Year 6 – 04/12/20
Upon entering into Advent, this week has been full of creativity as we prepare for Jesus’ coming. The classroom has been resounding with angelic voices whilst practising and recording songs for the Advent and Carol services, and the children have been doing lots of art depicting the Incarnation. Look at some of the beautiful artwork they have produced!
In English, Year 6 were imagining themselves as WWII evacuees and practised freeze-frame role plays that helped them to write in role as children on their way to their new homes away from the cities.
Those children who have lines in the KS2 Advent Service need to learnt their lines off by heart for Monday so that we can video record their parts. Here are the parts.
Maths | Tasks assigned on Mathletics:
· Contracted multiplication · Long multiplication · Modelling percentages |
Reading | 30 minutes on |
Spellings | This term’s spelling words revisit the official Year 5/6 Statutory Spelling List:
sincerely existence frequently correspond bargain secretary forty explanation guarantee yacht twelfth rhythm definite awkward embarrass |
SPaG | Tasks assigned on
· Probability words · Fronted adverbials (A) |