Friday 16th December, 2022
This week has been another busy one!
The children have braved the cold days following the snowfall on Sunday evening and have enjoyed playing in the snow.
The children have been dressed in their Christmas best for both the Christmas lunch on Wednesday and for today’s christmas celebrations. They have met Santa in his grotto, had dancing competitions, christmas party games (Christmas whispers, christmas musical statues, christmas musical chairs to name a few!). Alongside all of this, they had been devising the longest paper chain decoration and today, joined them all together as one chain! The chain we feel could probably stretch from the classroom down to the main hall so congratulations to them for making the classroom feel festive. The snowflakes have been designed so intricately too.
On Thursday, the children walked with their reception partners down to the Wyllotts to see the pantomime of Dick Whittington. Their reception partners were so delighted to have the oldest children in the school sit beside them during the performance, keeping them company and watching over them.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines