Reception Week Beginning 7.12.20

It’s safe to say, that this has been the most exciting week in Reception so far this year!

On Monday, the children were filmed performing their Nativity play. They were absolutely brilliant- true professionals, who did us all proud! Please see your child’s individual Tapestry account for their individual photograph. The class watched themselves perform on the big screen on Wednesday afternoon, when it went live on the school website; it was very exciting, especially as they had popcorn, just like in the cinema!

The children spent most of the remainder of the week role-playing the Nativity and trying out the different characters, writing about the story, making angel wings and using different materials to build the stable that Jesus was born in.

Today, the class couldn’t believe their eyes when, during the school virtual assembly, Father Christmas walked right behind Mrs Heymoz while she was talking to the children and unbelievably, she didn’t see him! When they told her afterwards, she was in complete shock! When they met Father Christmas later, he explained to them that he had travelled a long way to see them and he had just been looking for a mince pie to eat, because he was hungry.

Yesterday, we received hampers from you all. These have been put into quarantine, so we haven’t opened them just yet, but thank you so much for your generosity. We really do appreciate it!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

The Early Years Team

Year 6 – 11/12/20

Everybody has been in the festive spirit this week! On Wednesday, Year 6 represented our school beautifully by singing carols at church through the live streaming. It was a really fun afternoon and they were a credit to the school. This afternoon, they shared their singing talent once more by performing in the school car park to parents. Next Monday, they will also be singing outside Seabrook Court.

This morning, the children were excited to meet Father Christmas and receive a gift from him in the beautifully festive grotto!

Here is your home learning:

Maths Task assigned on Mathletics:

·         Multiplying a decimal by a whole number

RE You are going to research how Christians around the world celebrate Christmas. Choose a country, then research the following:


·         Are gifts given? When? By Whom?

·         Which special foods are eaten? Do certain foods hold any symbolism?

·         What season of the year is it? What will the weather be like?

·         Do Christians from around the world go to Church on Christmas Day?

·         What rituals will be part of the liturgy for Christmas Day?

·         Is there a Father Christmas?

·         Customs regarding decorations – trees, cards, wreaths

·         How to say Merry Christmas in the local language


Your research is going to help you with your RE lesson on Tuesday, so please bring it in ready for then.

Autumn 2 Week 6

Another week has flown by in Year 5.It’s hard to believe it’s Friday again! Today was very exciting and it was wonderful to see the children in their festive jumpers! They really looked the part for meeting Santa!

Also this week, we made angels of hope from clay. We will paint them next week and I’m looking forward to seeing the results.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Lines

Home Learning:

Research how Christians in another country celebrates Christmas. You can make a poster or a PowerPoint. We will be sharing these with the rest of the class throughout the week. You could include the following:


Are gifts given? When? By Whom?

·         Which special foods are eaten? Do certain foods hold any symbolism?

·         What season of the year is it? What will the weather be like?

·         Do Christians from around the world go to Church on Christmas Day?

·         What rituals will be part of the liturgy for Christmas Day?

·         Is there a Father Christmas?

·         Customs regarding decorations – trees, cards, wreaths

·         How to say Merry Christmas in the local language


This is due in on Wednesday 16th December


We have had a busy week in Year 3, writing letters, gardening, making cards, identifying Advent symbols and meeting Santa! It has been a lot of fun.

Next week we plan to finish our letters for the residents of The Grange and Elm Court Care Home and roast the vegetables we have harvested from our vegetable patch. We will be enjoying some Christmas maths and playing various games in P.E.

Home learning


Big Question: Do people with the longest legs jump the furthest? 

Measure the length of your family members legs and predict who will jump the furthest. Then carry out a fair test by making sure everyone starts their standing jump from the same place and record your findings.

A sheet has been sent home this evening for you to record your findings on.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Pringle

KS2 Advent Reflection 2020

Dear Parents,

Please enjoy our KS2 Advent reflection.

Friday, 11th December 2020

What a festive week Year 4 has had!

