Year 5 – 14/10/22

Friday is here again, and lots of busy learning has been going on this week!

In English, we have been writing sections of our Explorers’ Guide, focusing specifically on using noun phrases and multi-clausal sentences in our writing.

In Maths, we have been learning about place value in decimal numbers.

In RE, we have been comparing the creation story to what Pope Francis has written in Laudato Si.

In Science, we planned investigations to find out children’s heights. We will conduct these next week.

In Geography with Mrs McDonald, the children considered how the people of Hiemaey in Iceland were affected when Eldfell volcano erupted in 1973.

In Art, we practised heavy mark making by drawing still life onto onto maps.

In RSE, we learnt more about the changes in girls’ bodies during puberty. Next week, we will look more at the changes in boys’ bodies.

Home learning for this week:

Maths Mathletics assignments:

·        Tenths on a place value grid

·        Hundredths as decimals

·        Hundredths on a place value grid

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory OR a daily updating of your reading record.
Spelling Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words ending in ‘-cial’ and ‘-tial’












Please practise the hymns for our class Mass on Wednesday:

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Donatantonio

Friday, 14th October 2022

The children in Year 4, this week, thought about mental strategies for addition and applied them when solving a tricky strategical problem involving dominoes. In English, they have written diary entries from a particular character’s point of view to show emotions. In Science, they set up their own investigation to answer the question: How do certain liquids affect the tooth enamel? In Art, the class created further tessellating stencils and used other media such as water colour to practice their pattern making.

In PE, the children participated in activities to practice their shielding skills through 3 different sports: tennis, basketball and unihoc.

On Thursday, we celebrated Mass in our classroom on the theme of ‘ Love one another’. Well done for all the readers and the whole class for their lovely singing and the prayerful atmosphere they created. Thank you for the parents who came; it has been great to have you there to share this special occasion with us.

A quick reminder to say, we are holding Parent Consultation meetings next week Tuesday and Thursday and we also have our first class trip to the Epping Forest District Museum (again on the Thursday) focusing on the Roman invasion of Britain (our next History topic). If there is anyone who could offer their time on the day to help us during the trip, please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you for your support in advance.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Spelling Please log into your EdShed account and complete the assigned tasks.

This week’s words are: words with an irregular spelling pattern.

Reading Please log onto ReadTheory and complete 2 tasks or alternatively open the attached comprehension activities.

Swimming the English Channel-questions

Swimming the English Channel-text

Please update your reading logs and be prepared to present them on Wednesday morning.

Multiplication Please log onto TTRockstars and spend 15 minutes practicing your multiplication facts.

Well done for Aanay and Finn MCBrearty; our class leaders this week!

One World Week Next week, we are focusing on the Philippines as our chosen One World Week country. To decorate our classroom, please spend some time to research the country’s flag and either create your own (you could use paint, felt tip, crayon, different papers or even stitch it) or use the attached printable colouring sheet.

Philippines flag




Autumn 1 Week 6

It was lovely to see a lot of you at the Year 3 assembly this morning. The children were amazing!  They read, acted and sang beautifully.

In Maths, the children have been comparing and ordering 3 digit numbers using <, > and = signs. Then they have been leaning about number magnitude by finding the middle of a number line by halving and finding a quarter and three quarters. Once they have found these points, they estimated where other numbers should go and explained their reasons.

Last week in Science the children planned an investigation about the question ‘Do children with the longest legs jump the furthest?’ They thought carefully about how to plan a fair test. This week the children measured their legs and measured their jump. In four groups, the answer to the question was no and in one group they found that the answer to the question is yes.

In English, we have been reading the poem The Spider and the Fly. The children have been acting out the different parts, focusing on the expression and tone they use when they are reading. They took on the role of the fly and wrote a letter to ask for advice, using evidence from the text.


Home Learning


Spelling Practise all of the spelling that the children have learnt this term.
Maths –





 Practise halving numbers to 200 on hit the button.

Click on play game and then choose halves.

Timetable Rockstars

Practise 2, 3, 5 and 10 timetables.

Reading Children to write sentences in their reading record about their book.
One World Week Make a flag of Mexican and being it in on Monday to display in the class.




Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Reception Week Beginning 10.10.22

This week, Reception class have been thinking about the theme of friendship. They have also been focussing on how they show respect towards one another and their learning environments.

The story focus this week ,The Rainbow Fish by Mark Pfister, fits in beautifully with these two themes; it is a lovely, heart-warming story of sharing and the happiness that sharing can bring yourself and others.  It also depicts how difficult sharing can be and the impact that sharing can have on friendships.

Over the week, the class have been making and sharing friendship cards, bracelets and models. They had fun building an under-the-sea scene and then retelling the story. They also worked together as a team and created a large scale collage of the Rainbow Fish!

In Maths, the children have been building and comparing different measurements. They had lots of practical experience measuring length, height and also explored and compared size.

Yesterday, we were paid a visit by Mrs Falco, mum to Fraser and Vincent in KS2. She is a district nurse and came in to tell us about how she helps people in our local community who can’t leave their house to get medical treatment. The children had lots of fun exploring the medical equipment! Thank you so much Mrs Falco!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team

Autumn 1 Week 6

We had a fantastic time on our trip, to the Natural History Museum, in Tring yesterday. We enjoyed identifying different animals and classifying them into groups. After half term when our science moves onto living things and their habitats  we will identify different habitats and the needs of living things. Thank you to all the staff and parents who accompanied us on our trip as it would not have been possible without you all!

Home learning


Please continue to read with your child and comment in their reading record. After half term, please ensure your child’s reading record and book are in their bag everyday as they will no longer have a set reading day. Children’s books will continue to be changed once a week, when they have read the book fluently. Thank you for your continued support.


Three mathletic activities have been set online.


Please go on an autumnal walk this weekend and list any nouns (names) adjectives (describing words) and verbs (doing words) that you can share in class on Monday. For example; Hungry, squirrels collecting juicy acorns.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Friday 7th October, 2022

We had a lovely class trip out yesterday in Potters Bar tying together the pieces of our History work that we have done in class on ‘Potters Bar at War’.  The children walked to St Mary’s Cemetery to research and find the war graves they have been learning about in class and then moved onto the War Memorial outside Oakmere Park. The class then walked through the park to Tempest Avenue and Wulstan Park which are famous as on October 1, 1916, the Luftschiffe 31 airship fell burning to the ground after it was shot down by 2nd Lt Wulstan Joseph Tempest.

After having our lunch in the park and playing on the equipment in the play area, which was erected in remembrance of the Zeppelin marking the airship shot down in 1916, we walked on through Parkside to Our Lady and St Vincent’s Church to see the special memorial for the victims that died in the 1940 bombing and the wooden statue of Our Lady that survived. We prayed together and some children read their prayers for the victims of both WWI and WWII.

Well done goes to the House Captains of St Francis, Elle and Tymon, who led the whole-school assembly on the Feast of St Francis.  They spoke clearly and confidently and it was a delight to see them oversee a special playtime with the rest of the house team members later that morning.

At Lunchtime today, the Liturgy Group led their first decade of the rosary with children from both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 classes.  The rosary will be led next Thursday lunchtime.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara

Home Learning this weekend:


TTRs – a challenge has been set also!!


Spellings on spellingshed.

hesitancy, abundance, tolerance, dominancy, extravagance, vacancy, elegance, relevancy, brilliance, abundancy,



Year 5 – 07/10/22

Well done, Year 5, on your reading, acting and singing in this morning’s class assembly about St Francis; you conveyed the life and message of St Francis clearly and beautifully!

Also this week:

In English, the children began writing their own explorers’ guide

In Maths, we have been working with negative numbers

In Science, we did further graph work, this time looking at how the length of a baby changes over time

In RE, we analysed the beliefs we get about the nature of God in the Creation story

In Geography, the children learnt why there are volcanoes in Heimaey, Iceland

In RHE, we discussed the changes to boys’ and girls’ bodies during puberty. Please note: we will be continuing this discussion and answering further questions the children have on Monday. Here are the login details to access the TenTen parent portal:

In Art, the children designed their own typefaces then combined them to make different words:

And then I was rickrolled 🤣

Here is this week’s home learning:

Maths Compete against Year 6 on Times Tables Rock Stars by logging in and joining the battle!

