Friday, 3rd March 2023

The children in Year 4 this week, focused on description and sentence structure when writing a wanted poster for our main character Starjik, from our book Ice Palace. In Maths, they finished their geometry unit by describing properties of common 2D shapes, commenting on parallel and perpendicular lines, as well as, angles.

In Science, they investigated gases this time answering 3 questions about them. Do they have weight? What happens to gases when we heat them? Can they be made by adding solids and liquids? Great discussion and accurate conclusions drawn.

In Computing, they looked at websites and gained understanding of their features and types of content shared on them. They then used Chrome Music Lab to create their own content.

As part of Fair Trade Fortnight, the class first watched a presentation about Fair Trade, the organisation, the need behind it and the ways in which the charity helps. After that, they watched a video about a farming community in Sierra Leoni, who took on the Forest Friendly Farming Initiative to raise the profile of their cocoa bean farm and to create safe and fair  conditions to work in.

On Tuesday, Fr Shaun and Fr Robert came to our school to lead us into receiving the  Sacrament of Reconciliation. This is an important step we take during Lent, our Pilgrimage towards God. The children displayed a very reverent and mature attitude during the service.

As part of World Book Day on Thursday, we joined hundreds of schools online to partake in the BBC’s Live Literacy lesson, where the class thought about clues to identify genre, whilst also using familiar stories to re-think with a twist.


As we are approaching National Science Week, please may I ask that if we have any parents who use Science in their work and would be willing to talk about that for a few minutes with the children, they let me or Mrs Carrey (our Science lead) know so we can timetable a talk in class. It would be very much appreciated.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning bellow:

Home Learning Due in by Tuesday, 7th March 2023

Words ending in -tion (set 20)

Study Ladder

Please complete the activities in your assigned pod, all related to parallel and perpendicular lines.



Friday, 24th February 2023

The children in Year 4, had a busy week full of practical activities after their well deserved rest.

In Maths, they moved on to describing properties of common 2D shapes, using specific mathematical vocabulary. In English, they have looked at character development in our class book ‘Ice Palace’ and edited sentences from the story for fronted adverbials and subordinating clauses.

On Wednesday,  we marked the start of a new season in our Liturgical year; The Season of Lent. The children attended Mass and received ashes before making their Lenten promises in class, thinking about ways they can grow closer to God.

In Science, the children carried out practical investigations to test different liquids, interpreting data, representing data on a graph and finally drawing conclusions from the data collected.

In Art, they created textured tiles using clay as part of their still life unit, incorporating different fruits and flowers.


Next week Tuesday, the children will partake in the KS2 Reconciliation Service. Please take some time this weekend  and with the help of the guidance booklet sent home on Thursday talk to the children about their life in school, the decisions they make, how they treat each other, etc to help them articulate some ideas/feelings they can talk about during their time with Father Shaun. Talk to them about the importance of this service and how it helps them reflect on themselves and link these reflections with their Lenten promises and this special time of preparation.

I  would also like to mention, that arrangements in the swimming pool have changed since Furzefeild Sport Center is refurbishing their changing area. The children need to walk a considerable distance from the pool to the new changing zone and after coming out of the pool many of them feel very cold, especially when walking across the different surfaces bare foot. I would therefore strongly advise flip-flops to be part of their kit from now on and larger towels that the children can wrap themselves up into.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning:

As a preparation for World Book Day next week, I would like the children to spend some time researching their favourite author and creating a minimum A4 sized fact file/presentation. Please include details about their life (age appropriate), their work and summarize briefly the story of your favourite book from this author explaining why you like it so much and why you would recommend it to someone in class. The fact file can be handwritten or typed and it can include photos, book covers, pictures/drawings of favourite characters or scenes. Please be ready to present your work on Thursday, 2nd March 2023.

Your chosen author/book does not need to correspond with your outfit!


Friday, 10th February 2023

The children in Year 4 had a busy last week to their half term. In English, they thought about character and story line and mapped out the main events of their class book, Ica Palace. In Math, they estimated, measured and ordered length and capacity, applying their understanding of conversion between units.

In PE, they extended their routines with a further 16 counts and performed in groups.

In Science, they planned a fair test to investigate how fast certain liquids move and prepared graphs to record their data.

On Tuesday, whilst the choir performed in the Wembley Arena, the rest of the children gathered in the hall and used their D&T skills to design, build and evaluate bridges for their weight- bearing capabilities.

In Art, we used a combination of watercolour and poster paint to create silhouette pictures based on our class book,  Ice Palace.

In RE, we looked at the Beatitudes again and read other ‘translations’ of them before writing examples of how to live them out in our daily lives.

Thank you for all of you who came to meet with me during this week’s parent consultations. It has been lovely to share and celebrate with you the children’s achievements so far. Also huge well done to the choir who showcased their talents brilliantly during the Young Voices concert in Wembley. We are all very proud of you!

I wish you and your families a lovely weekend and a restful half-term,

Ms Varga


If you are able to, please continue practicing your multiplication facts and update your reading logs.


Friday, 3rd February 2023

The children, this week, completed some shared writing before planning and writing their final extended narratives based on our class story, ‘The Spider and the Fly.

In Maths, they spent the week converting between units of length, mass and capacity before extending that towards converting between units of time.

In Computing, the class completed practical activities to model the Internet as a network of networks, including switches and routers and thought about ways to keep networks safe.

In PE, they created longer routines with the same Roman theme, whilst in art,  they used pastel crayons to add colour and texture to their still life.

In RE, the children looked at the structure of the Beatitudes and used different sources to help them explain these. They came up with some lovely reflections and could articulate their beliefs well.

I wish you all a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see below your Home Learning

Home Learning

Set 18- challenge words

Please log into your account and practice this week’s spelling words.


Please log into your account and complete two activities.


A new resource, simulating the MTC, is also available and would be very beneficial for children to access:

No registration is necessary.

Study Ladder

Please log into your account and complete the ‘time conversion’ activities in your assigned pod.




Friday, 27th January 2023

The children in Year 4, completed activities to develop sentence structure in English, before planning for their extended piece retelling a familiar story from another character’s point of view. In Math, the class focused on converting units of measurements (length, mass and capacity) developing their understanding of when to multiply and divide. In Science, they started their new unit, ‘States of Matter’, grouping and classifying materials according to being liquids, gases or solids. In Pe, they extended their Roman themed motif to a way of travelling across space and composed a 16 count long routine in groups. In Computing, the children role played computer networks, taking up the roles of computers, switches and routers to gain a deeper understanding of the internet as a network of networks. In Art, the class looked at different still-life artists from different periods to compare their style, colour scheme and technique before attempting their own versions following one of the artists. In Re, the children looked at the Beatitudes using Matthew’s Gospel and ‘translated’ them to modern language in order to make them more meaningful to their age group.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

(I apologies for the lack of photos this week, I am dealing with a technical issue at the moment, but they should appear as normal, next week)

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning

Words ending in -ious, -eous


or alternatively, download the attached documents:

The Parnsnips- questions

The Parnsnips-text




Study Ladder

Please complete the activities in the assigned pod, all based on conversions of mass and capacity. Please do not worry that they are labelled as Y6 material; we cover them in Y4.


Friday, 20th January 2023

This week, in Year 4, the children learnt about Buddhism as part of their Other Faith Week. First, they used iPads to research the main beliefs of this ancient religion and commented on the similarities between Buddhism and Christianity. Then they watched video clips about Lumbini in Nepal, one of the most visited Buddhist Pilgrimage places in the world that became a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1997. During the week, they also looked at Buddhist symbols and made origami Lotus flowers.

In Maths, the children continued their learning of decimal numbers and extended it towards numbers with 2 decimal places whilst also placing these numbers in context when converting between units of measurements.

In English, the class carried on in their unit of ‘The Spider and the Fly’ focusing on sentence structure.

In Science, they completed learning summarizing their understanding of Sound, whilst in PE they began their new unit of dance with a Roman theme. They also enjoyed their first swimming lessons and it has been great to see their confidence in the pool.

In Art, they created still life sketches using pen and pencil, thinking about outline, shadow and texture.

For our next D&T project, please may I ask that you send in a clean 0.5l plastic bottle with lid, labelled with the children’s name. Please send these in, by Monday, 30th January 2023. Thank you in advance for your support with this.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning
Spelling Please practice this week’s spelling words

Words ending in ‘-sion’

Reading Log onto Read Theory and complete 2 activities

Or alternatively complete this comprehension activity:

Quiet Heroine

Quiet Heroine-questions

Multiplication Please log onto TTRockstars and spend 20 minutes practicing your mixed facts.

