Subject | Activity | ||||||||||
Maths | Fluency questions:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
BODMAS Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAgfnK528RA Questions:
English | Revision of semi-colons
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_O0RN7cup0 Questions: Q1. Insert a semi-colon in the correct place in the sentence below. Frank would like to go to Cornwall next summer he might also visit France in the spring. 1 mark Q2. What is the name of the punctuation mark used between the two main clauses below? My sister loves team sports; my brother, on the other hand, prefers individual sports – such as athletics. ________________________________ 1 mark Q3. Insert a semi-colon in the correct place in the sentence below. There are Roman ruins near our village they are being excavated next week. 1 mark Q4. Insert a semi-colon in the correct place in the sentence below. Come and see me tomorrow I will not have time to see you today. 1 mark Q5. Insert two commas and a semi-colon in the correct places in the passage below. Last Wednesday we performed a play at school I invited my parents to come and watch. When I first went on stage I was so nervous that I nearly forgot my lines. 1 mark Q6. Which punctuation mark should be used in the place indicated by the arrow? Josh was excellent at languages he spoke French and Spanish.