Reception Week Beginning 5.10.20
It has been another really busy week in Reception!
On Monday, the children talked about who was in their family and what makes their family unique. The children then created family portraits, which will be displayed in the classroom.
On Tuesday, Reception had a very special visitor to the classroom- Father Shaun. He came to bless the children’s new prayer books and to say hello to the class. He was very impressed when the children said the school Mission Prayer with him. We hope the children have enjoyed using these very special books at home.
On Wednesday, Reception were invited to have a one off karate experience in the big hall. The children absolutely loved it and their behaviour was outstanding!
This week saw the start of Reception’s new phonics program. Thank you for supporting your child with their phonics home learning. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are unable to mark this learning this year and the books must stay at home. Please continue to stick each new sheet in their book and encourage your child to revisit previously learnt sounds. Thank you!
This week in Maths, we have exploring everything there is to know about the number 2, including repeated patterns, pairs, ordinal numbers, dot patterns, money and even doubles! The children are also developing an understanding of it’s permanent position on a number line.
Next week, Reception will be thinking about growing up. Please send in a baby photograph of your child to be used in their learning. Thank you!
Have a wonderful weekend,
The Reception Team