Summer 2 Week 6

This week we read the story Snail and the Whale.  The children made maps of the places the snail and the whale went to. We learnt about snails and the children wrote facts about them. The children made snails with playdough and decorated snails with dots.

The children have been decorating their mini beasts. They look wonderful!

On Wednesday, we had our Summer Fun Day! The children went on the bouncy castle, played with nerf guns, went on the go-karts, had cakes, got tattoos and played games. What a wonderful day!


On Friday, we made pizzas.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey and the Early Years Team

Year 5 – 12/07/24

**From Monday, please bring extra bags in to take home books etc.**

Today, Year 5 participated in the Oracy for Advocacy event titled ‘Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move,’ alongside nine other schools. This event focused on working for social justice and bringing Catholic Social Teaching to action within our local community.

Phoebe, Sofia, Chloe A, Teddy, Aanay, Sarah, Aram, Emily, Sophie, and Finn M delivered presentations on the theme of ‘Care of Creation,’ showcasing the initiatives at Pope Paul School that reflect our commitment to being stewards of creation. Each school presented on different Catholic Social Teaching values, and after hearing from the different schools, each school decided on an action inspired by the initiatives shared by their peers to pledge for the next school year.

A special well done to Rian and Mya, who confidently spoke in the auditorium in front of 500 people, and to the ten children who gave their presentations in breakout rooms.

This event has ignited our passion to make a positive difference in the world!


Here are pictures from Wednesday’s Summer Fun Day!


Have a brilliant weekend! ⚽🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Friday, 12th July 2024

Summer fun day was the absolute highlight of this week where we came together as a school to spend time outside and enjoy a variety of activities. The children had a fantastic time which was a well deserved treat for their hard work this year. Thank you to all the parent helpers; without your efforts, these events wouldn’t come to life!


Please bring a strong plastic bag to school for books as we are sending them home throughout next week and remember that school finishes Friday 19th July  at 1pm.

Have a lovely weekend

Ms Varga



Friday 5th July, 2024

Another busy week in Year 3 this week!

It was our whole school photograph this morning so the school was buzzing with excitement. Also, thank you so much for your chocolate donations today.  If you have forgotten, please bring in your donation early next week.

In Science the children have explored how water is transported to the different parts of the plant. They first worked in groups and created a human model of how water is taken to the flowers and leaves. Next, they did an experiment to find out how they can ‘see’  that water is sucked up through the stem and then the stem passes water on to the leaves and flowers.



Unfortunately, only two children remembered to bring into school their sunflower that they have been growing at home.  Please can your child bring to school ON MONDAY their sunflower as we would like to measure how tall they have grown.  Thank you! They will be sent back home with your child.

In Maths, we have continued to look back at division and multiplication, practising the inverse to check our answers. English this week has continued to build final pieces for a Gregory Cool sequel.  In RE the children have been looking at what it means to be a follower of Jesus; in RSE they have looked at considering financial stewardship through budgeting activities and discussions about the pros and cons of different payment methods, and learning about financial risks. In PE the children have continued with their lessons in tennis, learning how to improve their serve.

On Wednesday we were treated to a guitar concert. Well done to Hugo for representing Year 3!


Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines.

Home Learning:

For those children who need some more time to complete their Home Learning from Thursday, please bring in your final pieces by Tuesday.9th July.

arithmetic Year 3   Complete the arithmetic using the link provided.

TTRS – log on and complete the 4, 8 and 10 timestables.

spellingshed- spellings and SPaG.

Summer 2 Week 5

Another busy week in Reception. It was lovely to see you at the Parent’s evenings this week.

This week our focus has been Ladybirds. We read the story The Bad Tempered Ladybird and the children wrote about what made them grouchy. They painted ladybirds and we added these to a class display. The children have been writing facts about ladybirds and making life cycles. The children have been making paper mache minibeasts. This week we painted them. We made watches to tell the time like in the story.

