Friday 27th March – learning

Good Morning Y3,

I hope you are all well. Here is today’s learning;

PE with Joe Wicks





Choose five different words from this list to practice and copy them out four times.

accident, accidentally, actual, actually, address, answer,

appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe, build, busy, business.




Please go to and choose three activities of your choice based on the picture prompt today.


Read for 10 minutes and record what you have read in your reading record.


Please put the short date into your maths book along with the title Fluency 


Here are your 6 fluency questions to copy and complete – remember to put one digit in one square. 




Mathletic tasks have been set for Thursday and Friday – please complete the assigned fluency tasks for these days first and then log onto mathletics to complete the online activities.


Art Using your own paper or paper from your art book (take the middle  pages out only please) create a picture to display in your window to cheer up a passing key worker or someone taking their daily exercise. A lot of children around the country are doing this – see if you can spot any from your window.

Thursday 26th March – learning

Good Morning Y3,


I hope you are all well. Here is today’s learning;

Here is the link to your daily PE lesson with Joe Wick

It is a great way to start your day!



Choose five different words from this list to practice and copy them out four times.

accident, accidentally, actual, actually, address, answer,

appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe, build, busy, business.




Please go to and choose three activities of your choice based on the picture prompt today.


Read for 10 minutes and record what you have read in your reading record.


Please put the short date into your maths book along with the title Fluency 


Here are your 6 fluency questions to copy and complete – remember to put one digit in one square. 




Mathletic  (statistic) tasks have been set for Thursday and Friday – please complete the assigned fluency tasks for these days first and then log onto mathletics to complete the online activities.



Write and illustrate a prayer in your writing books.



Write your own prayer in your writing book. This could be based on the Wednesday word that was sent home, it could be for your family, for those who are ill or isolating or for those helping others at this difficult time.



Day 3 Year 4 Learning

Good Morning Year 4!

We hope that you completed the work yesterday.  Remember, if you have any questions email Miss Dunning and I and we will endeavour to answer your query.  You can keep in contact with Miss Dunning and myself by posting comments to the Year 4 Blog or by sending us an email at Try your best in doing class work each day.

Before you start today’s work, look over the answers from yesterday’s work.

Day 2 Year 4 Learning answers

Remember, read through each activity for today’s learning and keep your handwriting neatly presented as you complete each task.

Day 3 Year 4 Learning

For today’s learning you will need to open:

Annunciation information sheet                  Maths Information Sheet

Have a great day.  Remember, upload photos/messages of what you have been doing today.

Resources that you could use today:  Today is the Feast of the Annunciation

Our Lady and Saint Vincent Church are having 10am Mass. Fr Shaun has invited us to join him.

You can access the live streaming via the parish website .


Maths Chase

Hit the Button

Why not try the online books (e-books) from Oxford Owl:  Click on ‘My Class Log in’

Oxford Owl

Username: popepaul2020

Password: Ilovereading2020

Wednesday 25th March – learning

Good Morning Y3,


I hope you are all well. Here is today’s learning;




Choose five words from this list of Y3 statutory spelling to practice and copy them out four times.

accident, accidentally, actual, actually, address, answer,

appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe, build, busy, business.




Please go to and choose three activities of your choice based on the picture prompt today.


Read for 10 minutes and record what you have read in your reading record.


Please put the short date into your maths book along with the title Fluency 


Here are your 6 fluency questions to copy and complete – remember to put one digit in one square. 








Once you have completed these tasks please go to one of the following sites and practice your timetables.

Multiplication Tables Check – Mathsframe

This activity exactly mirrors the ‘Multiplication Tables Check’ that will be given to children at the end of Year 4. They are tested on their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12.


Mini beast hunt – in your garden only.




If this isn’t possible please research, label and sketch, the life cycle of a butterfly – most of caterpillars in our class are chrysalis now!

Go into your garden and search for mini beasts.

Record what you find in a table drawn into your writing book.

Name Observational  drawing Number of legs. Number of wings Where


Year 6 – Tuesday 24th March learning

Good morning, Year 6.

