 20 minutes daily.
  • Spellings can be found on spelling shed.
  • Complete activities set on mathletics.
  • TT rockstars


Wednesday 21st December, 2022

The autumn term has come  an end. It has been a busy first term in Year 6 but wonderful to share so many events with our community. We wish you and all your families, peace and joy this Christmas time and thank you for the generous gifts we have received from you.

This week in RE the children have learnt more about the Jesse Tree in our daily class worship and today looked at Matthew’s gospel (1:18 – 2:6) and examined what names for Jesus Matthew used.  The children examined their thoughts on the names and took these and created word art.


On Tuesday the children made chocolate star biscuits and decorated them.  I do not think any made the journey home…the children were busy nibbling at them in the afternoon!


As promised, here are the pictures of the children enjoying the snow at school.


Loving God, as we wait for the birth of Jesus at Christmas, we give thanks for the wonderful gift of new life. We
pray for all parents around the world and for their children, that they will be healthy, happy and love one another.
“The Birth of Jesus brings us the good news that we are loved immensely and uniquely by God.” Pope Francis

We wish you and all your family, peace and joy at Christmas time.  See you in the new year!

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines



Friday 16th December, 2022

This week has been another busy one!

The children have braved the cold days following the snowfall on Sunday evening and have enjoyed playing in the snow.

The children have been dressed in their Christmas best for both the Christmas lunch on Wednesday and for today’s christmas celebrations.  They have met Santa in his grotto, had dancing competitions, christmas party games (Christmas whispers, christmas musical statues, christmas musical chairs to name a few!).  Alongside all of this, they had been devising the longest paper chain decoration and today, joined them all together as one chain!  The chain we feel could probably stretch from the classroom down to the main hall so congratulations to them for making the classroom feel festive.  The snowflakes have been designed so intricately too.

On Thursday, the children walked with their reception partners down to the Wyllotts to see the pantomime of Dick Whittington. Their reception partners were so delighted to have the oldest children in the school sit beside them during the performance, keeping them company and watching over them.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


Snow Day – Monday 12th December

Dear Year 6,

We can imagine the sight that has greeted you this morning….a blanket of snow for you to enjoy! Below are the activities that we would like for you to do today.  Remember, wrap up warm when you are out and enjoy this special day!!

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


Activities for today:

Make a snowman and take a picture!

This week, we are going to be decorating our classroom so if you can, make snowflakes (or any Christmas decoration) to decorate the classroom.  Use the links below to help you get some ideas –  Click on the image.     

Maths work today is going over multiplying fractions (not snow themed I’m afraid!!)

Log onto times table rockstars and compete with others across the globe!

Starter:  Click here

Fractions: multiplying fractions by integers

Additional Challenge on Fractions:  Fractions in Context

English:  Use your Alma writing skills to create a description of your garden or local park. Remember to shampoo it!
S- simile
H- hyperbole
A- alliteration
M- metaphor
P- personification
O- onomatopoeia
O- oxymoron

Be ready to share your descriptions in class.

Science:  Science Investigation

Run a science investigation on snow- place a scoop of snow in different locations (e.g in the shade, in full sun (if there is any), inside your house/flat, in the shed) and observe which one melts first.

Snow news!! 

Watch Newsround to find out about the snow that has fallen last night and today.

Research how much snow has fallen across the globe…especially in the UK and record the data in a table.  We’ll combine your research as a class and draw a graph to show your findings.


Friday, 9th December 2022


The highlight of this week  was the Advent service.  The class through their singing, acting and reading showed how they made this years Advent service special for everyone.

The children clearly shone in their given roles – we are very proud of how they led the Advent service and supported each class with their singing, making the focus on Pilgrimage all the more special.  Well done Year 6!

This week in Maths the children have been introduced to multiplying fractions with fractions or integers .  In our morning prayer and reflection, we have continued to focus on the Jesse tree and have learnt more about Jesus’ ancestors. In English, the children have completed the final story for the Alma unit. The quality of the description and language has been outstanding and the variety of sentence structures has shown their progress so far this year. We will be writing these up next week. Our English topic in January will be based around the Spiderwick Chronicles, so we encourage the children to read the five-part set in preparation. There is also a film based on the books they could watch.

This week, the travelling nativity visited the Year 3 Classroom.  Thank you to Caroline, Vihaan, Kian, Tymon and Johanna who led this prayer service and Lorcan who assisted them with this.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines.


