Monday, 12th October 2020
Dear Year 4,
I hope you had a nice weekend! Thank you for sharing your learning with us and well done for using Google Classroom to complete some of your assignments. We know it’s all very new.
Please see below today’s learning:
Spelling | WALT: spell words with re-, sub, -mis- prefixes
Click here for your spelling sheet. |
Mental Maths | Please click here for your mental maths sheet.
Try to apply the strategies we have gone over last week, but jot down calculations if you need to. |
Maths | Please read and listen to the PowerPoint, then complete the number sentences.
Click here for the presentation. |
English | Please read and listen to the PowerPoint. Your task today is to write the first paragraph of our story.
Click here for your presentation. |
Wider Curriculum | Why did Baghdad become the first city in the world with one million people?
Look at these images of Baghdad form AD900 below. What clues can you see to help create a picture of what this city must have been like? River, bridges, districts, palaces, mountains, etc. Write down all features that you think were important to make Baghdad the first city with over a million people. Explain in a short paragraph how these features supported the life of people living there. Click here for your resources. |