Week 14: 20th December, 2019

Another busy week….the Christmas Panto, Christmas Dinner, Talent Show, Art Activities…the list goes on!

This week, we continued learning about regrouping in Maths alongside our knowledge of our timetables; in RE we looked further at the story of the birth of Jesus and compared what Matthew has written in his gospel with what Luke has written about the Nativity.

The children have learnt to remember that although Luke and Matthew record the birth of Jesus very differently, the truths they are trying to convey is the same: Jesus was the Messiah, God in human form.

Wishing you all every blessing for Christmas and the New Year.  See you in January!

Mrs Dunning, who has been working with us this half-term, will be joining us in January to cover Ms Varga’s maternity leave. She has really enjoyed spending this time getting to know the children and looks forward to seeing them all in January.

Thank you also for your kind words and gifts.  Myself, Ms Hilton and Ms Lawlor are touched by your generosity.  I will pass on your gifts and best wishes to Ms Varga too.

Mrs McNamara

Christmas Dinner

Art Activities A special thank you to Freddie’s mum who also sent in activities for the children to do.



Our Advent Class Worship

William is on stage!  Panto: Sleeping Beauty

Our D&T Designs


Autumn 2 Week 7

Our final week of the term has been jam-packed with entertainment! On Monday, we were treated to a KS2 music concert. I was so impressed with the quality of the performances and it shows the hard work and dedication the children put in during their spare time. Well done to all performers. Then on Tuesday, we watched the pantomime at the Wyllyotts theatre. It was great fun and the children acted as fantastic role models for the Year 1 children they walked to the theatre with. Wednesday was our annual talent show at Pope Paul. We had a lot of acts to choose from and we were represented by signing and comedy acts. Well done to all children who auditioned and those that took part. Wednesday was also our Christmas lunch day and we enjoyed a delicious meal together.

Thank you all for your generous cards and gifts. It has been a pleasure working with you  and your children this term.I wish you a blessed Christmas and joyous New Year.


Mrs Lines

Autumn 2, week 6

I would like to start by saying very well done to all the children for their wonderful singing, reading and acting at the KS2 Advent Service on Tuesday. You were a credit to the school and Parish.

I would also like to say thank you for your generous donations to our class hamper for Caritas Charity.

We have written synonym poems in English and worked on our timetable recall this week in maths.

During RE we have compared the differences, similarities and the common theme of Luke and Matthew’s account of Jesus’ birth. I have challenged the children to check their Christmas cards and see which account they depict.

Home Learning:

Spelling –

believe, appear, often, group, breath, continue, arrive, women, describe, height.

These are tricky words that don’t have a rule. To help you remember them try and think of any little rhymes or words within words that will help you to remember these spellings. For example appear has the word ear in it;  appear and height has the word eight in it; height.

Reading –  read for 10 minutes each day and sign reading records. Please return library books next week in order to choose a book to take home for the Christmas holiday’s. Our class author after Christmas is Michael Morpurgo.

Mathletics – has been set. Please also log onto hit the button and practise multiplication and division facts.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Pringle

Week 13: December 13th

This week the children prepared for the Advent Service and it was a delight to watch them retell the story of Abraham in word, drama, song and dance.  Well done to all the children on performing so well on Tuesday night.

As part of our RE lessons this week, the children have continued to learn more about the Jesse Tree.  The Jesse Tree is a kind of Advent Calendar. Each day through advent we have been examining a special decoration that tells a story from the Bible and its symbol is hung on the tree. We have also examined the message behind the story of Abraham and the children wrote their own prayers about trusting in God like Abraham.

This week the class watched many of their peers entertain them through their music playing and singing at the Music Concert on Monday afternoon.  Well done to Alice, James, Mia, Aidan, Sandro, Jack, Lottie, William P, William G, Phoebe, Mishka and Ellie who performed so well.

On Tuesday the class watched the KS1 Nativity – the KS1 children worked so hard to remember their lines and all the words to the songs. It was great fun all round and they did themselves very proud. Year 4 really enjoyed watching it just as much as the children enjoyed performing!

On Friday, the choir members went off to sing in the afternoon and those children left back in class were given the task to solve the Christmas Pudding Conundrum!  The children worked really well with their partner to solve the five difficult clues.

Another piece of Good News for the class – Ms Varga had a baby girl on Wednesday morning!  We were all delighted to hear that Baby Anna had arrived.

Thank you to the parents who have already sent in their donation for our Advent Giving Calendar.  Please send in your donation so that we can create a hamper of goodies to donate to the St Vincent de Paul Society to be distributed in our local area.

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spag.com.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara

Year 2 Blog Week 13

What a lovely week of learning! Year 2 have been thinking very carefully about the Nativity story and looking at the differences between Matthew’s and Luke’s account of the birth of Jesus. The children created some beautiful nativity scenes in Art. We continued our work on portraits and we focused on the faces of the visitors to the stable.

Our Author of the Month for December is the wonderful Julia Donaldson. Her rhyme is sublime! We particularly enjoyed the tale of Superworm. In Science the children investigated different habitats in our school gardens and observed the humble earthworm. It was a wriggly good time!

Well done to all the performers in the KS1 music concert. What talent!

This Advent we are supporting the Caritas Food Collective – Building Communities and Improving Lives. Please support by choosing any star on our Advent Giving Calendar and donating to this appeal. Bring your star product into school next week to fill our class hamper. Thank you.

I look forward to seeing all you on Wednesday 11th December at 9:30 a.m. for the big show!

Have a peaceful weekend.

Miss Davey





Week 11: 29th November, 2019

This week we have been busy continuing with our English work on Gods and Goddesses – the children have planned to write their own Roman Myth and today, they wrote their setting.  The children  worked extremely hard to include a variety of sentence openers and as an extension were able to use a thesaurus to improve their word choices.

