Reception Week Beginning 12/10/20

Dear Parents,

It was lovely to speak with you all this week at the parent consultations. Thank you so much for your positive responses and ongoing support.

This week, Reception have been very busy thinking about how much they have grown, from the day that they were born until now. They have enjoyed sharing their baby photos and talking about the things that they can do now, that they couldn’t do when they were babies. They have also been thinking about birthdays and how we all become a year older every time we celebrate one. The children went on to make birthday cards, invitations, banners and presents which were used in the new birthday party role play area. This area has proven to be so popular, that the children have had to sign themselves up, just to take a turn in the room!


In RE this week, the children have been thinking about how they can be stewards of the earth and look after God’s world. The teachers were so impressed with their knowledge about recycling, saving water and energy and preventing pollution!

In Maths, Reception have had fun exploring everything there is to know about the number 3. Amongst other things, they have learnt how to play noughts and crosses, how to make 3 by adding objects together,  how to write the number 3 and they have enjoyed playing with and exploring the properties of triangles. Today the children thought about all of the words that start with ‘tri’, the Latin word for three. Surprisingly, they came up with: tripod, tricycle, triceratops, triathlon and of course, triangle!

Thank you so much for sending in baby photos this week.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team

Year 2 Blog 16-10-2020

Year 2 have been learning about the Sacrament of Confirmation. The children used their computing skills to create some beautiful Confirmation cards.

In History we have been learning about the different ways of keeping in touch. This week we focused on the development of the telephone. The children had great fun testing acoustic string telephones.

This week for our Mental Health and Wellbeing lesson, we focused on Anthony Browne’s book ‘Silly Billy’. It is a story about a little boy called Billy who worries about everything.  Billy is so anxious that he can’t sleep. But Grandma has just the thing for a boy like Billy — tiny, colorful worry dolls, made to do his worrying for him. That night when Billy put the dolls under his pillow, he slept like a log. Year 2 created their very own worry dolls and shared their feelings during a circle time activity.

Home Learning:

Next week is One World Week and our country is Egypt. We will be focusing on the River Nile.

Research five facts about the River Nile to share in class next Wednesday.

Mathletics: Fact families. Add three 1 digit numbers. Complements to 10 and 20.

Spellings: Week 6. Spelling test on Wednesday

Study ladder:

Reading comprehension: Australian Marsupials

Grammar: Synonyms

Have a peaceful weekend.

Miss Davey

Autumn 1 Week 7

Another week has flown by in Year 5. It was wonderful to speak to so many of you during Parent Consultations and talk about how the children are settling back into school. If you did not manage to get an appointment, please contact the school office so that we can arrange a telephone consultation.

We have begun writing our river stories this week. Our focus has been on dialogue punctuation, paragraphing and setting description. The children have worked hard to produce engaging stories and have improved their editing skills. I look forward to seeing the end result next week. In maths, we have progressed in our place value to understand decimals. The children have enjoyed reading and writing them, as well as regrouping them in different ways.

Archipelagos were our focus in Geography this week. Our current study of volcanoes has taken us to Iceland, and more specifically, the Westman Islands. Being an archipelago, we investigated where else in Europe they could be found. Next week, it is One World Week. To fit in with our current unit, we will be studying Iceland.


Have a wonderful weekend


Mrs Lines


Home Learning:



Spellings Week 6

Friday 16th October

Good Morning Year 4.

Your work has been uploaded onto Google Classroom.

For RE and Wellbeing, you can download the power point below.

RE and Wellbeing

Year 6 – 16/10/20

The main focus this week has been to finish the drafting and editing of the children’s short stories. The class has worked so hard ensuring their stories are the best they can be, and I am looking forward to reading the finished pieces which will go towards their Year 6 writing portfolios.

In Maths, the children enjoyed developing the skill of prioritising information in puzzles and problems. I was so impressed with how enthusiastic the children were to get onto each challenge.

In Science, we are nearing the end of our topic on the human body, so this week we learnt about the effects of drugs on the body. It was a lesson full of excellent questions and discussion, and the children were surprised by the many different effects drugs can have on the brain.