Here’s the plan for today. Remember you can email me with any questions at

Subject Activity
PE Stay fit and healthy by checking in with The Body Coach each morning at 9.00 at
Prayer Visit and reflect on today’s Bible verse and message.
Handwriting Copy these sentences containing this week’s spellings 1-5 into your handwriting book:

1.       Can you accommodate any more guests in your hotel?

2.       Mrs James will accompany you to the head teacher’s office.

3.       We needed access to the internet for our research project.

4.       They often accuse me when something goes wrong.

5.       The reporters always accost the celebrity as he leaves his house.

Reading 15 minutes of
English Click here to open today’s English activities.
Times Tables
Maths Daily Maths Challenge (updated daily)

WALT connect algebraic equations to known models.


Arithmetic starter:

1.       _______ = 36.87 + 8.954

2.       13,267 – 8,954 =

3.       193 x 42 =

4.       _______ = 6,302 ÷ 3

5.       35.6 ÷ 10 =


Click here to open today’s maths lesson.

Click here to open the first set of extension questions (with answers).

Click here to open the second set of extension questions (with answers).

Art Follow this tutorial that will teach you to draw one of the most famous illustrated characters ever. Email me photos of your finished results if you’d like to share them with me!

Music Listening task: Click here to listen, then answer these questions about the piece. (Klezmer is one of Miss D’s favourite genres – feel free to explore it further!)

Performance task: Each day, ‘Body Beats’ is posting a session which uses the body as a percussion instrument. Find it here. This is a fun and effective way for developing rhythm and creating rhythmic patterns, as well as getting you moving. I highly recommend you tuning in each day to build upon the day before. I would also love it if you could email me your performances via email!

Spring 2, Week 4

We have been busy in Y3 this week preparing the vegetable and flower beds. In English, we completed and published our Tin Forest stories. In Maths, we started interpreting data from pictographs and bar charts.

Please see the School newsletter for details about arrangements for daily learning. Packs of books and resources have been sent home.

Wishing you all a peaceful weekend and lovely Mothering Sunday.

Make sure to keep in contact via the Year 3 class blog and email.

Take care,

Miss Pringle


Subject Activity
Maths Fluency questions:











English Revision of semi-colons


Q1. Insert a semi-colon in the correct place in the sentence below.

Frank  would  like  to  go  to  Cornwall  next  summer  he  might  also

visit  France  in  the  spring.

1 mark

Q2. What is the name of the punctuation mark used between the two main clauses below?

My sister loves team sports; my brother, on the other hand, prefers individual sports – such as athletics.


1 mark

Q3. Insert a semi-colon in the correct place in the sentence below.

There  are  Roman  ruins  near  our  village  they  are

being  excavated  next  week.

1 mark

Q4. Insert a semi-colon in the correct place in the sentence below.

Come   and   see   me   tomorrow   I   will   not   have

time   to   see   you   today.

1 mark

Q5. Insert two commas and a semi-colon in the correct places in the passage below.

Last  Wednesday  we  performed  a  play  at  school  I invited  my

parents  to  come  and  watch.  When  I  first  went  on  stage  I  was

so  nervous  that  I  nearly  forgot  my  lines.

1 mark

Q6. Which punctuation mark should be used in the place indicated by the arrow?

Josh was excellent at languages he spoke French and Spanish.



  Tick one.
full stop


Year 6 – 13/03/20 (Science Week)

This week has been British Science Week, so at Pope Paul everyone has been investigating the dunkability of different biscuits: Hobnobs Digestives, Ginger Nuts, Rich Tea and Nice.

Some groups looked investigated whether the thickness of the biscuit affected how quickly it disintegrated when dunked, whilst others investigated density and amount of sugar. We increased the reliability of our results by dunking each type of biscuit three times.

Our results showed that there was no correlation between density and absorption, nor could we conclude that thickness or sugar content had and impact. The Rich Tea biscuit stayed intact for the longest, so we would like to carry out further investigations to get to the bottom of why this is the case.


