Autumn 2 Week 4
In Year 5 this week, we have begun our new English unit of learning based on Ernest Shackleton’s Endurance journey. We began by unpacking a bag of items linked to Shackleton in order to learn more about this inspiration figure. I was really impressed with the children’s inference skill and how they used our previous geographical learning to inform their thinking. After finding out who he was and what his voyage entailed, Year 5 then wrote applications to join Shackleton on his expedition. In doing so, the children considered what would make them good candidates and it was wonderful to see them identify so many of our learning powers.
In RE, we continued our Advent learning about the ‘O’ Antiphons. We discussed their structure and their link to Isaiah 11:1. Year 5 also thought about the ways in which the are similar and different to a Jesse tree. We ended our week by creating our own Jesse tree symbols, which look amazing on our RE display.
On Wednesday, the children took part in their final swimming lesson of the year. They wore their shorts and T shirts to learn important water skills and it looks like they had a great time!
Home Learning: Mathletics, and 5 readtheory tests.