This week’s home learning:

TTRs please log on and practice your times tables.

Mathletics – complete the assigned activities on fractions.

Spellings- spelling shed



Friday 2nd December, 2022

This week in Year 6 we have been busy with not only their learning but practising for the Advent Service which Year 6 have a lead role in.  We have been down to the church this week to practice our parts and solos and the children are refining their roles to ensure that this special event goes well. Well done to those children who have learnt their words by heart either for their singing or their reading part.

In English, the children have  learnt about the subjunctive form and are deep into the end of their writing unit based on the animated version of Alma.  In Maths they have continued their work on fractions and  problem solving. In Science, the children have explored shadows and have developed their understanding of their movement. In RE, the children have been enthusiastic in focusing on the Jesse Tree and have been adding a bauble each day to the school and class Jesse Tree.  The Jesse Tree is a bit like an Advent calendar, but using a daily Bible story about someone in Jesus’ family tree to help children prepare spiritually as they move towards Christmas. We have also spent time as a class discussing the children’s understanding of the story of the birth of Jesus before we examine the Gospels of Luke and Matthew in our next lesson.  In French, the children were introduced to the eight points of a compass and have practised forming sentences to describe towns in relation to where they are from each other.

This week our choir members went along to do carol singing and they were complimented by the people who listened to them and watched them.  We also welcomed the Bishop John Sherrington on Thursday to our school.  Our liturgy leaders greeted him when he arrived and he visited our class to chat with them about his role as bishop and to answer the many interesting questions that the children asked him.  Well done to Kian, Elle, Arthur, VJ, Ela-Maria, Oskar and Violet who stood up and posed their question.


Today, mad hair day, the children came in proud styles that have not only been admired by their peers but by the rest of the children in the school.


A BIG thank you for those of you who have already sent in items for the class hamper; the collection is still carrying on so if you can, please send in a blue item to contribute to the raffle for FOPPS.

The home learning is mentioned below.  Wishing you and your family a lovely weekend as we move into the second week of advent.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines



If your child is one of the people listed below in the Advent service, please can they bring into school black trousers/leggings and a black top (short or long sleeved) .  If they wish to bring in further props for their part, please ensure that they are in a bag clearly marked with their name.  If your child is: Mary or a Star, please can they wear a white top and white leggings/trousers.  Thank you you.

ROLES for the Advent Service:   Joseph, Herod, Wisemen, Chief Priest, Teacher, children who hold the stable prop. 

Home Learning :

Please practice your Advent Service song lyrics, your own lines or lyrics if you are singing a solo.

Spelling– please use  your Edshed account to practice this week’s spelling words.

Times tables– please log onto your TTRs Account and spend 20 minutes practicing your facts.

Mathletics:  log onto your account to complete the work set for you this week.

SPaG– Activity set on


Friday 25th November 2022

Preparations for the Advent Service have been well underway this week. Today we even had the chance to head up to church for a rehearsal. Year 6 take a central role for this event and we have been impressed with how well it is coming together. Be sure to continue to practise lines and songs at home.

In English, we have continued to build vocabulary and improve sentence structure in preparation for our end of unit piece. This week, we looked at the story as a duel narrative and considered the events from the dolls perspective. In science, now that we understand that light travels in a straight line, we investigated how images reach our eyes. Year 6 identified that without light, it is not possible and that what we see is due to the light reflecting off the object. The children created light free boxes to explore this, before adding small holes to introduce a light source.

Today we had our usual meet up with Reception Reading partners. It’s wonderful to se how much these relationships have grown. The room is always buzzing with chatter and laughter when they are together. The Year 6 children do an incredible job of supporting the younger children.


Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara

Home learning:

Spellings on Spelling Shed

Practise lines and songs for the Advent Service.



Friday 18th November, 2022

This week has been antibullying week with Reach Out – Show Kindness being our focus.  The children spent time designing posters about the importance of team work and looked at scenarios where they talked about the importance of reaching out and looking to an adult for support if they needed it.  The class were mature with their answers and what approaches to take. Today, the children joined their reception buddies for a karate session and this afternoon, friendship afternoon, they met with their reception buddies. Each week, it is such a delight to see your child’s relationship develop with their reading partner.

