Friday 24th January, 2025
Another week and what a busy week it has been!
In Maths we have finished our work on fractions, moving onto long multiplication and long division.
In English we have practised varying our sentence structure by starting with subordinate clauses.
In RE we are covering our new focus on Sacramental People. Also this week, the Jubilee Year of Hope has been launched! Pope Francis has declared that the year 2025 will be a Holy Year of Jubilee for the Catholic Church – an event that takes place once every 25 years. The Year of Hope is a time to rekindle faith, share hope, and pray.
It was the girls chance to shine this week in sport – we had a Netball tournament on Thursday morning and unfortunately, due to the rain, the girl’s football match did not take place in the afternoon. The children played well and with such friendly, generous and consideration towards their teammates.
We managed to get our for walk with Reception on Wednesday this week. Although it was muddy, the children had a great time. Year 6 brought great energy and were retelling the story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt as we walked along. We were impressed with how much of it they remembered!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines
Home Learning:
Log onto our class page and find the area labelled ‘Revision Activities 2025’. Here you will find SATs like questions to complete on Fractions. Please aim to complete at least two of these tasks. There are four to choose from . NB: If you are spending too long on a question, please move onto the next one. Please hand in your work next week by Wednesday.