Day 3 Year 4 Learning

Good Morning Year 4!

We hope that you completed the work yesterday.  Remember, if you have any questions email Miss Dunning and I and we will endeavour to answer your query.  You can keep in contact with Miss Dunning and myself by posting comments to the Year 4 Blog or by sending us an email at Try your best in doing class work each day.

Before you start today’s work, look over the answers from yesterday’s work.

Day 2 Year 4 Learning answers

Remember, read through each activity for today’s learning and keep your handwriting neatly presented as you complete each task.

Day 3 Year 4 Learning

For today’s learning you will need to open:

Annunciation information sheet                  Maths Information Sheet

Have a great day.  Remember, upload photos/messages of what you have been doing today.

Resources that you could use today:  Today is the Feast of the Annunciation

Our Lady and Saint Vincent Church are having 10am Mass. Fr Shaun has invited us to join him.

You can access the live streaming via the parish website .


Maths Chase

Hit the Button

Why not try the online books (e-books) from Oxford Owl:  Click on ‘My Class Log in’

Oxford Owl

Username: popepaul2020

Password: Ilovereading2020