Year 5 – 12/07/24
**From Monday, please bring extra bags in to take home books etc.**
Today, Year 5 participated in the Oracy for Advocacy event titled ‘Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move,’ alongside nine other schools. This event focused on working for social justice and bringing Catholic Social Teaching to action within our local community.
Phoebe, Sofia, Chloe A, Teddy, Aanay, Sarah, Aram, Emily, Sophie, and Finn M delivered presentations on the theme of ‘Care of Creation,’ showcasing the initiatives at Pope Paul School that reflect our commitment to being stewards of creation. Each school presented on different Catholic Social Teaching values, and after hearing from the different schools, each school decided on an action inspired by the initiatives shared by their peers to pledge for the next school year.
A special well done to Rian and Mya, who confidently spoke in the auditorium in front of 500 people, and to the ten children who gave their presentations in breakout rooms.
This event has ignited our passion to make a positive difference in the world!
Here are pictures from Wednesday’s Summer Fun Day!
Have a brilliant weekend! ⚽🏴