End of the Summer Term 2024

Not to be different to any other week, Year 3 had a busy week with the highlight being the end of our Design and Technology Unit on Making a Wallet/Purse!

It has been amazing to see how this Design and Technology unit has inspired so many of Year 3, with them sewing eagerly at home.

The children embraced using needles, threading them and sewing using the running stitch and backward stitch.  They also embraced how to attach a button to their designs!   The children really enjoyed spending time this week sewing, all of them were absorbed and engrossed and worked really hard.  Well done everyone!



Today, we also said“goodbye” to Mrs Vieyra, who has been part of our school community for many years. She has assisted your children this year in class and running our reading intervention programmes.  We will miss her.

Thank you parents for the support you have given your children over this last year.  They have worked so hard and grown so much during their time in Year 3 and we have enjoyed being part of their learning journey.

Thank you also for the generous gifts you have given to Mrs Lines, Mrs Vieyra and myself.  We really appreciate all the kindness you have shown us this year.

Lastly, THANK YOU to our lovely class making us proud every single day.  The funny, sweet, inspirational moments that we share every day with your children make it the best job in the world.

Wishing you all a lovely summer!

Mrs McNamara, Mrs Lines and Mrs Vieyra.


Summer 2 Week 7

Just like that it’s the end of Year 1!

It has been a lovely year full of learning and exploring and it has been  a pleasure to teach your children. They are very ready for Year 2 and we wish them all the best for their new class.  Thank you also for your generous gifts and kind words this past week, they have been greatly appreciated.


Have a lovely Summer.

Mrs Poyiadzis and Mrs Barnes.

Summer 2 Week 7

Our last week in Reception! What a wonderful year full of fun and learning! Your children have been a pleasure to teach. It has been great to watch them all grow in confidence and they have all developed new skills. You have been amazing parents, supporting your children in their first year at school. They are all ready for Year 1!

On Wednesday, Mrs Wilson bought in some of her pets. We met Malcolm the Millipede, Billy the tortoise and some snails and a gecko. The children were very brave at holding some of them.


Thank you for the cards and gifts.

Have a wonderful holiday.


Mrs Carey and the Early Years Team

Friday 19th July



It has been a pleasure to teach your children this year. We thank you all for your kind gifts and look forward to seeing how well all of the children achieve in Year 4. Have a wonderful summer break.


Mrs McNamara, Mrs Lines and Mrs Vieyra


Year 6 Last Day at Pope Paul!

Well the day finally arrived… the last day at Pope Paul Catholic School for our Year 6 children.

The class have spent the morning saying lots of goodbyes to children and staff, and getting their shirts and books signed!

Thank you to all our wonderful Year 6 children and families- it has been a real privilege to work with you all over the past 7 years. Thank you so much for the overwhelming support that you have given us during this time. We will all will miss you!

Thank you too for your generosity and beautiful class gifts- I will cherish them!

Have a wonderful summer- I will be thinking about you all in September. Your new schools are lucky to have you!

Take care,

Ms Pemberton

I’ll leave you with some photos taken yesterday at the pizza party.


Year 5 – 19/07/24 | End of Term

As we reach the end of the academic year, let’s have a look at what we got up to in Year 5 for our final week of school!

A Visit from Mark Urwin

Monday brought an inspiring talk from Mark Urwin, a talented artist with cerebral palsy. Mark, who travels annually to Lourdes with me on the Jumbulance, shared his story through EyeGaze technology. Using this eye-tracking tablet, he conveyed his passion for painting and how Vincent van Gogh’s work has deeply inspired him. Mark discussed how art helps him express his Christian faith and how EyeGaze technology has given him independence and a voice.

The Jumbulance Visit

In a delightful coincidence, the Jumbulance was at the church yesterday afternoon, preparing to depart for Lourdes with a group from the Westminster Diocese. Year 5 had the unique opportunity to see this remarkable vehicle up close, specially designed with a kitchen and hospital beds to transport people with disabilities and illnesses comfortably. The children were impressed with its many features!

Mini Police ‘Passing Out’ Ceremony

This week also marked the conclusion of the Mini Police training. The children celebrated with an assembly and a ‘passing out’ ceremony, where they received their certificates from members of Hertfordshire Constabulary. Impressively, they wrote the entire assembly themselves, showcasing their enthusiasm and learning from the programme. Well done, Year 5!

D&T Seasonal Cooking

Miss Lambie wrapped up the D&T ‘Seasonal Cooking’ unit yesterday with a fun session making salads and fruit kebabs. The children enjoyed the morning, and the tasty results were a healthy hit!

Thank you, Year 5, for your hard work and growth this year. It’s been wonderful to see your progress, and you’re all ready to take on Year 6! Your generous gifts and kind words this past week have been greatly appreciated.

Have a fantastic summer!

Miss Donatantonio x

The end of the Summer term

Thank you, Year 2, for your hard work and sense of humour this year. It has been wonderful to see your progress, and watch you grow. You’re all ready to take on Year 3! Thank you also for your generous gifts and kind words this past week, they have been greatly appreciated.

Have a fantastic summer!

Miss Pringle


Summer 2 week 6

Year one had a fantastic time on Wednesday for their Summer Fun Day! There were a variety of activities and games to play as well as a turn on the Go-Karts!Thank you to all the parents who volunteered their time to help with the stalls and food.


In Geography this week the children were exploring how people enjoy themselves at the seaside. They discussed their trip to Southend and made a poster about how people can enjoy their time there. The children also looked at lots of pictures and maps.



Home Learning – Due Friday

Mathletics – complete the activities set.

Spellings – practice the spellings with your child.

Reading – 5/10 minutes daily.

Next week could you please send in 2 bags with your child in preparation for their books to come home. Also, a reminder that school finishes next Friday 19th at 1pm.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes

Friday 12th July 2024



This week, the clear highlight was Fun Day. The children had a fabulous time playing games, getting tattoos, bouncing on the bouncy castle, go karting and eating treats! We played bingo with an interactive app.  Click here for the link as the children asked me to post this.  Snakes and Ladders was a firm favourite also alongside the dice game that was played too.  The children also used their timetable and division knowledge to solve the football themed challenge.  The class have also been working on their wallet/purse designs and learning how to sew using the running stitch and backstitch.  We also had Giovana with us these last few days as she has been on her work experience week.  As a past pupil, the children were delighted to hear she came to the school and had chosen to come back here for this week.



Next week, school finishes at 1pm on Friday 19th July. We will be sending home books and various art projects so please send your child in with a strong bag from Monday.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara



Summer 2 Week 7

Summer fun day was a fantastic way to come together as a class, celebrate and say farewell to Mia. We had a great time together and wish Mia and her family lots of love and success for the future. Thank you to all the parent helpers, it was a wonderful day.

Please return your child’s reading book and record next week Wednesday. Also please bring a plastic bag to school for books and remember that school finishes Friday 19th at 1pm.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle