Wednesday 21st December, 2022
The autumn term has come an end. It has been a busy first term in Year 6 but wonderful to share so many events with our community. We wish you and all your families, peace and joy this Christmas time and thank you for the generous gifts we have received from you.
This week in RE the children have learnt more about the Jesse Tree in our daily class worship and today looked at Matthew’s gospel (1:18 – 2:6) and examined what names for Jesus Matthew used. The children examined their thoughts on the names and took these and created word art.
On Tuesday the children made chocolate star biscuits and decorated them. I do not think any made the journey home…the children were busy nibbling at them in the afternoon!
As promised, here are the pictures of the children enjoying the snow at school.
Loving God, as we wait for the birth of Jesus at Christmas, we give thanks for the wonderful gift of new life. We
pray for all parents around the world and for their children, that they will be healthy, happy and love one another.
“The Birth of Jesus brings us the good news that we are loved immensely and uniquely by God.” Pope Francis
We wish you and all your family, peace and joy at Christmas time. See you in the new year!
Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines