Autumn 2, Week 3.

It was lovely to see so many of you in assembly this morning to celebrate Father Shaun’s 25th anniversary of priesthood – what an achievement.

Our week has been fun filled and packed with new learning opportunities. In maths we have continued to add mentally and by using regrouping to think 10 and think 100. We have also enjoyed finishing our Willow Pattern Plate Fables and sharing them with Y1. Mrs Joyce and the Y1 pupils were very impressed with the quality of writing and reading! Well done.

All of year 3 are very keen readers, who are extremely good at recommending and selecting books from the library. In class the children have been trying to read books written by our author of the month David Walliams or to read Miss Pringle’s recommended book lists – if you are a member of a Hertfordshire library please look out for these books

On Wednesday, we enjoyed an act of worship with Deacon Axl about the Lost Sheep – he has asked that the children draw a picture of the lost sheep and write a prayer about forgiveness for next Wednesday.

During RE we have been learning about The Gospel writer Matthew, about Advent and what the the Jesse Tree is – next week we will be making our own Jesse Tree. We have used our knowledge of Matthew/Advent and computing skills to create word clouds on the i-pads.

Home Learning 











Reading – 10 minutes daily. 

Mathletics activities have been set too. 

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle