Week 10: 15th November

This week was Anti-bullying week and the main focus this year is ‘Change starts with us.’

Here at Pope Paul we are proud to support Anti-Bullying Week and the children participated in a range of activities  to raise awareness. They also took part in a workshop ‘This is Me’ and learnt about how unique they are and how it is important to accept people as they are.

In Maths, the children have continued with introducing equal sum as a strategy using bead strings as an aid.

In RE the children examined the Liturgical Year Calendar and revisited their understanding of Advent.


On Tuesday, we had our class mass on the theme of The Eucharist. The children read, sang and prepared well.  As each child played a part in the mass, the mass was a special time for all and we thank you, the parents and carers, and thank the parishioners who came as well.  Having parents and carers/friends present made the mass even more special for us.

The children had a focus on remembrance on Monday in class and made a lovely remembrance focus in class before attending the whole school 2 minute silence reflection at 11am.

This morning straight after assembly, the children walked to Oakmere Library for a wonderful performance of Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’ presented by Philip for Booster Cushion Theatre.  They were captivated from the start and came away full of inspiration about this story. A number of the children were chosen to take part in the show and the ‘humbugs’ and ‘gold coins’ that were given to them went down a treat!  We hope that you heard lots about it too when the children got home.

Homework: :           Prefixes ‘in-’, ‘il-’, ‘im-’ and ‘ir-’

inactive, incorrect, incredible, inaccurate, indirect, immature, immobile, impossible, impatient, impolite

Practise your 3, 4 and 6 timestables!

Mathletics and SPAG.com

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara     Ms Varga

Reception Autumn Term Week 9

Welcome back! We hope you all managed to have a restful half term.

Reception have been very busy learning about Diwali, the Hindu festival of light, this week. They learnt about some of the customs and traditions used to prepare families for this special celebration. The children heard the story of Rama and Sita and learnt about the symbolic meanings behind the religious artefacts that Hindu families use. Reception then went on to make some of their own objects, including Rangoli and Mehndi patterns and diva lamps.  Did you know that the word Diwali means ‘rows of lighted lamps’?

Reception have also been learning about Guy Fawkes Night and why we commemorate this event in Great Britain every year. The children have enjoyed making their own firework paintings and models and even constructed a large bonfire to use in their role-play.

On Wednesday, we held our first ‘Come and Read’ session. This is a new initiative that will continue to take place every Wednesday at 3pm and is simply an opportunity to share a book with your child. Younger siblings are also invited and if you are unable to attend, grandparents or aunts and uncles are also very welcome to come in your place. Please do not feel any pressure to attend however- we understand that many of you have work commitments. Your child will still be able to enjoy a book with one of the class adults.

On Thursday, Reception had the opportunity to plant some bulbs, ready for the springtime.

On Friday, we had our first gymnastics session with Mr Dugan from Dame Alice Owen School. The children had lots of fun exploring different ways of rolling. If your child does not wear black trainers to school as part of their school uniform, please send in a pair of plimsoles or trainers for them to change into. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer


Week 9: 8th November, 2019

This week the children have been working hard in many areas of their learning.

In English, they have begun their new unit on Mythical Magic which will be focusing on Roman Myths.  They wrote about their own Gods and Goddesses and will be using these as a writing resource next week.

In Maths the class have been looking at arrays and skip counting.  Using a hundred square they have been discovering patterns when skipping in 3s and 4s and describing the patterns using words such as diagonal, column and row.  The children have also been using the Think 10/100/1000 strategy in answering maths calculations.

In Science they looked at finding patters between the volume of sound and the pitch.  In PE they continued with the focus of invasion games looking at the skill of dribbling.  I can confirm that their skills in this area were fabulous to watch!

In Music the children have continued with Kaz and learnt to follow a round of beats.  Well done to Mia, Lola and Aidan who were chosen to be the leaders when performing this round.

In RE the focus has been on Judasim where the children have learnt about the Torah being the sacred text of the Jewish people and how the Torah refers to the five books of Moses. They also spent time to understand what festivals are connected to the Torah and learnt about Simchat Torah. Simchat Torah celebrates and marks the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings, and the beginning of a new cycle.

Homework for this weekend is Mathletics and Spag.com.

We have a Class Mass on the theme of the Eucharist next Tuesday and invite you to come and celebrate this with the children.

Have a lovely weekend.

Ms Varga and Mrs McNamara

PS: Have you checked out our class video on the Extraordinary Month of Mission?






Autumn 1 Week 6

We have continued our Joan Proctor learning this week and our biographies are beginning to take shape. On Tuesday, we visited London Zoo which gave us a real insight into Joan’s work to inform our writing. It was wonderful to see how she is still remembered there and to have the chance to visit the Komodo dragon enclosure. Whilst there, we took part in a workshop about the rainforest. This will support us in our upcoming geography learning about the Amazon.


The new climbing frame was opened today and Year 5 had a chance to explore it during Golden Time. They are looking forward to using it every Tuesday lunchtime.


This week, home learning has been set on spag.com and Mathletics. Children are also required to complete at least 5 tests on readtheory.org.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Lines.

Year 6 Parents Workshop

Autumn 1, Week 5

This week has been action packed. We started the week with a skipping workshop, where we learnt difficult individual and paired skipping techniques. The playground has been full of ropes this week – don’t forget to bring your ropes in next week.

Later in the week we were visited by a reptile roadshow, where we met and learnt about different snakes, lizards and bearded dragons. This really brought our class book, Joan Procter, Dragon Doctor to life. Did you know that reptiles smell with their tongues and that snakes have hundreds of ribs!?

In science this week we have been testing the permeability of rocks. The children made careful observations and recorded their findings.

Your RE home learning was wonderful, well done. I have enjoyed learning which Bible stories are the children’s favourites. We have started to learn about Psalms this week.

Home learning:

Spelling – homophones and near homophones.

here, hear, heel, heal, main, mane, mail, male, knot, not.

Please discuss the meaning of these words.


Research Mary Anning and create an A4 learning poster to share with the class on Wednesday during science. This website is useful


Maths: Next week we are moving on to estimation and rounding. To support this learning please follow the link below and complete the estimation and rounding tasks M1 – M5.


Reading: Please read for 10 minutes daily and ensure records are signed.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle


19th July, 2019

This week we watched in awe at the wonderful music concerts: Monday afternoon and Wednesday afternoon!

Well done to: Heston(cello), Emily and Dejon (piano) and Megan, Mathias, Patrycja, Bella, Ava (singing) who performed in front of their parents, Mrs Heymoz and the children from Year 3 and 4.  Their confidence has grown so much over the year and we look forward to seeing them perform in the new academic year.

Here are the photos from the Violin concert with Mrs Rodgers:

On Thursday we ventured out to St Albans amid the rain and had a lovely day finding out more about the Romans.  Thank you to Thomas’ mum and Mrs Moccia who volunteered to assist us on the day.

Summer 2 Week 6

Congratulations to all the children for their efforts on sports day and thank you for coming along to support and enjoy a picnic with us on the day.

We have been busy in the vegetable gardens this week, harvesting our potatoes and onions. They were delicious!

There will not be any more home learning set this year but please note that reading scheme and library books must be returned next week.

Miss Pringle

Reception- Summer 2 Week 6

It has been another very busy week in Reception class!

The children have spent lots of time getting to know their new teacher, Mrs Carey and exploring their new classroom, as part of our planned Year 1 transition program.

The highlight of the week was the Sports Day and family picnic. The children began the day by joining in with the warm up dance to the song ‘Cheerleader’ with the rest of the school.

This was followed by the running race, throwing and jumping competition, egg and spoon race and the penalty shoot out!

Thank you for supporting the children; we hope you enjoyed the morning.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer

12th July, 2019

This week – what a lot of things took place!

On Monday the children had their second transition session with Mrs Lines in the Year 5 classroom. Tuesday saw a fantastic effort from all at our Sports Day….well done to Alexis, Patrycja, Emilia, Natalie and Aisling who assisted in leading the Sports Day dance!  Thank you to Meaghan’s dad and Ava’s dad who assisted us at the football station and to Zackary’s sister who took photos of the children during the standing jump and shot put stations.  Thanks also goes to Angelo and Bella who took photographs too!

Do not forget to reply re the class trip to St Alban’s which is taking place next Thursday, 19th July.

Have a lovely weekend!