Another busy week in Year 3 this week!
It was our whole school photograph this morning so the school was buzzing with excitement. Also, thank you so much for your chocolate donations today. If you have forgotten, please bring in your donation early next week.
In Science the children have explored how water is transported to the different parts of the plant. They first worked in groups and created a human model of how water is taken to the flowers and leaves. Next, they did an experiment to find out how they can ‘see’ that water is sucked up through the stem and then the stem passes water on to the leaves and flowers.
Unfortunately, only two children remembered to bring into school their sunflower that they have been growing at home. Please can your child bring to school ON MONDAY their sunflower as we would like to measure how tall they have grown. Thank you! They will be sent back home with your child.
In Maths, we have continued to look back at division and multiplication, practising the inverse to check our answers. English this week has continued to build final pieces for a Gregory Cool sequel. In RE the children have been looking at what it means to be a follower of Jesus; in RSE they have looked at considering financial stewardship through budgeting activities and discussions about the pros and cons of different payment methods, and learning about financial risks. In PE the children have continued with their lessons in tennis, learning how to improve their serve.
On Wednesday we were treated to a guitar concert. Well done to Hugo for representing Year 3!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines.
Home Learning:
For those children who need some more time to complete their Home Learning from Thursday, please bring in your final pieces by Tuesday.9th July.
arithmetic Year 3 Complete the arithmetic using the link provided.
TTRS – log on and complete the 4, 8 and 10 timestables.
spellingshed- spellings and SPaG.