Year 5 – 24/01/25

Today, we launched the worldwide Catholic Jubilee Year theme, Pilgrims of Hope. This special time calls us to deepen our faith, bring hope to others, and journey together towards God. Reflecting on how we can embrace hope in our daily lives and support one another as a community, we continue to live out our mission in this Year of Apostles.

Here’s sneak peak into the rest of Year 5’s week!

In English, we continued reading The Boy at the Back of the Class. We explored the meaning of “refugee,” discussed the prejudices refugees face, and predicted what the narrator might learn about Ahmet. Through role play, we practised respectful questioning to deepen our understanding of others’ experiences.

In Maths, we focused on converting improper fractions and mixed numbers, then moved on to comparing and ordering fractions.

In Science, we planned an investigation to answer: Which material is the best at insulating hot water? The children identified the independent, dependent and controlled variables, and discussed the importance of fair testing, ready for next week’s experiment.

In RE, we began our Galilee to Jerusalem unit, reflecting on the Beatitudes and how to live them out. We also explored the Parable of the Good Samaritan as an example of living the Great Commandment: Love your neighbour as yourself.

Dino, Emily and Sophia led us in a Celebration of the Word on Tuesday to help us reflect on the Wedding at Cana.

Please may I request that children only bring in fully-sealed water bottles; this will help us prevent the increasing number of spillages in the classroom. Thank you for your understanding.

Your home learning for this week:

Maths Mathletics assignments:

·         Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers

·         Converting mixed numbers to improper fractions

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory or 20 minutes of reading per day
Spelling Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words with suffixes where the base word ends in ‘-fer’

·         difference

·         preference

·         inference

·         preferred

·         conferring

·         referring

·         transference

·         referee

·         transferring

·         reference

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Donatantonio