Friday, 3rd February 2023
The children, this week, completed some shared writing before planning and writing their final extended narratives based on our class story, ‘The Spider and the Fly.
In Maths, they spent the week converting between units of length, mass and capacity before extending that towards converting between units of time.
In Computing, the class completed practical activities to model the Internet as a network of networks, including switches and routers and thought about ways to keep networks safe.
In PE, they created longer routines with the same Roman theme, whilst in art, they used pastel crayons to add colour and texture to their still life.
In RE, the children looked at the structure of the Beatitudes and used different sources to help them explain these. They came up with some lovely reflections and could articulate their beliefs well.
I wish you all a lovely weekend,
Ms Varga
Please see below your Home Learning
Home Learning | |
Spelling |
Set 18- challenge words Please log into your account and practice this week’s spelling words. |
Reading |
Please log into your account and complete two activities. |
Multiplication |
A new resource, simulating the MTC, is also available and would be very beneficial for children to access: No registration is necessary. |
Study Ladder |
Please log into your account and complete the ‘time conversion’ activities in your assigned pod. |