Today, they had a visit from Father Christmas. They could ask all sorts of ‘Top Secret’ questions and Father Christmas was very patient answering all of them. They were delighted to receive their box of chocolate!

The children looked fantastic in their Christmas jumpers too!

Earlier in the week. the children did some gardening to plant Spring bulbs into our class gardens and made coins using aluminium foil, inspired by our story ‘The Magic Coin’.

They have made Christmas cards including mechanisms to create moving parts and decorated their classroom with a selection of paper ornaments.

Well done to Alfie and his Mummy making this record sized rubber band ball, which he is very proud of.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga and Mrs McNamara

See Home Learning below:

Friday, 11th December 2020 Home Learning
Spelling Please log onto spelling frame and practice this week’s spelling words.–spelt%E2%80%93tion%E2%80%93sion%E2%80%93ssion%E2%80%93cian-(1-of-2)

completion, expression, discussion, confession, admission, expansion
extension, comprehension, electrician
Reading Please log onto Read Theory and complete at least 2 activities. Update your reading logs.
RE Please research different Advent customs, traditions around the world.

Be ready to present your research, next week Tuesday as part of our RE lesson.

This article is a nice starting point (please be aware, this site contains pop up advertisements)


Week 6

This week we have been busy preparing for the Christmas Play. It will be on the website on Monday 14th December.

We have continued learning about Advent and each day we are thinking of how we can help others. The children made Christmas cards for people in a care home.

In Maths we have continued to find the difference between two numbers using a variety of resources. We have solved problems by finding the difference.

In Art we used different skills and techniques to create some artwork based on Kandinsky.

On Friday, we had a special visit from Father Christmas. The children were excited to visit him in the beautiful grotto. The children looked great in their Christmas jumpers.


In Geography, we have been learning about where we live. On the ipads, we looked at google earth and found the United Kingdom and then the school. Can you find your house on google earth?

Home Learning

Geography – Please go on a walk with your child around the local area. Look out for human features of the environment (those which havebeen created by people) and physical features (those which are natural).

Then draw a map of the route you took and label the road names and the human and physical features that you saw.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Carey

Year 2 Blog 11-12-2020

Children of the World.

It has been a joyous week in school. It was lights, camera and action for our KS 1 Christmas Nativity.

Every year, Gabriel and the angels celebrate the birth of Jesus by bringing children from around the world to visit the manger. Travelling from as far afield as China, Australia, Ghana and the Philippines, each group is brought to the stable where they tell of their special Christmas customs, singing songs and presenting gifts.

Year 2 along with Year 1, acted, sang and danced brilliantly and they should all be very proud of themselves.

The premiere of our KS1 Christmas Nativity film takes place on Monday 14th December at 2pm on the Year 2 Class blog! Don’t forget to tune in then!

There was great excitement in school today as we had a very special visit from Santa Claus! Everyone looked very festive in their Christmas Jumpers!

Well done to all the children for their hard work this week. No Home Learning!

Have a joyful weekend,

Miss Davey

Reception Nativity 2020


Reception Week beginning 30.11.20

This week the children have been learning about National Tree Week and Advent. The class started the week off by making their Advent promises and learning about the Advent wreath. They then went for a walk in the school grounds, looking at the features of different trees. This was followed by a technology session with the school iPads, where the children enjoyed exploring the Joy Noodle app and using it to create their own tree pictures.

On Tuesday, the children had a huge surprise; some tree fairies had been inside their classroom and in the outdoor area, leaving a trail of fairy dust behind them! The children then realised that some of the candles from the class Advent wreath were missing! The fairies had borrowed them and had left a note explaining why. They also asked the children lots of questions in the letter. The children immediately set about following the fairy dust trail, looking for the fairies and writing letters back to them. It was so exciting!

The children have also been very busy rehearsing the class Nativity in full costume. They are very excited about the filming taking place on Monday and can’t wait to watch it on Wednesday afternoon!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team