In Art, the children continued learning about Impressionism, with this week’s emphasis being on the use of complementary colours in Impressionist paintings:

In PE, the children were jumping for distance. They were set the challenge of jumping the equivalent of their height and they had an island hopping race to put their horizontal jumping skills to the test:

Here is the meditation we listened to for our wellbeing session today:

Home learning for this week:

Maths Task assigned on Mathletics:

·        Lowest Common Multiple

·        Greatest Common Factor

Reading 30 minutes on
Spellings This week’s words contain a silent k or w:













SPaG Task assigned on

·        Subordinate clauses & conjunctions (B)

·        Apostrophes & commas (A)

Have a great weekend!

Miss Donatantonio

Thursday, 15th October 2020

Dear Year 4,

Thank you for sharing your learning with us in the past few days. We really appreciate all your efforts with the online learning.

The work for today has been uploaded onto our Google Classroom but in order for you to listen to the instructions for your Maths and Spelling dictation activities, please use the power points attached.

Click here for your Spelling presentation.

Click here for the Maths presentation.

Please also see the Final Piece writing paper attached, should you need further copies.

Click here for the sheet.

Have a lovely day!

Wednesday, 14th October 2020

Dear Year 4,

Thank you for all your assignments from yesterday. It was lovely to hear from you and listen to some of you read.

The work for today has been uploaded onto our Google Classroom but in order for you to listen to the instructions for your Maths and English Activity, please use the power points attached.

Click here for your Maths presentation

Click here for your English presentation


If you have any questions, please email us on:

Have a lovely day!

Tuesday, 13th October 2020

Dear Year 4,

Thank you for all your assignments from yesterday. It was lovely to hear from you and listen to some of you read.

The work for today has been uploaded onto our Google Classroom but inorder for you to listen to the instructions for your Maths Activity, please use the power point attached.

Click here for the presentation.

If you have any questions. please email me on:

Have a good day!




Monday, 12th October 2020

Dear Year 4,

I hope you  had a nice weekend! Thank you for sharing your learning with us and well done for using Google Classroom to complete some of your assignments. We know it’s all very new.

Please see below today’s learning:

Spelling WALT: spell words with re-, sub, -mis- prefixes

Click here for your spelling sheet.

Mental Maths Please click here for your mental maths sheet.

Try to apply the strategies we have gone over last week, but jot down calculations if you need to.

Maths Please read and listen to the PowerPoint, then complete the number sentences.

Click here for the presentation.

English Please read and listen to the PowerPoint. Your task today is to write the first paragraph of our story.

Click here for your presentation.

Wider Curriculum Why did Baghdad become the first city in the world with one million people?

Look at these images of Baghdad form AD900 below. What clues can you see to help create a picture of what this city must have been like? River, bridges, districts,  palaces, mountains, etc.

Write down all features that you think were important to make Baghdad the first city with over a million people. Explain in a short paragraph how these features supported the life of people living there.

Click here for your resources.

Reception Week Beginning 5.10.20

It has been another really busy week in Reception!

On Monday, the children talked about who was in their family and what makes their family unique. The children then created family portraits, which will be displayed in the classroom.

On Tuesday, Reception had a very special visitor to the classroom- Father Shaun. He came to bless the children’s new prayer books and to say hello to the class. He was very impressed when the children said the school Mission Prayer with him. We hope the children have enjoyed using these very special books at home.

On Wednesday, Reception were invited to have a one off karate experience in the big hall. The children absolutely loved it and their behaviour was outstanding!

This week saw the start of Reception’s new phonics program. Thank you for supporting your child with their phonics home learning. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are unable to mark this learning this year and the books must stay at home. Please continue to stick each new sheet in their book and encourage your child to revisit previously learnt sounds. Thank you!

This week in Maths, we have exploring everything there is to know about the number 2, including repeated patterns, pairs, ordinal numbers, dot patterns, money and even doubles! The children are also developing an understanding of it’s permanent position on a number line.

Next week, Reception will be thinking about growing up. Please send in a baby photograph of your child to be used in their learning. Thank you!

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team