Friday 17th March 2023

We have been incredibly lucky this week as we were visited by 5 Pope Paul parents to support our science learning. On Monday, Julia and Naomi’s mum (Year 5) spoke to us about her role as a mental health nurse. Year 6 asked some very interesting questions about some of the disorders mentioned. On Tuesday, Christoph and Anna’s parents (Year 5 and 2) came to talk to us about their roles as veterinarians. They quizzed us on what skulls belonged to which animals and taught us about what they look for when viewing blood under microscopes. To finish the week, Luca’s mum (Reception) described what she did as a microbiologist, giving us great information about bacteria and antibiotics. Jamie and Charlie’s mum ( Year 4 and 3) also visited with her array of animals. Despite being unsure at first, Year 6 got stuck in, handling the scaly creatures! Photos to follow…

Have a great weekend

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara

Home Learning:

Spellings on spellingshed


Learn your Way of Cross songs


10th March 2023


The highlight of our week had to be our science workshop. Year 6 watched and took part in demonstrations and also made their own slime. This was a great way to get ready for science week next week. Take a look at some of the things we got up to:

Also this week, Year 6 completed some SATs practice papers in SPaG and reading. They are really improving their test taking technique and achieving brilliant results- well done, Year 6.


Have a wonderful weekend


Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara

Home learning: activity set

Reading comprehension paper sent home- bring into school on Tuesday.

Spellings set on  spelling shed


Learn the songs for our KS2 Stations of the Cross Service on Tuesday 28th March.


Monday 6th March, 2023


Arithmetic Focus is on Multiplying fractions by an integer

Main Activity:   Fraction questions



Arithmetic Adding three fractions

Main Activity:        here

Challenge: here

3rd March, 2023

This week, the children celebrated the sacrament of reconciliation with Fr Shaun and Fr Robert who talked to the children individually about God’s love and help.  In class the children chatted about reconciliation and the importance of reflecting on the times when they did not live as Jesus asked them.

In RE the children have been designing their own lenten calendars and alongside our focus question of ‘How does the church celebrate Lent?’ the children recognised and explained the three practices of Lent: Praying, Fasting and Almsgiving. Next week, we will spend time learning why almsgiving is an important ritual in our Catholic Faith.

In Maths the children looked back over work on fractions and worked on multiplying and dividing fractions.

In Science, we looked at how animals adapt to their environment. We saw how they can camouflage and took part in a practical activity where Year 6 searched our field for pieces of different coloured wool. We ended up with many pieces of the brightly coloured wool, but few of the darker and more muted colours.



On Thursday, World Book Day, the children immersed themselves into the activities across the day.  Thank you to the children who shared their reading books with the rest of the class.  It was a pleasure to hear them talk about their chosen book that they have read or are currently reading. Well done to the children who participated in our whole school book swap. The house captains took turns to guide the younger year groups during their ‘book swap’ time and at lunchtime and home time, encouraged the children to take a book home and enjoy!

Today, the Fairtrade Leaders lead an assembly on Fairtrade to the rest of the school.  They spoke about the importance of supporting  Fairtrade products which in turn helps those farmers around the world get a fair share for their goods produced.


Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


This week’s home learning:

TTRs – please log on and increase your recap speed of your timestables.  There is always room to improve!!

Mathletics:  I have reassigned some children the activities that were set last week.  This week the focus is on fractions and completing a short assessment (in number, geometry and measurement).

Spelling Shed

Reading – read for 20 minutes daily complete the activity set



Friday 24th February

Our Spiderwick learning in English has now progressed to designing our own creature. Next week, Year 6 will create their own entry for the fieldguide. Maths learning this week has focussed on translation and reflection, learning to draw and translate shapes in all four quadrants of the co-ordinate grid and reflect a shape in the mirror line where the mirror line is not only horizontal and vertical but also diagonal.

Our science learning this week was based on Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. Year 6 learnt about how the finches in the Galapagos islands varied in their beak shape and size depending on what island they were from and the food sources available. We then investigated this by creating our own beaks and saw how effective they were with a range of foods.


On Wednesday, we attended the Ash Wednesday mass at Our Lady and St Vincent’s Church.  Well done to Tymon and Albion who read at the mass. In the afternoon, some members of the liturgy group attended the Key Stage 1 Ash Wednesday service and read alongside the Key Stage 1 Class teachers.  Well done to Albion, Caroline, Eric and Maria.  A special thank you to Sophie who kindly stepped in to assist with the power point.

Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


Home Learning:

Reading comprehension provided. Answers can be written on the back. This must be in school by Tuesday 28th February.

Spellings set on spellingshed

Mathletics log on and complete the activities set.

Times table Rockstars – log on and keep practising your times tables!!


Friday 10th February


It was lovely to meet with so many of you at Parent Consultations this week and celebrate your child’s achievements in all areas of their learning. For those parents who were not able to attend, we will be in touch after half-term to arrange a time with you.

