SNow Day-12th December 2022

Dear Year 4!

I hope you will have opportunities to enjoy the beautiful snow outside. In the meantime, please see below some fun activities that you can complete at home.


Snowflake draw the other half activity

Snowflake coordinates

Snow themed word problems



The History of Santa Clause-reading


Bells Mandala Christmas Colouring Card

Candy Mandala Christmas Colouring Card

Christmas Tree Mandala Card

Gingerbread Mandala Christmas Colouring Card

Reindeer Mandala Christmas Colouring Card

Snowman Mandala Christmas Colouring Card

It would be lovely to hear how you spent your day outdoors too, so take pictures if you can about snow angels or snowmen you built, gingerbread cookies you baked; basically any practical activities that you can share with the class this week!

Enjoy your day!

Ms Varga