Year 2 Blog 16-10-2020

Year 2 have been learning about the Sacrament of Confirmation. The children used their computing skills to create some beautiful Confirmation cards.

In History we have been learning about the different ways of keeping in touch. This week we focused on the development of the telephone. The children had great fun testing acoustic string telephones.

This week for our Mental Health and Wellbeing lesson, we focused on Anthony Browne’s book ‘Silly Billy’. It is a story about a little boy called Billy who worries about everything.  Billy is so anxious that he can’t sleep. But Grandma has just the thing for a boy like Billy — tiny, colorful worry dolls, made to do his worrying for him. That night when Billy put the dolls under his pillow, he slept like a log. Year 2 created their very own worry dolls and shared their feelings during a circle time activity.

Home Learning:

Next week is One World Week and our country is Egypt. We will be focusing on the River Nile.

Research five facts about the River Nile to share in class next Wednesday.

Mathletics: Fact families. Add three 1 digit numbers. Complements to 10 and 20.

Spellings: Week 6. Spelling test on Wednesday

Study ladder:

Reading comprehension: Australian Marsupials

Grammar: Synonyms

Have a peaceful weekend.

Miss Davey