In Maths the children used place value counters to help them with formal addition calculations with no regrouping.  They worked hard to ‘build’ the number and record their answer using the vertical layout.

In RE this week, the children researched and found out about St Matthew and inserted their findings onto their wall of knowledge.  We had our class Act of Worship with a focus on Advent and each child wrote their Advent promise.

In DT the children made another moving card using levers and linkages.  Look at some of the wonderful designs that were produced!

Kaz, our Djembe drumming teacher has invited the children to take part in the Potters Bar Music Centre Winter Concert on Saturday 14th December.  Letters have been emailed to you and thank you to the parents who have already returned their reply slips. Please support this wonderful opportunity for your child.

On Wednesday, the children and I said goodbye to Ms Varga who has left to prepare for the coming of her baby.  We wish her  well and look forward to meeting her new addition soon!

DON’T FORGET!!  Year 4 Trip to St Alban’s Verulamium Museum on Monday 2nd December.  The children will be back in time for 3:30pm.

The Year 6 Fairtrade team visited our class to tell us about Fairtrade and we found out many interesting facts about fairtrade and how it changes the way trade works through better prices, decent working conditions and a fairer deal for farmers and workers in developing countries.  Thank you Nick, Angelina, Tanya and Toni for your enthusiasm about such a worthy cause.

See you all at the Christmas Fayre!

Mrs McNamara


Homework:  Mathletics

Learn our class song for the Advent Service: Somewhere Out There.

Somewhere Out There Lyrics Click hereSomewhere Out There song The Fairtrade Team

Our Maths Work on the formal method of addition with no regrouping.

DT – using levers and linkages

Good bye Ms Varga

Year 2 Blog Week 12

This week we have been thinking about how during Advent we are preparing for the coming of God. Year 2 created a beautiful Advent display for our sacred space in our classroom and thought very carefully about their Advent promises.

We have been reflecting on Pope Francis’s call in Laudato Si’ to be stewards of our beautiful world. Year 2 created some wonderful labels for our packets of harvested Runner beans. We are encouraging everyone to sow beauty not destruction and care for our common home. Look out for the Laudato Si’ stall at the Christmas Fair!

We are now in the final stages of preparations for our KS1 Christmas Nativity. Please see below the list of costumes the children require. We have some costume accessories and props in school however if children have a complete costume for their part at home they may use that if they wish.

Storytellers – Red clothes, Christmas hats

Trader – Black or white top and trousers,

Customer – Festive clothes

Angels & Stars – White top, leggings, tights

Shepherds – Black or white top and trousers

Sheep -Black or white top and trousers

Wise Men –  Black or white top and trousers

Herod – Red top and Black or white trousers

Servant & Jester – Black or white top and trousers

Inn Keepers – Black or white top and trousers

Mary – Blue top, leggings, tights

Joseph – Black or white top and trousers

Please bring in costumes by Monday 9th December, in a bag with your child’s name on it, ready for the dress rehearsal on Tuesday 10th December. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me.

Home Learning: Rehearse lines and songs for the play. No spelling test!

Have a lovely weekend.

I look forward to seeing you at the Christmas Fair!

Miss Davey

Week 11: 22nd November

Another busy week of learning!

On Friday, some of Year 4 assisted with the special assembly celebrating Fr Shaun’s Silver anniversary – 25 Years of priesthood.

In RE we learnt about the genealogy of Jesus and the children started to find out about the Jesse Tree. In English the children continued their work on Gods and Goddesses and looked at how metaphors can add description to their writing. In Maths the children continued to work on understanding the equal difference strategy and playing the game ‘Winner Takes All!’ helped them in a competitive way!  In PE we have started our new unit on Gymnastics and in Music,alongside the drumming, they have added to their understanding of notation and note value.


Homework: Mathletics and SPAG


Prefixes ‘in-’, ‘il-’, ‘im-’ and ‘ir-’

irregular, irresponsible, irrational, irresistible, irrelevant, illegal, illiterate, illegible, illogical, illuminate



Reception Class-Autumn Term 2 Week 3

Reception have been very busy participating in National Nursery Rhyme Week, this week. They enjoyed focussing their learning around the rhymes ‘Doctor Foster Went to Gloucester’, ‘Down in the Jungle’ and ‘Two Little Dickie Birds’.

Nativity production preparations are now well underway and the children are already impressing us with their singing and acting. On Tuesday, the children nominated themselves for the roles that they would like to perform. The school provide the actual costumes, but we will be asking families to provide base layers soon. Please look out for a letter outlining what your child will need; it will be in the book bag later on in the week.

In RE this week, the children have been learning about Advent. They made Advent promises and recorded them on some special paper. These promises will be used as part of the whole class Advent calendar display above our prayer table.

The children also made some crowns to wear to the whole school assembly on Friday to celebrate the feast of Christ the King, the final Sunday of Ordinary Time before Advent begins. Fr Shaun was so impressed with them, that he has asked the children to wear them to mass on Sunday! It was also a very special assembly as the school celebrated Fr Shaun’s silver jubilee. We are very lucky to have such a special priest who continually helps us to grow closer to God.

Reception finished the week with a very special Act of Worship with their Year 6 learning partners . Thank you to Owen, Sofia, Matthew and Mia who led the class in prayer so beautifully.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer


Autumn 2, Week 2

This week we have been learning about the Liturgical calendar and what the different times mean. We have also been using adverbs to extend our Willow Pattern stories. In maths we have been adding using our number bonds and regrouping strategies. As part of Anti-Bullying week we took part in a workshop called This Is Me, where we shared and celebrated our talents and difference.

Home Learning 

Mathletics, reading and  and Spelling.

Creating an adverb when the root word ends in le.