In Design and Technology the children have continued with their designs doing a paper template of what they would like their mobile phone cover to look like.  In Maths we have continued with simplifying fractions.  In French we moved onto looking at distances from one french town to another.  The children have been working hard on their pronunciation of the french vocabulary introduced to them.  In English, we have been developing our understanding of mood and atmosphere and have considered how to show how our characters are feeling, without telling our reader. In Science they investigated how light travels in a straight line – the darkened classroom was a buzz of excitement during their investigation!

During the season of Advent one of the ways we can remember Jesus’ genealogy (all those who were part of Jesus’ family) is by making a Jesse Tree.  Jesse was King David’s father – a member of Jesus’ family, generations ago.  In RE the children looked again at Jesus’ Genealogy and Matthew’s Gospel and designed symbols for their Jesse trees.

The Key Stage Two Advent Service is fast approaching and the children who expressed an interest in singing a solo were given their lines today.  The songs and words are on the blog under a separate post.  Please encourage your child to learn their words.  The spoken parts will be allocated on Monday.

On Wednesday eleven children from Year 6 took part in the Primary Maths Challenge.  The children did well completing what is a difficult maths paper.  They will be awarded their certificates in next weeks assembly.  Well done to VJ, Kian, Nicholas, Finn, Vihaan, Hebe, Ben, Elle, Johanna, Max and Maria!

Wishing you and your family a lovely weekend ahead.

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


Home Learning:

Log onto TTRs (Timestable Rockstars) and practise your timestables.

This week’s spellings: ibly and ably words. Log into spelling shed activities.

Advent Service: please look at the separate blog and learn the words to the songs we will be singing. There are You Tube links alongside the words that have been uploaded.

Advent Service Songs

Please learn the words that are in bold.

Kindle A Flame

Kindle a flame to lighten the dark

and take all fear away.


Like A Candle Flame

Like a candle flame

Flickering small in our darkness

Uncreated light

Shines through infant eyes


God is with us, alleluia

Come to save us, alleluia



Stars and angels sing

Yet the earth sleeps in shadows

Can this tiny spark

Set a world on fire?


Yet his light shall shine

From our lives, Spirit blazing

As we touch the flame

Of his holy fire


The Angel Gabriel From Heaven Came

The angel Gabriel from heaven came,

His wings as drifted snow, his eyes as flame;

‘All hail,’ said he, ‘Thy lowly maiden Mary,’

Most highly favoured lady: Gloria!


‘For know, a blessed mother thou shall be,

All generations laud and honour thee,

Thy son shall be Emmanuel, by seers foretold,’

Most highly favoured lady: Gloria!


Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head,

‘To me be as it pleaseth God,’ she said,

‘My soul shall laud and magnify his holy name,’

Most highly favoured lady: Gloria!


Blessed One

O bright Mother of Mercy

So pure and so brave

We honour your virtue

And dignity praise


Every angel salutes you,

The Earth calls you blessed.

We look to you Mother,

For mercy and rest


Ave! Ave! Ave! Ave! Ave! Ave! Blessed one


God exalted you, daughter,

And called you in time

To offer your womb,

To bring forth the Divine


You were willing to serve

Though you knew not a man

You trusted in God

And said “Yes” to His plan


Ave! Ave! Ave! Ave! Ave! Ave! Blessed one


Your consent to God’s Spirit

Was fruitful and free

Accepting God’s Son

In a great mystery


For the Lord, you remained ever

Virgin in faith

Delivered from doubt

And assisted by grace


Ave! Ave! Ave! Ave! Ave! Ave! Blessed one


Now we hail you, O daughter

Of mercy and light

O pray we embrace peace

And good, love and right


You are splendid, enthroned

Above moon, star and Earth

O Queen of the Heavens

Your Son saved the world!


Ave! Ave! Ave! Ave! Ave! Ave! Blessed one


My Soul Glorifies The Lord

My soul glorifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices

My God forever he will be, bless his holy name.


He looks upon me his servant,

looks on me in my lowliness.

He works marvels for me,

Henceforth all ages call me blessed, call me blessed.


My soul glorifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices

My God forever he will be, bless his holy name.


He scatters the proud hearted,

casts the mighty from their thrones.

His mighty arm before me,

In strength he raises the lowly, raises the lowly.


My soul glorifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices

My God forever he will be, bless his holy name.


He fills the starving with plenty,

but empty sends the rich away.

From age to age his mercy,

The mercy promised us forever, promised forever.


My soul glorifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices

My God forever he will be, bless his holy name.


On The Road To Bethlehem

Joseph watched the campfire slowly burning out

And spread a blanket over Mary where she lay

He knelt down beside her on the ground

Bowed his head and he began to pray


Here we are on the road to Bethlehem

I promise you I’d take care of your son

Mary’s tired and I’m doing the best I can

And I’m trusting you from here to kingdom come


If I close my eyes and go to sleep

Please watch over both of them for me

on the road to Bethlehem


Mary felt the baby move and she woke up

she felt Joseph sleeping by her side

she reached out in the darkness and touched his hand

tried not to wake him as she cried


Here we are on the road to Bethlehem

I promised you I’d take care of your son

Joseph’s tired and I’m doing the best I can

And I’m trusting you from here to kingdom come


And, if I close my eyes and go to sleep

Please watch over both of them for me

On the road to Bethlehem


Joseph felt her crying and he reached out

Held her in his arms and they both prayed


Here we are on the road to Bethlehem

We promised you we’d take care of your son

And we’re so tired and we’re doing the best we can

And trusting you from here to kingdom


To watch over us and give us strength and peace

While the saviour of the whole world gently sleeps

On the road to Bethlehem


Love Shone Down

I had a dream that I was standing on a hillside
And all the lights of town
were shining far below
When up in the air beautiful voices
Sing a new song, let everyone know,

Oh and love shone down
over the hills and over the valleys,
Oh and love shone down over the world

Somebody spoke to me
I knew it was an angel
He said there’s something
that I think you ought to know.
Then he just smiled, said don’t be afraid now.
Sing a new song, let everyone know

Oh and love shone down
over the hills and over the valleys,
Oh and love shone down over the world

And then he told me all about the baby Jesus,
How to find him where exactly I should go.
Then he was joined by millions of others
Sing a new song, let everyone know

Oh and love shone down
over the hills and over the valleys,
Oh and love shone down over the world

Well did I dream or was I really on that hillside
On that Christmas night so very long ago,
When he was born Jesus our Saviour
Sing a new song let everyone know

Oh and love shone down
over the hills and over the valleys,
Oh and love shone down over the world


We Are Waiting

Light a candle in the darkness
And let it burn bright.
Advent is the season
To put all our wrongs to right.

Let’s fill the earth with light and hope,
Each and every day
For the birth of Jesus
Isn’t far away.

We are waiting, we are waiting
For the coming of our King.
For every face to have a smile
And every Christmas bell to ring.

We are waiting, we are waiting
For the birthday of our Lord.
We are waiting for the coming of the Word!

Like the people in the Bible
In the days of old.
The Son of God is coming
As the prophets have foretold.

Mighty God, Wonder Counsellor,
Emmanuel his name.
And the world will tell forever
Of his fame.

We are waiting, we are waiting
For the coming of our King.
For every face to have a smile
And every Christmas bell to ring.

We are waiting, we are waiting
For the birthday of our Lord.
We are waiting for the coming of the Word!

Friday 11th November, 2022

Our Design and Technology Lesson looking at design criterion


Our Mass of Remembrance.  A special thank you to Nicholas for assisting with the altar.


This week the children continued working in Maths on fractions simplifying and developing their understanding of equivalence.  In English we have begun our new English unit based on the animation Alma.  In RE the children spent time looking at Jesus’ genealogy using the start of Matthew’s Gospel.  They coped well with all the extremely difficult names they had to read about.  Our Design and Technology lesson on designing a mobile phone cover has been met with great enthusiasm and this week, the children talked about design criteria and started designing their own.

On Wednesday we had our class Mass on the theme of Remembrance.  A big thank you to all the class as they were very respectful during it and sang, read and carried out their roles with such maturity.

Today, we we took part in a very reflective remembrance pilgrimage through each classroom to remember family and friends who have died.  The children met with their reception buddies and accompanied them around the school starting in Reception and ending back in the Main Hall after visiting all classes , showing such reverence and respect – well done!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


Home Learning:

Maths:  Log onto Mathletics and complete the activities on place value and fractions.

TTRs:  Log on and continue to challenge your times table speed of recall.

SPAG: Log on to

Spellings for this week: dependable, comfortable, understandable, reasonable, enjoyable, reliable, possible, horibble, terrible, incredible.

Please note, children need their swimming kits and pyjamas for next week’s swimming lesson. Children can wear anything that is lightweight and covers full arms and legs. Tracksuit bottoms are not appropriate as they are too heavy when wet.