Friday, 10th February 2023

The children in Year 4 had a busy last week to their half term. In English, they thought about character and story line and mapped out the main events of their class book, Ica Palace. In Math, they estimated, measured and ordered length and capacity, applying their understanding of conversion between units.

In PE, they extended their routines with a further 16 counts and performed in groups.

In Science, they planned a fair test to investigate how fast certain liquids move and prepared graphs to record their data.

On Tuesday, whilst the choir performed in the Wembley Arena, the rest of the children gathered in the hall and used their D&T skills to design, build and evaluate bridges for their weight- bearing capabilities.

In Art, we used a combination of watercolour and poster paint to create silhouette pictures based on our class book,  Ice Palace.

In RE, we looked at the Beatitudes again and read other ‘translations’ of them before writing examples of how to live them out in our daily lives.

Thank you for all of you who came to meet with me during this week’s parent consultations. It has been lovely to share and celebrate with you the children’s achievements so far. Also huge well done to the choir who showcased their talents brilliantly during the Young Voices concert in Wembley. We are all very proud of you!

I wish you and your families a lovely weekend and a restful half-term,

Ms Varga


If you are able to, please continue practicing your multiplication facts and update your reading logs.