Huge well done to Aanay, Raylan, Chloe A and FinnMcB who lead our current class board; all with above 100,000 points. Keep up the good work!

Study Ladder

Please complete the activities in your assigned pod, all related to converting measurements of length.

Friday, 13th January 2023

Welcome back and Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Thank you for your lovely cards and the generous gifts.

This week, the children used different everyday items and materials in Science to create simple instruments and investigated them further to see how they can change volume and pitch; making connections between vibration and frequency.

In Art, they looked at Paul Cézanne and his still-life. After learning about his life and discussing his technique and style, the class started replicating his mark making and the effect it creates.

In English, the children started a new unit, based on the beautiful picture book, ‘The Spider and the Fly’. They have written short, interim pieces throughout the week, from advertisements to diary entries, whilst also constructing spider webs using paper straws to create a display area for their later extended writing pieces.

In Maths, the class completed some revisions before moving on to decimal numbers (multiplying and dividing whole numbers by ten).

In RE, we focused on the Feast of the Epiphany, explaining and reflecting on the gifts brought by the Three Wise Men.

PE days, this term will be Monday and Wednesday. Swimming will start next week; please make sure to give permission for children to attend via Schoolcomms.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning

Set 4, List 12: Challenge words


Please complete 2 activities


Please spend 20 minutes practicing mixed facts.

Study Ladder

Please complete the activities in the assigned pod, all focusing on decimals numbers.


Friday, 16th December 2022

The children in Year 4 had a busy, festive week.

They enjoyed the snow at break times, building snowmen and snowball pyramids.

They performed during various Christmas music concerts, singing, playing the piano or the guitar. Members of the choir also performed during the upper ks2 music concert on Wednesday. Well done everyone; it has been a pleasure watching you play/sing so well!

The class also enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch! Happy faces particularly after consuming their puddings!

The children had opportunity on Thursday to watch the KS1 Nativity in the morning, whilst after an early lunch they walked down to the Wyllyotts Theatre to watch the Panto. The children really enjoyed the performance!

Today the class visited our school grotto and met Father Christmas. In addition, they enjoyed activities in the hall, dancing, party food and party games in class. A fitting end to this great week!

I wish you all a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga




SNow Day-12th December 2022

Dear Year 4!

I hope you will have opportunities to enjoy the beautiful snow outside. In the meantime, please see below some fun activities that you can complete at home.


Snowflake draw the other half activity

Snowflake coordinates

Snow themed word problems



The History of Santa Clause-reading


Bells Mandala Christmas Colouring Card

Candy Mandala Christmas Colouring Card

Christmas Tree Mandala Card

Gingerbread Mandala Christmas Colouring Card

Reindeer Mandala Christmas Colouring Card

Snowman Mandala Christmas Colouring Card

It would be lovely to hear how you spent your day outdoors too, so take pictures if you can about snow angels or snowmen you built, gingerbread cookies you baked; basically any practical activities that you can share with the class this week!

Enjoy your day!

Ms Varga

Friday, 9th December 2022

This week, the children in Year 4 consolidated their scaling and correspondence problem solving skills before moving on to measurements. In English, they have written further paragraphs to their non-chronological reports whilst in RE, they compared the Nativity story according to Matthew to Luke’s. They also prayed the Jesse tree and practiced for their Advent Service.

It has been lovely to see many of you during Wednesday’s Service; the children read and sang beautifully and created a truly prayerful atmosphere.

Children form year 4  spent some time decorating the school Christmas tree in the hall and also made paper decorations to turn our classroom a little bit more festive. In D&T, they made greeting cards including mechanisms that will soon be ready to go home.

I wish you and your family a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Your Home Learning this week:

Home Learning Due by Tuesday, 13th December 2022
Spelling Please log onto Spelling Shed and complete the activities to practice this week’s spelling words.

Words ending in ‘-lly’

Reading Please log onto Read Theory and complete 2 activities.

Multiplication Please log onto TTRockstars and spend 20 minutes practicing your mixed facts.

Study Ladder Please log onto Study Ladder and complete the tasks in the assigned pod, all relevant to our current Science unit, ‘Sound’.