Friday, 24th February 2023

The children in Year 4, had a busy week full of practical activities after their well deserved rest.

In Maths, they moved on to describing properties of common 2D shapes, using specific mathematical vocabulary. In English, they have looked at character development in our class book ‘Ice Palace’ and edited sentences from the story for fronted adverbials and subordinating clauses.

On Wednesday,  we marked the start of a new season in our Liturgical year; The Season of Lent. The children attended Mass and received ashes before making their Lenten promises in class, thinking about ways they can grow closer to God.

In Science, the children carried out practical investigations to test different liquids, interpreting data, representing data on a graph and finally drawing conclusions from the data collected.

In Art, they created textured tiles using clay as part of their still life unit, incorporating different fruits and flowers.


Next week Tuesday, the children will partake in the KS2 Reconciliation Service. Please take some time this weekend  and with the help of the guidance booklet sent home on Thursday talk to the children about their life in school, the decisions they make, how they treat each other, etc to help them articulate some ideas/feelings they can talk about during their time with Father Shaun. Talk to them about the importance of this service and how it helps them reflect on themselves and link these reflections with their Lenten promises and this special time of preparation.

I  would also like to mention, that arrangements in the swimming pool have changed since Furzefeild Sport Center is refurbishing their changing area. The children need to walk a considerable distance from the pool to the new changing zone and after coming out of the pool many of them feel very cold, especially when walking across the different surfaces bare foot. I would therefore strongly advise flip-flops to be part of their kit from now on and larger towels that the children can wrap themselves up into.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning:

As a preparation for World Book Day next week, I would like the children to spend some time researching their favourite author and creating a minimum A4 sized fact file/presentation. Please include details about their life (age appropriate), their work and summarize briefly the story of your favourite book from this author explaining why you like it so much and why you would recommend it to someone in class. The fact file can be handwritten or typed and it can include photos, book covers, pictures/drawings of favourite characters or scenes. Please be ready to present your work on Thursday, 2nd March 2023.

Your chosen author/book does not need to correspond with your outfit!