Friday 18th November, 2022

This week has been antibullying week with Reach Out – Show Kindness being our focus.  The children spent time designing posters about the importance of team work and looked at scenarios where they talked about the importance of reaching out and looking to an adult for support if they needed it.  The class were mature with their answers and what approaches to take. Today, the children joined their reception buddies for a karate session and this afternoon, friendship afternoon, they met with their reception buddies. Each week, it is such a delight to see your child’s relationship develop with their reading partner.

In Design and Technology the children have continued with their designs doing a paper template of what they would like their mobile phone cover to look like.  In Maths we have continued with simplifying fractions.  In French we moved onto looking at distances from one french town to another.  The children have been working hard on their pronunciation of the french vocabulary introduced to them.  In English, we have been developing our understanding of mood and atmosphere and have considered how to show how our characters are feeling, without telling our reader. In Science they investigated how light travels in a straight line – the darkened classroom was a buzz of excitement during their investigation!

During the season of Advent one of the ways we can remember Jesus’ genealogy (all those who were part of Jesus’ family) is by making a Jesse Tree.  Jesse was King David’s father – a member of Jesus’ family, generations ago.  In RE the children looked again at Jesus’ Genealogy and Matthew’s Gospel and designed symbols for their Jesse trees.

The Key Stage Two Advent Service is fast approaching and the children who expressed an interest in singing a solo were given their lines today.  The songs and words are on the blog under a separate post.  Please encourage your child to learn their words.  The spoken parts will be allocated on Monday.

On Wednesday eleven children from Year 6 took part in the Primary Maths Challenge.  The children did well completing what is a difficult maths paper.  They will be awarded their certificates in next weeks assembly.  Well done to VJ, Kian, Nicholas, Finn, Vihaan, Hebe, Ben, Elle, Johanna, Max and Maria!

Wishing you and your family a lovely weekend ahead.

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


Home Learning:

Log onto TTRs (Timestable Rockstars) and practise your timestables.

This week’s spellings: ibly and ably words. Log into spelling shed activities.

Advent Service: please look at the separate blog and learn the words to the songs we will be singing. There are You Tube links alongside the words that have been uploaded.