On Thursday, we were lucky enough to do fieldwork with Mr Friedlander from Dame Alice Owen’s School. Using quadrats and magnifying glasses, we looked at the number of plant organisms on the field. The children hypothesised that there would be fewer species the closer we got to the being under a tree, as there would be less light there, in addition to the tree taking most of the nutrients from the soil. The results were not as clear-cut as we’d hoped, but we still identified lots of different meadow plants growing within the grass.


This morning, we welcomed Marie from the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control into the classroom, and she taught us about the work they do there, specifically testing vaccines to treat viruses. We learnt about antigens and how vaccines allow the body to build up an army of antibodies which hopefully make us immune to the virus. The children acted out being antibodies that attach themselves to antigens to defeat the virus.

Also this morning, we had our Celebration Morning. Thank you to everybody who took part in the Build-a-Tree Competition – some are impressively stable and balanced, others less so!


Also this week, Year 6 participated in the Sports Hall Athletics Tournament at Dame Alice Owen’s School. Well done to everybody for taking part and for representing our school.

What a busy week!

This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 17th March) is as follows:

English · KS2 SATs Grammar Test (C)

· please spend minimum 30mins on this

Spellings Words containing the soft ‘c’:












Times tables

(online) Mathletics tasks – arithmetic question


Continue to revise all times tables.

Have a great weekend.

Miss Donatantonio

Spring 2 Week 2

Another busy week has flown by in Year 5. On Tuesday we visited the Houses of Parliament. Our tour began by taking the queen’s entrance and looking around the robing room, where Queen Victoria’s throne still sits. We were then able to make our way to the House of Lords. Once inside, we could see the ornate, gold decoration. It was a wonderful experience for the children and adults alike. After our tour had concluded, we took part in a workshop where we explored votes for women and how suffragettes brought about change. It was an absolute privilege to take Year 5 on this trip. Not only was their behaviour impeccable during the journey, tour and workshop, they proved themselves to be highly knowledgeable about parliament. A tour guide complimented Year 5 and said that she was very impressed with their questions and comments. Well done, Year 5, and thank you to our adult helpers. Many of our Year 5s then had to rush off from the station on our return that day to take part in a chess tournament. They represented us well and achieved silver and bronze. All in all, it was a very busy but successful day.


On Thursday it was World Book day. There were a fabulous assortment of bible characters and I enjoyed hearing about who the children had chosen to come as and why.

All through this week, some of Year 5 took part in bikeability. This was a fantastic experience for them to learn new skills and how to ride on the road safely. Thankfully the weather improved today as they had endured some downpours during their sessions throughout the week.

Next week is science week. I am looking forward to seeing Year 5 use their scientific skills to take part in a whole school investigation. During science today, they impressed me with their observation skills as we looked at eggs. See if they can tell you about the different parts of the egg and how and why we are able to tell if they have gone bad.

Have a peaceful weekend


Mrs Lines


Home learning:

Mathletics (10 tests)

Spellings week 1

Year 6 – 28/02/20

On Monday, we had the privilege of being responsible for the burning of the palms for the Ash Wednesday celebrations at the church and the school. We learnt from Deacon Axcel that the ashes symbolise us being mortal sinners, made from dust, but who will be forgiven though the Resurrection. Thank you to Deacon Axcel for leading the burning ceremony.

On Tuesday, the children finished their PE dance unit in which we focused on the Charleston. Have a look at the videos below to see each group’s final dance!

In English, we began the whole-school text ‘The Tin Forest’. So far, we have looked at the setting description, inferred meaning from the illustrations, and analysed the development of the main character’s emotions. We also started making parts of the tin forest which will emerge within the school next week!

In math, we were looking at 2D shapes, focusing particularly on geometry-related vocabulary. We also had a pancake-themed lesson on Tuesday, in which the children had to investigate from where they should buy their pancake ingredients, using costings from 4 supermarkets and calculating percentage discounts.

This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 3rd March) is as follows:

English You have each been given a sheet with your writing targets on and a story starter underneath. Your task is to write another paragraph of the story whilst focusing on your targets and attempting to use two of this week’s spelling words below.
Spellings Words with the suffix -cial:












Times tables

(online) Mathletics tasks – area and circle vocabulary


Continue to revise all times tables.

Have a great weekend.

Miss Donatantonio