Year 6 – Wednesday 6th May learning

Good morning, Year 6.

Here is your learning for today:

Subject Activity
Prayer Visit and click on ‘Start your retreat’ for a short daily reflection.
Miss Pringle’s Home Olympic Challenge Click here for Miss Pringle’s challenge for today.
Handwriting Copy these sentences containing this week’s spellings 1-5 into your handwriting book:

1.                The anniversary of Europe’s liberation from Nazi Germany at the end of World War Two is known as VE Day.

2.                The Germans surrendered because Hitler, their leader, had died and they realised that they would not be able to win the war.

3.                Upon the defeat of Germany, celebrations erupted throughout Great Britain.

4.                Churchill told the crowds in London, “This is your victory!”

5.                Although everyone was pleased that the war had ended, for many the celebrations would have been a sad reminder of the loss of many loved ones.

Reading 15 minutes of
English Click here to open today’s English activities.
Times Tables
Maths WALT make connections to angles on a straight line and around a point.


Fluency starter:

  1. 1/3 of 33 =
  2. 24,591 + 234,819 =
  3. 14 x 74 =
  4. 1,334 ÷ 29 =
  5. ______ = 19.302 x 100
  6. A square has a side that is 14cm. What is its perimeter?


Here is today’s maths video:

Find the questions here and the answers here.

Art As you will remember from our history learning earlier this year, and particularly from our trip to the British Schools Museum, the Spitfire was the name of the fighter plane used by the RAF during WW2. This tutorial will show you how to draw one! As always, show me how you do by sending in a photo.

French I have set two new assignments on

If you have been unable to login, then email me at and I’ll send you your login details.

Wednesday 6th May Learning

Good morning Year 1. I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. I have loved looking at the photos of your learning and I am really proud of you all. Have a great day.

Mrs Carey

Here is your learning today.

PE Olympics Challenge



Write numbers to 100.

Watch the video on compare mass then do the activity sheet. Write your answers in your maths book

or on the sheet.

Wednesday Maths

English The next page of your booklet.

Look at this photo and answer the following questions.

What can you see? What is happening? How are the people feeling?

Would we see this happening today?

What questions do you have about the picture?

If you could talk to someone in the picture what would you ask and why?




Letters and Sounds lesson at 10.30am for Year 1 – Today’s sound is o_e


If your child would like to revise the Phase 3 sounds – 10.00am

 Reading Read for 10 minutes. Write two sentences in your reading record about the book.
D&T People dressed in red, white and blue and held parties in the street to celebrate

that the war was over. Click on the link below.

VE Day Party

Can you plan a party  to celebrate VE Day?

Make some invitations to invite the people in your family.

What would you eat? What would you drink?  Can you make party

hats and decorations?



Wednesday 6th May 2020

Good morning, Year 5. I hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday.

Thank you to Thomas and Fiona who sent their altars made for Mary. They look like a wonderful places to pray to Our Lady.


Here is your learning for today:6th May

Be sure to take on Miss Pringle’s challenge today.Olympic Challenge Day 3

Year 6 – Tuesday 5th May learning

Good morning, Year 6.

I hope you all enjoyed watching the May Procession yesterday morning. I thought it was a beautiful tribute to Our Lady and I was very moved when seeing all of your faces. If you didn’t catch it, then you can find it here.

I was absolutely delighted yesterday to receive this video of Evie and her mum doin’ the Lambeth Walk!

I also received some fantastic learning from Alex, including yesterday’s science investigation. He’s really thought about the appropriate scientific vocabulary to use – well done Alex.

On yesterday’s blog, I forgot to put up the results of last week’s online learning leaderboards, so here we have them:

Readtheory: 1st Giovanna, 2nd Mikey, 3rd Evie

Prodigy: 1st Alex, 2nd Matthew A, 3rd Jude

Duolingo: 1st Alex, 2nd Louise, 3rd Luka

Subject Activity
Prayer Visit and click on ‘Start your retreat’ for a short daily reflection.
Miss Pringle’s Home Olympic Challenge Here is Miss Pringle’s challenge for today.
Handwriting Copy these sentences containing this week’s spellings 1-5 into your handwriting book:

1.                The anniversary of Europe’s liberation from Nazi Germany at the end of World War Two is known as VE Day.

2.                The Germans surrendered because Hitler, their leader, had died and they realised that they would not be able to win the war.

3.                Upon the defeat of Germany, celebrations erupted throughout Great Britain.

4.                Churchill told the crowds in London, “This is your victory!”

5.                Although everyone was pleased that the war had ended, for many the celebrations would have been a sad reminder of the loss of many loved ones.

Reading 15 minutes of
English Click here to open today’s English activities.

Eric by Shaun Tan

Powerpoint – Pronouns and Determiners

Times Tables
Maths WALT use our knowledge of ratio and proportion to solve problems.


Fluency starter:

1.      _______ = 56.24 + 1.047

2.      14,792 – 8,493 =

3.      142 x 56 =

4.      _______ = 7,149 ÷ 5

5.      19.3 ÷ 10 =

6.      List 3 factors of 50.


This is today’s video:

Here are the accompanying questions and answers.

RE WALT know some of the titles dedicated to Mary and said in the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

 Please find today’s RE lesson here.

Music This week’s listening task has a VE Day theme, as the song that I have chosen is one that has become synonymous with WW2. It is called We’ll Meet Again and was sung by Vera Lynn. Vera Lynn (born 1917) was one of the superstars of entertainment during the War years and became known as ‘The Forces’ Sweetheart’. The song found its fame during the Second World War, as it resonated with soldiers who had to leave their families and fight for Britain.

On Friday at 9pm on BBC One there is going to be a nationwide sing-along led by Dame Vera Lynn herself, so after answering the questions about it, it would be wonderful if you could learn to sing part of it.

Music Listening Task

Tuesday 5th May 2020

Good morning Year 2,

I hope that you all had a wonderful day yesterday and that you all enjoyed watching the May Procession. Your photographs were lovely. Seeing you all holding your beautiful flowers made it very special indeed. We will continue to pray to Our Lady during this special month of May.

In the table below you will find today’s learning activities. You will notice that there is a theme running through our learning. We celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day on Friday. Victory in Europe Day, generally known as VE Day marks the end of World War II. I have planned some of your learning activities this week around the theme of World War II and VE Day. 

I have included a quick update on the Year 2 allotment. Enjoy the video!

If you have any questions or if you need any help.. you know where to find me..

Have a brilliant day!

Miss Davey

Subject Activity



Prayer for Tuesday 5th May 2020

History Tuesday 5th May 2020
WALT: Know about the ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign.The ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign was set up during World War II by the British Ministry of Agriculture. Men and women across the country were encouraged to grow their own food in times of harsh rationing. Open spaces everywhere were transformed into allotments, from domestic gardens to public parks – even the lawns outside the Tower of London were turned into vegetable patches.

Potatoes played a vital role in feeding the nation during World War II. Before the war, Britain imported 55 million tonnes of food a year, once war began this dropped to 12 million tonnes and resulted in rationing of the food that was available. The ‘Dig for Victory’ encourage people to grow their own potatoes and vegetables and Potato Pete became a well-known character.

Create a poster that could have been used during the war to encourage the public to ‘grow their own’.

Handwriting Copy the following sentences into your handwriting book:

His mother was so proud of his work.

Her baby brother was learning to walk.

There was nothing in the fridge so they went out for dinner.

My favourite day of the week is Monday.

There was another red car behind them.

Reading Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website:



Use the Teacher Login area.

Maths 05-05-2020
WALT: Construct and interpret tally charts and bar charts.
Rationing during World War II.

With most foods in short supply people had to get creative and come up with alternatives. Have a look at the alternative sandwich fillings below.  Can I interest anyone in a mock banana sandwich?

Complete the Tally chart below.

Complete the Bar chart below. Colour in the chart to show which filling children prefer.

Which sandwich filling was the favourite?

Which sandwich filling was the least favourite?

Did any of the results surprise you?

English Tuesday 5th May 2020
WALT: Identify Homophones. 

Find homophones for the following words.

Rewrite the passage below, correcting the homophones.

It was knight and the sky was pooring with reign. The hole ship rocked on the stormy see and the wind blue hard tearing the sale. The captain new they kneaded to fix it quick, so he called out to too crewmen. As the pear ran off to fetch knew rope the captain, who usually had nerves of steal, preyed that the ship wood knot sink. Suddenly, a peace of would broke off from the deck and flue towards him!

Wishing Eliana a very Happy Birthday!

Thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Tuesday, 5th May, 2020

Good Morning Year 4!

It has been lovely to hear from you and see what you have been up to today. We want you to share your learning with us and tell us about everything you have been doing at home on your own and/or with your family. We love to hear from you!