This week the children have continued with their work on division: dividing numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long division (and short division where appropriate) and interpreting remainders as whole number remainders, fractions, or by rounding, as appropriate for the context.  They have been answering many worded problems to aid them with their understanding of this topic.

In RE we continued with our work on the Beatitudes and examined the life of a beatitudes person, St Teresa (Mother Teresa of Calcutta) and discussed how she lived her life alongside the beatitudes.

The blessed are filled with God’s joy. Jesus wants all people to be happy. Even if we are not healthy, famous, beautiful, rich, strong or brilliant, the children have learnt that the beatitudes are God’s promise of happiness.

On Thursday the children took part in a very special Liturgy of Preparation with Lorcan for Ash Wednesday.  The palms that were collected from the parishioners who received them from last year’s Palm Sunday celebration were burnt in our peace garden and the children saw how they will become the ashes that will be used on Ash Wednesday this year. Thank you to Caroline, Maria and Johanna who assisted in preparing the palms for this liturgy and to the children who did the readings.


In PE, we continued on our theme of motion and before the start of our lesson Vihaan and VJ led us in our warm up.  Well done to them.  The children displayed their sequences to one another and I was pleased to see how they had incorporated leap frog, cat spring, rolling and jumping into their group’s performance.


This afternoon, the children spent time with their reading buddies and both classrooms were filled with exciting activities and conversations!  A lovely ending to a very busy week!

Finally, well done to the members of our school choir who showcased their talents brilliantly during the Young Voices concert in Wembley on Tuesday evening.  The choir were buzzing on Wednesday and shared the many experiences they had had from their experience.

There is no home learning for the half-term break but this is a great opportunity for those children to complete any outstanding mathletics or SPAG home learning.  I have also created another blog for any children who would like to have an opportunity to look at revision aids.

Wishing you and your family a lovely half-term break.


Mrs Lines    Mrs McNamara

Year 6 Learning

Maths Learning

Primary Maths Challenge – Bonus Round

Division SATs   click here for reasoning questions on division



RE: The Beatitudes

WALT: research the life of a Beatitudes person.

Focus on: St Teresa of Calcutta


Read over the Life of St Teresa of Calcutta and record in your own words about her life to gain a sense of how she lived her whole life as a beatitudes person.

Click here for the life of St Teresa of Calcutta


Activity 2: Quotes by Mother Teresa


Friday 3rd February 2023

In Year 6, We have continued our learning based on Arthur Spiderwick’s Field Guide. This week we emulated the author to describe field piskies and used subordinate clause sentence starters to tell our reader about sprites. In maths the children have been improving their long division.

Our Geography learning focused on our mapping skills. We used OS maps of Southampton to locate key points, using four and six figure grid references.

Take a look at our self portraits from Wednesday:

Thank you for the family pictures you sent in. The children were able to identify which features they inherited from which parent.

Have a great weekend

Mrs Lines


Home Learning: complete the task set.

Spellingshed to practise our spellings

tt rockstars to practise multiplication

Mathletics- complete the task set.

Friday 27th January 2023

Another busy week has flown by in Year 6. In English we have discovered more creatures from Artur Spiderwick’s Field Guide, and today we read about changelings. These faeries take human children and replace them with their own young. After hearing about their qualities, we began to suspect each other of being changelings and wrote letters to Mrs Heymoz with our evidence. In maths, we consolidated our knowledge of percentages.

In Art, Year 6 have been looking a line drawings and building the skill of creating a quick sketch with out rubbing out. The outcomes were really impressive.

On Wednesday, we were invited to Nicholas Breakspear to watch their performance of the Addams Family. The show was fantastic and we were treated to juice and biscuits during the interval. Who knows, maybe we’ll be seeing some of Year 6 in this show if they attend NBS next year.

Have a restful weekend

Mrs Lines

Home Learning complete the activity set

Read for 20 minutes daily

Spellingshed- weekly spelling practice.

Mathletics- complete the activity set


For Monday: Can children bring in a photograph of themselves and their parents? This can be an image all together or separately. Photographs will be photocopied so they can be suck in books and sent home. We will use this for our science lesson about evolution and inheritance.


Friday 20th January 2023

In Year 6 this week, we have begun our new writing unit based on Arthur Spiderwick’s Field Guide to the Fantastical World. The children have enjoyed hearing about the different beasts and looking at the impressive illustrations. So far, we have written poems about trolls, made warning posters about cockatrices and written diaries as mischievous boggarts. In maths, we have been looking at our assessments to practise areas we are unsure of.

In PE, we learnt how to leapfrog. Year 6 made sure they provided a sturdy base for their partner and learnt the appropriate technique for leaping.

At Pope Paul this week, our RE learning has been about other faiths; the focus in Year 6 was on Islam. The children have learnt about the 5 pillars of Islam and, in particular, on their pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj). I was really impressed with their questions and the way they could see similarities between our faith and theirs. Well done, Year 6.

Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


Home Learning complete activity set

Read for 20 minutes daily

Spellings can be found on spellingshed


Complete mathletics activities set.