Mathletics assignments:

·        Numbers to 100,000

·        Negative numbers in context

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory OR a daily entry in your reading record.
Spelling Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words ending in ‘-tial’












Enjoy your weekend!

Miss Donatantonio

Reception Week Beginning 3.10.22

It has been a very busy week in Reception Class!

On Monday, the children had an online road safety session with the Hertfordshire road safety team. The interactive session covered the important themes of:

  • Seatbelt safety
  • The dangers of traffic/the road
  • Getting into the car on the pavement side
  • The pavement being the safest part of the street

The children have also been thinking about the people around us that help and serve our local community. They learnt about the importance of key workers and as a result, have expressed a lot of interest in the emergency services and in particular, the role of the police.  The children helped to create a role play police station, where they had lots of fun booking in prisoners, looking for criminals and taking 999 calls.

This theme spilled into the outside area, where the children were inspired to independently build police vehicles and prisons.

The children also enjoyed creating disguises, building police stations from construction, making emergency vehicles and police props.

Yesterday, Donnie’s mum came into class to talk about her role as a nurse. Thank you so much!

Finally, this morning as part of the RE lesson, Reception went outside for a walk in the school grounds to refelect on the story of creation. They used their senses to explore and appreciate the beauty of God’s creation all around them.

Next week, we will be opening a Tapestry account for each child in the class, following our initial assessments. You will be sent an email with a link to your child’s account which you will need to activate. In the past, this has ended up in parent’s junk email, so please remember to check the folder over the week. We will also send home a parent’s guide, with instructions on how to add your own photos and special family moments for you to share with us.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team

Autumn 1 Week 5

This week the children wrote, edited and published their final fable. Their fables were enjoyable to read with adverbs, prepositions and their use of inverted commas.

In Maths, the children have been solving problems to demonstrate their understanding of adding and subtracting a multiple of 10 and 100. The wrote clues for different numbers and then challenged their friends to solve them.

In Art, the children made cave art pictures using their hands and charcoal.

 On Tuesday, some children collected apples from our apple tree in the car park. Then we used these apples to make apple crumble.

 In PE, we have been applying the skills we have learnt over the last few weeks to a game of tag rugby. The children worked well in teams and supported each other with the rules.

In Computing, we learnt about pixels. We made picture using a key.

 Home Learning

Read Theory Complete 2 activities
Timetables Rockstars Practise 2, 3, 5 and 10 timetables.
Mathletics Complete activities
Spelling – Spelling shed Actual










Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Carey

Friday, 7th October 2022

This week, in Year 4, the children consolidated their rounding skills before moving on to mental addition strategies. In English, the children heard their second Roman myth and using that as an inspiration, wrote short poems using noun phrases and similes to describe characters, whilst also learning about metaphors. In Science, the class looked at food chains, whilst in RE they gathered and explained all their beliefs drawn from the Genesis Creation story. The children also rehearsed their Class Mass following the theme of ‘Love one another’.

In Art, the class made tessellating stencils to create a colourful display, whilst in Computing they looked at ‘time lapse’ and edited short video clips they recorded on iPads.

Our Class Mass is on Thursday, 13th October and you are all welcome to celebrate it with us in our classroom.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Due by Tuesday, 11th October 2022
Spelling Please log on to your EdShed account and practice this week’s words, the prefix inter-.


Reading Please log onto Read Theory and complete 2 activities or alternatively open the attached text and accompanying questions and complete them.

Gaby to the rescue-questions

Gaby to the rescue-text


Please update your reading logs and be prepared to present them on Wednesday.

Multiplication Please log onto your TTRockstars account and spend 15 minutes practicing the assigned tables.

Very well done to Aanay, Chloe A and Raylan who are on top of the leader-board! Excellent effort!

Study Ladder Please log onto your Study Ladder account and complete your assignments, all based on mental addition. Please note that although some activities are labelled as Year 3, the content covered is relevant to Year 4.