Week 11: 22nd November
Another busy week of learning!
On Friday, some of Year 4 assisted with the special assembly celebrating Fr Shaun’s Silver anniversary – 25 Years of priesthood.
In RE we learnt about the genealogy of Jesus and the children started to find out about the Jesse Tree. In English the children continued their work on Gods and Goddesses and looked at how metaphors can add description to their writing. In Maths the children continued to work on understanding the equal difference strategy and playing the game ‘Winner Takes All!’ helped them in a competitive way! In PE we have started our new unit on Gymnastics and in Music,alongside the drumming, they have added to their understanding of notation and note value.
Homework: Mathletics and SPAG
Prefixes ‘in-’, ‘il-’, ‘im-’ and ‘ir-’
irregular, irresponsible, irrational, irresistible, irrelevant, illegal, illiterate, illegible, illogical, illuminate