Friday 11th November, 2022

Our Design and Technology Lesson looking at design criterion


Our Mass of Remembrance.  A special thank you to Nicholas for assisting with the altar.


This week the children continued working in Maths on fractions simplifying and developing their understanding of equivalence.  In English we have begun our new English unit based on the animation Alma.  In RE the children spent time looking at Jesus’ genealogy using the start of Matthew’s Gospel.  They coped well with all the extremely difficult names they had to read about.  Our Design and Technology lesson on designing a mobile phone cover has been met with great enthusiasm and this week, the children talked about design criteria and started designing their own.

On Wednesday we had our class Mass on the theme of Remembrance.  A big thank you to all the class as they were very respectful during it and sang, read and carried out their roles with such maturity.

Today, we we took part in a very reflective remembrance pilgrimage through each classroom to remember family and friends who have died.  The children met with their reception buddies and accompanied them around the school starting in Reception and ending back in the Main Hall after visiting all classes , showing such reverence and respect – well done!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


Home Learning:

Maths:  Log onto Mathletics and complete the activities on place value and fractions.

TTRs:  Log on and continue to challenge your times table speed of recall.

SPAG: Log on to

Spellings for this week: dependable, comfortable, understandable, reasonable, enjoyable, reliable, possible, horibble, terrible, incredible.

Please note, children need their swimming kits and pyjamas for next week’s swimming lesson. Children can wear anything that is lightweight and covers full arms and legs. Tracksuit bottoms are not appropriate as they are too heavy when wet.