Friday, 27th January 2023

The children in Year 4, completed activities to develop sentence structure in English, before planning for their extended piece retelling a familiar story from another character’s point of view. In Math, the class focused on converting units of measurements (length, mass and capacity) developing their understanding of when to multiply and divide. In Science, they started their new unit, ‘States of Matter’, grouping and classifying materials according to being liquids, gases or solids. In Pe, they extended their Roman themed motif to a way of travelling across space and composed a 16 count long routine in groups. In Computing, the children role played computer networks, taking up the roles of computers, switches and routers to gain a deeper understanding of the internet as a network of networks. In Art, the class looked at different still-life artists from different periods to compare their style, colour scheme and technique before attempting their own versions following one of the artists. In Re, the children looked at the Beatitudes using Matthew’s Gospel and ‘translated’ them to modern language in order to make them more meaningful to their age group.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

(I apologies for the lack of photos this week, I am dealing with a technical issue at the moment, but they should appear as normal, next week)

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning

Words ending in -ious, -eous


or alternatively, download the attached documents:

The Parnsnips- questions

The Parnsnips-text




Study Ladder

Please complete the activities in the assigned pod, all based on conversions of mass and capacity. Please do not worry that they are labelled as Y6 material; we cover them in Y4.