4th December 2020

Dear Parents,

Please share in our virtual assembly all about the second week of Advent and how we are preparing for the coming of Jesus at Christmas.

Please see the video below to share in the presentation of this week’s Head Teacher and Gold awards.

Week 5

Lots of fun and excitement in Year 1 this week! We started our week with lighting the first candle on our Advent wreath and opened the first door of our calendar. Behind each door is something we can do each day to make the day special for the people around us.

On Tuesday, we received a visitor called Eddie the Elf. Eddie is a kind Elf who has asked us to help him to spread cheer and love during Advent. Reception Class had a visit from the tree fairies who said our Elf took their lanterns. On Wednesday, Eddie was missing and a letter from the tree fairies said they had elf-napped him! We crept into Reception playground and found him taped to the tree. The children wrote amazing letters to the Reception children to ask for their help. Eddie has returned to continue spreading happiness in Year 1!

For National Tree Week, we labelled different parts of a tree and took some tree rubbing to help us to identify different parts of the tree. Then the children had a great time squeezing paint to make tree for each of the seasons.


In Maths we have been comparing two numbers by finding how many more and how many fewer.

We have been busy practising our dances for our Christmas Play and will be filming next.

Home Learning

Learn the Christmas songs.

Phonics learning in their home learning folders.


Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey

Year 2 Blog 04-12-2020

This week was National Tree Week!

Year 2 have been learning how trees are a very important part of our ecosystem. They take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and put out oxygen. We thought of all the kinds of wildlife, like birds, bugs, and squirrels as well as other kinds of plants that live in or on trees. Without trees, countless animals would lose their homes or sources of food. Year 2  decided to do some wonderful observational drawings of the trees in our Peace Garden.

In Geography, the children worked together to create their own models of a waterfall. We used the Victoria Falls in Zambia as our inspiration.

The children also compared the weather and climate of Antarctica with Zambia and then created a beautiful Antarctic scene complete with Emperor Penguins.

Home Learning:

Spellings – week 5

Nativity – Please continue to rehearse your lines for the Nativity.

Thank you for your generous donations to our class hamper.

Have a peaceful weekend,

Miss Davey

Autumn 1 Week 5

We have been busy preparing for Advent this week by keeping our Advent promises, receiving Advent angles and making Advent wreaths.

In Maths we have learnt to find fact families – this can be practised at https://www.topmarks.co.uk/number-facts/number-fact-families and have started to use the column method for addition.


On Thursday, something very unusual happened in Y3, our chairs sent us a letter to say they had quit! In order get them to return we had to write persuasive letters.


We have played matches in Hockey and learnt to count to 10 in Japanese, while performing sequences in Karate.

counting to ten in Japanese | Isshinryu karate, Goju ryu karate, Kyokushin karate

Home Learning

Spelling – ous suffix

Please learn this spelling list;



Please revise you number bonds to 10 and 20 using hit the button https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


The children have been set a sequencing task to complete for next Wednesday  – please see the sheet they have taken home this evening.

Thank you for your generous donations for the Christmas hampers.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Pringle

Friday, 4th December 2020

Year 4 has had another busy week with lots of Christmas preparations taking place as the period of Advent continues.

The children have researched particular time periods for their Magic Coin story writing, finding out details about the Great Fire of London, Pirates or Mars.

They have created multiplication baubles to decorate our classroom with and have been investigating patterns and exploring number sentences.

They have also produced some beautiful water colour paintings inspired by the Annunciation according to Luke’s Gospel.

Well done for Alfie earning a Head Teacher award his Magic Coin paragraphs and Samuel, who has collected 50 house points and turned it into a Gold Star.

We have also decorated our class Christmas trees and participated in an Act of Worship.

This week was National Tree week and the children looked at how important trees are in our environment and the benefits they give.  In design and technology, the children continued to explore making levers and mechanisms and over the next few weeks will be using their new skills to device and create their own greeting cards.

Thank you for all the beautiful musical instruments and also for your contributions towards the class hamper (our theme is white).

We wish you a lovely weekend.

Ms Varga and Mrs McNamara


Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Friday, 4th December 2020
Spelling Please log onto Spelling Frame and practice this week’s spelling words. Test yourself t the end.


mountainous, obvious, outrageous, poisonous, serious
spontaneous, tremendous, various, vigorous
Reading Please log onto Read Theory and complete at least 2 activities. Please update your reading logs.


Science Next week the children will weed our class gardens and then plant bulbs ready for next Spring. Please may I ask that you send in a pair of wellington boots, clearly labelled for Monday, 7th December as the gardens are very muddy.
Study Ladder Log onto Study Ladder and complete the tasks assigned.





Year 6 – 04/12/20

Upon entering into Advent, this week has been full of creativity as we prepare for Jesus’ coming. The classroom has been resounding with angelic voices whilst practising and recording songs for the Advent and Carol services, and the children have been doing lots of art depicting the Incarnation. Look at some of the beautiful artwork they have produced!

In English, Year 6 were imagining themselves as WWII evacuees and practised freeze-frame role plays that helped them to write in role as children on their way to their new homes away from the cities.

Those children who have lines in the KS2 Advent Service need to learnt their lines off by heart for Monday so that we can video record their parts. Here are the parts.

Maths Tasks assigned on Mathletics:

·        Contracted multiplication

·        Long multiplication

·        Modelling percentages

Reading 30 minutes on https://readtheory.org/
Spellings This term’s spelling words revisit the official Year 5/6 Statutory Spelling List:
















SPaG Tasks assigned on https://www.spag.com/

·        Probability words

·        Fronted adverbials (A)

Autumn 2 Week 5

We were green fingered in Year 5 this week as we weeded our class flower bed and planted bulbs. We are looking forward to seeing them bloom in the spring.

We completed our learning on mental strategies to multiply and divided this week. To finish off, Year 5 sorted a variety of calculations into piles to show which was the best way to solve it.

We have continued our journey of Advent and have been learning about the Gospels of the season. Remember to access the Wednesday word for more activities on these:


Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Lines

Home learning:




Spellings (tion suffix week 5)

Readtheory.org (10 tests