This week we had lot of excitement in our class when our caterpillar finally turned into beautiful butterflies. On Wednesday, we let the butterflies go.

In Maths, we have been ordering numbers to 20 and practising reading and writing numbers.

In Religion, we learnt the importance of oil. The Good Samaritan used oil to helped the injured man, the priest anoints sick people with oil, it is put on babies at Baptism and at Confirmation.

Lots of excitement in out class on Monday morning when our caterpillars transformed into butterflies. We have been observing the changes from a caterpillar to a chrysalis to a beautiful butterfly. On Friday, we let them go in our playground!

Next Week

We will be collecting reading books next week. Please practise their phonics and tricky words. We will collect reading books on your child’s reading day.

Monday– Watching Year 6 Play

Wednesday – Fun day!

Thursday – Transition Day


Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey

Year 6 Week Beginning 1.7.24

Year 6 arrived home safely on Friday afternoon, after a fantastic week away at PGL. The children were an absolute pleasure to be around, with outstanding behaviour, wonderful team work and a real sense of comradery throughout the whole week!

This week, we have been very busy with final preparations for our end of year production next week. Thank you so much for sending your children in with their costumes and for those of you who have donated props- it’s really appreciated!

On Wednesday, Year 6 were treated to a lovely concert, where they got to hear Panayiotis and Samuel’s brilliant guitar playing. What talent! Well done boys!

This morning, the class read out their letters (set for home learning yesterday) to Year 5, and answered lots of questions about life in Year 6; this was part of of Year 5 to Year 6 transition. Year 6 were full of advice and were very reassuring, in both their letters and their answers. Well done Year 6!

For home learning, please start to jot down as many memories as you can about your time at Pope Paul, from Reception until present day. The more memories the better! This will be needed for some work in class, so make sure you bring it into school with you by Thursday please.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton

Friday, 5th July 2024

This week in Year 4, the children planned for their final big writing piece, an alternative ending to our class book Stitch Head. In Maths, they learnt how to read, write and plot coordinates in the first quadrant whilst in RE they reflected on their beliefs about Discipleship and recorded their understanding in the form of an acrostic poem.

We also listened to some of our very talented guitar players performing in their end of year concert! Well done everyone!

Thank you so much for those of you who came to see me this week. It has been lovely to share the children’s reports with you and celebrate their achievements in Year 4! A truly remarkable class who worked hard all year!

Please check Thursday’s blog for learning set on coordinates and the weekly spellings (revision words). Please also take time to complete the Olympic profile learning (unless you are already finished), so that you are ready to share in class!

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga



Year 5 – 05/07/24

This week, Year 5 had an exciting experience as they took on the role of Mini Police on Baker Street on Wednesday afternoon. The children participated in three engaging activities that gave them a taste of what it’s like to be a police officer or a PCSO (Police Community Support Officer).

Activity 1: Speed Guns
The first activity involved using speed guns to check the speed of oncoming cars. This task was challenging as it required precise aiming to get an accurate reading. Despite the difficulty, most of the children managed to get a reading after persevering and improving their aim.

Activity 2: Speed Board Monitoring
In the second activity, children were positioned at the corner of Shrublands, where a speed board was set up to monitor cars entering Potters Bar along Baker Street. Cars that exceeded the speed limit were flagged via walkie-talkies to the group at the third station.

Activity 3: Engaging with Speed Offenders
The third station was further down Baker Street, where officers had time to signal to speeding cars to pull over. The children then had the opportunity to speak with the speed offenders, asking them why they were speeding and informing them of the dangers and consequences of speeding. This was an excellent way for the children to practise their communication skills and understand the importance of road safety.

Don’t miss Year 5’s assembly on Thursday, 18th July at 2:30 pm, where the class will present their experiences from the Mini Police sessions and be awarded certificates. 

Well done to Aanay and Gene, who performed in the guitar concert this week.

A big thank you to all the parents who attended this week’s parent consultations. For those who couldn’t make it, your child’s report will be sent home next week.

