Week 11: 29th November, 2019

This week we have been busy continuing with our English work on Gods and Goddesses – the children have planned to write their own Roman Myth and today, they wrote their setting.  The children  worked extremely hard to include a variety of sentence openers and as an extension were able to use a thesaurus to improve their word choices.

In Maths the children used place value counters to help them with formal addition calculations with no regrouping.  They worked hard to ‘build’ the number and record their answer using the vertical layout.

In RE this week, the children researched and found out about St Matthew and inserted their findings onto their wall of knowledge.  We had our class Act of Worship with a focus on Advent and each child wrote their Advent promise.

In DT the children made another moving card using levers and linkages.  Look at some of the wonderful designs that were produced!

Kaz, our Djembe drumming teacher has invited the children to take part in the Potters Bar Music Centre Winter Concert on Saturday 14th December.  Letters have been emailed to you and thank you to the parents who have already returned their reply slips. Please support this wonderful opportunity for your child.

On Wednesday, the children and I said goodbye to Ms Varga who has left to prepare for the coming of her baby.  We wish her  well and look forward to meeting her new addition soon!

DON’T FORGET!!  Year 4 Trip to St Alban’s Verulamium Museum on Monday 2nd December.  The children will be back in time for 3:30pm.

The Year 6 Fairtrade team visited our class to tell us about Fairtrade and we found out many interesting facts about fairtrade and how it changes the way trade works through better prices, decent working conditions and a fairer deal for farmers and workers in developing countries.  Thank you Nick, Angelina, Tanya and Toni for your enthusiasm about such a worthy cause.

See you all at the Christmas Fayre!

Mrs McNamara


Homework:  Mathletics

Learn our class song for the Advent Service: Somewhere Out There.

Somewhere Out There Lyrics Click hereSomewhere Out There song The Fairtrade Team

Our Maths Work on the formal method of addition with no regrouping.

DT – using levers and linkages

Good bye Ms Varga