We hope that you have all had a chance to see the Pope Paul May Procession video. It is absolutely wonderful and quite emotional to watch! Thank you to all of you who managed to send a picture to us. Your pictures were beautiful. You can now see how it made the procession so amazing!

Let it also remind us to continue to pray to Our Lady during her special month. Try to say a decade of the Rosary when you can.

How did you get on with Day 1 of our Olympics Challenge?  Email us your personal bests!

Here’s what some of you got up to yesterday:

The Maths Fluency challenge and work on decimals got you all involved – Well done to Joseph, Darcie-Louise, Mia and William!

Joseph has also been busy cooking – baking scones(they look yum!)  and going on walks with his brother too.

Have a lovely day of learning – make sure that you get out in the fresh air when you can!

Click here for the answers from yesterday’s learning.

Click here for today’s learning.

Resources that you can use for today’s learning:

VE Day Powerpoint

Maths Learning:

Click here  to see yesterday’s answer sheet for Tenths as decimals

Click here  to see Friday’s answer sheet for Hundredths as decimals

Video 1: Look again at Friday’s video on Hundredths as decimals below and then complete the worksheet (click here for the worksheet).

For support: Yesterday, you looked at tenths as decimals.  Today, watch the video 2: Tenths on a place value grid and click here for the worksheet.

Video 1:

Video 2: Tenths on a place value grid



Good Morning Y3,

I hope you enjoyed the computing activity and first Home Olympics Challenge yesterday? Let me know how you are doing by emailing me at

Thank you to those who have emailed me with their news and photos, I love hearing from you and I’m impressed with your hard work and creativity.

Matteo’s Olympic challenge day 1

Here is today’s learning.

Take care,

Miss Pringle



Look up this week’s spelling in a dictionary or thesaurus – what type of words are they; nouns, verb, adjectives or adverbs?

Past and Present Verb Bingo



Play this Past and Present Tense Bingo with a family member or friend online.




Record you reading and list the past and present verbs you identified.

Read A Day in the life of a Nurse by following this link and list the past and present verbs you read in your reading record.



Please complete this tasks online.

More Mathletics tasks on shape have been set.





WALT understand what VE day is.

Read this article to find out more about VE Day:

Watch this video explaining VE Day and the commemorations:

Enjoy this song from Horrible Histories:

Write 6 facts about VE Day into your writing book.


Tuesday 5th May Learning

Good morning Year 1. Thank you for the lovely photos of your learning. I hope you enjoyed watching the beautiful May Procession.

Here is your learning today.




  1. I am a 2D shape. I have 3 sides and 3 corners. What am I
  2. I am a 2D shape. I have 5 sides and 5 corners. What am I?
  3. Double 4 =
  4. Halve of 12 =
  5. 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 =

Watch the video on measure mass then do the activity sheet. Write your answers in your

maths book or on the sheet.

Tuesday Maths


Write the date


The next day of your booklet.

Write Evacuation as your subheading- Research what this means and write some sentences.

Draw a suitcase. If you were evacuated and could fit 5 things in your suitcase what would take? Draw and label what you would take.


username: trial_popepaulcatholicprimaryschool

Password: 0p6n137z

Click on easy letters and watch how to write the letters.

Click on phonics – Click on Phase 5 – choose a phoneme and watch how it is written. Try with the pencil and you can print and try on paper.


Letters and Sounds lesson at 10.30am for Year 1  – Today’s sound is o

If your child would like to revise the Phase 3 sounds – 10.00am


Click on the link below. Choose one of the comprehensions to complete.



Make a WW2 spitfire glider. – Click on the link below for the template.


Predict whether your glide will go further inside or outside.

Throw your glider inside and outside.

Where does it go further?

What makes your glider go further?

Does it make a difference who throws it?

Measure how many footsteps your glider travels. How can you try to make it travel further?

Tuesday 5th May 2020 Learning

Good morning, Year 5. I hope you had a good day yesterday and that you completed Miss Pringle’s challenge. Be sure to give today’s a go too. Olympic Challenge Day 2


Here is your learning for today:5th May

You will need this PowerPoint for the RE:May is the Month of Mary

May Procession 2020

Today we honour Our Lady with our special May procession.

Bring flowers of the rarest, bring flowers of the fairest

From garden and woodland and hillside and vale;

Our full hearts are swelling, our glad voices telling

The praise of the loveliest flower of the vale.

O Mary, we crown you with blossoms today,

Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.