Year 6 – 28/02/20
On Monday, we had the privilege of being responsible for the burning of the palms for the Ash Wednesday celebrations at the church and the school. We learnt from Deacon Axcel that the ashes symbolise us being mortal sinners, made from dust, but who will be forgiven though the Resurrection. Thank you to Deacon Axcel for leading the burning ceremony.
On Tuesday, the children finished their PE dance unit in which we focused on the Charleston. Have a look at the videos below to see each group’s final dance!
In English, we began the whole-school text ‘The Tin Forest’. So far, we have looked at the setting description, inferred meaning from the illustrations, and analysed the development of the main character’s emotions. We also started making parts of the tin forest which will emerge within the school next week!
In math, we were looking at 2D shapes, focusing particularly on geometry-related vocabulary. We also had a pancake-themed lesson on Tuesday, in which the children had to investigate from where they should buy their pancake ingredients, using costings from 4 supermarkets and calculating percentage discounts.
This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 3rd March) is as follows:
English | You have each been given a sheet with your writing targets on and a story starter underneath. Your task is to write another paragraph of the story whilst focusing on your targets and attempting to use two of this week’s spelling words below. |
Spellings | Words with the suffix -cial:
official special artificial antisocial crucial facial beneficial superficial commercial financial |
Times tables |
(online) Mathletics tasks – area and circle vocabulary
Continue to revise all times tables. |
Have a great weekend.
Miss Donatantonio