Autumn 2, Week 4.
We have been busy preparing for the start of Advent this week. This involved making Advent promises and a Jesse Tree. We have also created recycled Christmas cards to sell at the Fair. Please support us in caring for our common home and visit the Laudato Si’ stall, where our cards, runner beans and homemade Advent angels can purchased.
As part of National Tree week we have researched and made careful observations about the Silver Willow Tree in the KS2 playground. Did you know the Silver Willow can live for up to 300 years! In P.E. (gymnastics) we have focused on points, patches, mirroring and matching – we have a very talented class!
Home Learning:
Spelling – creating adverbs using ly – exceptions to the rules learnt previously.
truly, duly, wholly, fully, daily, publicly, dryly, slyly, shyly, coyly.
Reading – 10 minutes daily – please sign reading records.
Advent Service – to prepare for our Advent service the children must know the words to the hymn Think of a world without any flowers,
Have a restful weekend
Miss Pringle