Here is this week’s home learning:

Maths Mathletics assignments (revision):

·         Multiplying by 10, 100 & 1,000

·         Dividing by 10, 100 & 1,000

·         Solving problems with multiplication & division

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory or 20 minutes of reading per day
Spelling Last week’s spellings are carried over to next week. Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words that are homophones

·         aisle

·         isle

·         aloud

·         allowed

·         altar

·         alter

·         ascent

·         assent

·         farther

·         father

Research an Olympic Athlete If you didn’t do the Thursday’s home learning, please complete the Olympic Research Project:

 1. Choose an Athlete:

  • Select an athlete who will be competing in the upcoming Paris Olympics. You can pick someone from any country and any sport.

2. Conduct Your Research:

  • Background Information:
    • Where is the athlete from? (City, country, and any relevant cultural or regional details)
    • What sport do they compete in?
  • Career Achievements:
    • Have they won any medals before? If so, which ones (Olympic, World Championships, etc.) and in which events?
  • Training and Preparation:
    • What does it take to become an Olympic athlete in their sport? Consider aspects like training routines, diet, mental preparation, and any unique challenges they face.
  • Personal Insights:
    • Include any other interesting facts about the athlete. This could be involvement in charity work, unique hobbies, or inspirational stories.

3. Present Your Findings:

  • Create a presentation or a report detailing your findings. You can use PowerPoint, Google Slides, Google Docs, a hand-written learning poster or any other format you prefer.
  • Your presentation should include:
    • Introduction: Brief overview of the athlete
    • Main Body: Detailed information organised into the categories listed above
    • Conclusion: Summarise why you chose this athlete and what you found most interesting about them

Electronic presentations can be emailed to the school office or brought to me on a USB. The children will present their chosen Olympian to the rest of the class next week.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Donatantonio

Summer 2: Week 5

It has been another wonderful week for Year One! It was lovely meeting with you all at parents evening.

In Maths, the children carried on with their topic of Time. We practised learning how to tell the time on the hour and half past the hour and we talked about the duration of time.  The children estimated how many times they would be able to do certain activities in 10 seconds. We used a stop clock to see how quickly time passes.  They had to see how many claps they could do, hop on one leg, count to five and how many times they could blink their eyes all in 10 seconds! They had great fun working with a partner, counting times for each other. The results showed that they were actually able to do more than they estimated!

In Italian, the children made their own bingo boards choosing what colours, food and numbers they have learned so far in Italian. It was very exciting waiting to see who would fill their board first!


On Wednesday, Joshua kindly brought in Butterflies from home that had transformed from when we last saw them as a Chrysallis! We were so enthralled to see them! Joshua explained to the children how he has been looking after them and how long it will be before he releases them. Thank you to Joshua and his family for bringing them into Year one to show us.


The children have been watering their beans and keeping an eye on their growth so far! They have noticed that some beans have some roots beginning to grow and some are still waiting to split and begin germination. We discussed reasons why some beans may be slower than others to grow.

In Geography we looked at how the seaside is different from other places. The children looked at different pictures and discussed what they could see. They then had to sort them into 3 groups and give each group a name and reason for sorting.

Home Learning – Due Friday

Mathletics – complete the activities set.

Spellings – practice the spellings with your child for a spelling test next Friday.

Handwriting sheet – months of the year.

Reading – 5/10 minutes daily.

Enjoy your weekend.

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes

Summer 2 Week 5

It was lovely to see so many of you at Parents Evening this week. Thank you for your continued support this year.

This week in Maths, we have been learning about repeating patterns and sequences. This has included completing and creating our own shape and number sequences.

We have also been busy editing and publishing our Great Fire of London diaries.

Have a wonderful weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning


Please complete the Maths learning sent home today (encourage your child to discuss their learning) and read your new book.

If you haven’t completed the Olympic athlete project set yesterday, please hand it in next Friday.

Thank you