Spirituality Week- Reception

Reception have taken part in Spirituality Week with the rest of the school this week. The theme this year has been ‘Meeting Jesus’. The week began with a whole school Act of Worship, where the children placed their personalised host on a large host above the altar. This created a beautiful display showing how we are One Body. They then created pictures based on where they see Jesus.


On Tuesday, the class were led in prayer by our wonderful Year 5 children, as they participated in the activities set up at the prayer stations.

On Wednesday, Reception looked at a modern painting depicting Jesus sitting alongside people on a train. Chloe decided that it reminded her of the story, The Road to Emmaus’, as Jesus was travelling alongside people who didn’t recognise him!

The children then thought about times in school when they had shared a joyful experience with a friend. Together, they then drew a picture of how they felt during that time.

Today, the children were excited to share their learning environment during the Celebration Morning. It was wonderful to see so many of you.

Father Shaun then led us in the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This was a very special time where the children collectively worshiped Jesus, present in the form of the sacred host.

Wishing you all a safe, restful and happy half term holiday.

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer


24th May

This week it has been Spirituality Week:

The children took part in a number of activities linked to our Spirituality Week  theme: ‘ Meeting Jesus’. The children have focused on using art to examine where Jesus is around them, prayer stations to encourage refelective prayer and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in which they have met Jesus.

Each day the children have spent time reflecting on their day.  It has been a priviledge to watch, listen and see the children ‘speak’ about their faith.


Home Learning is a whole school project based on St Paul.

Have a lovely week.


Mrs McNamara and Ms Varga

Summer 1 week 4

It has all been about Ancient Egypt this week in Y3. We have made Egyptian jewellery, painted Egyptian sunsets, learnt about mummification and the River Nile and finished the first stage of our Egyptian plates. After half term we will be making canopic jars – if you have any pringle tubes in your recycling bin please send them into school. Thank you.

My prayers are with Joseph, Lola, William P, Elena, Aidan, Nichola, Dorian and Johnny-Mac this weekend, as they make their first Holy Communion.

Home learning: 

       1. Spelling –

Summer 1, week 5:  Words with a short /u/ sound spelt with ‘o’

woman, wonder, mother, brother, another, month, govern, discover, Monday, shovel, above, money.

 2. Spag.com activities have been set.

3. Maths – please practice doubling and halving two digit numbers in preparation for next weeks maths focus. You can find supporting activities on the free app ‘hit the button’ or on mathletics.

Enjoy your weekend

Miss Pringle



Summer 1 Week 3

This week we have developed our mapping skills, created lots of Egyptian art, crowned Mary and investigated what happens to 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers when they are multiplied by 10!

SPAG.com and Mathletics home learning has been set.

I will be praying for those children making their First Holy Communion this weekend – enjoy taking the next step in your faith journey.

Miss Pringle


Week 2: Summer Term


Even though it has been a shorter week due to the Staff Training Day, the children have been busy!

This week the children have continued with their second session of tennis and had another session of tennis skills today with me.  They had remembered the different skills they had been taught on Monday which was delightful to see. In RE the children have continued with the resurrection story using the bible to compare versions of what has been written, examining the art of He Qi and his depiction of ‘He is Risen’ and  writing a letter to a friend to explain why Easter and the story of the Resurrection is important to them.

In Maths today the children played number games and were presented with a range of problems which required them use the strategy of ‘making a list’. This technique involves examining all the possibilities for a solution by listing the various elements in the problem.  The children worked well with their partners.

Home Learning: Home Learning 3rd May 2019

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend.

Homework Club will take place on Tuesday.


Mrs McNamara



Summer 1 Week 1

Happy Easter and congratulations to Johnny-Mac and Daniel on their Baptism last Sunday – I proudly watched this wonderful celebration online, while away on holiday.

The children have returned to school refreshed and keen to learn, which has been great. In English we have been looking at reliable sources online, to gather facts about plastic pollution, to use in our persuasive writing and have also combined our computing skills by creating popplets. We have also focused on our mental maths skills and taken part in an Easter workshop, which the children seemed to really enjoy – thank you to the members of our parish who led some of the carousel activities. Well done to those children who made Easter Gardens – they look amazing!


Our PE days have changed this term to Monday and Wednesday – please ensure children have PE kits, including a change of socks in school. We are focusing on Tennis this half term and are fortunate to have Mr Mills from Potter Bar tennis club leading our Monday lessons.

Home Learning 
Due in 01.05.19

Our new Topic is Ancient Egyptians and in preparation for next week we would like the children to research 8 interesting facts from reliable sources such as – BBC bitesize, national geographic kids and BBC history.

You could choose to record this information as a poster, a written paragraph or a mind map. A paper copy of this weeks home learning task has been sent home with your child, which they could use to record on.

WEEK 2: suffixes (ly)
nicely, lately, closely, funnily, luckily, gently, randomly, simply, humbly, basically, frantically, dramatically.

5th April, 2019

This week we received the Sacrament of Reconciliation from Fr Shaun and Fr Dominic.  The children examined what sin is and wrote beautiful poems around their thoughts.

The children also  entertained us with their wonderful skills of singing, piano and violin in front of an audience of their peers and parents.  This can be such a nervous time for them to share their talents  – it was wonderful to see how much their confidence has grown this term.  Well done children!

Last Friday, the children led the Stations of the Cross at church and I was so pleased to hear that they had read confidently and with reverence.  I enjoyed practising their readings with them and it was lovely to allow them to choose the station they wanted to read about.  Thank you children for giving up your time to come to the service and share your talents.

Home Learning for the Easter holidays is set out below.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter.


Mrs McNamara and Ms Varga


Spring 2 week 6


Well done to all the children who played or sang in the music concert – you were fantastic. Please ensure you read over the next two weeks.

Please see Whole School Home Learning Easter Garden Project below.

Wishing you all a lovely holiday!


Week 9

We have had a wonderful week of learning! To begin Science week, we made rockets and learnt about the scientist Mae Jemison. She was the first African-American woman to go into space. We have been learning about lots of different journeys and how we travel. On Celebration morning, we made paper aeroplanes and helicopters with our parents. We loved the skittle investigation, watching all the colours travel across the plate.

In Religion we have been looking at the journey though Lent. We made beautiful hearts to remember Jesus. We have been learning about the stations of the cross and what each station means. On Wednesday, we learnt about how we can show our love to each other. We sang songs and prayed with Michael.

In Maths we have been learning about 3D shapes and sorting them into different groups. We have been looking at real life objects and identifying what shape they are.

We have continued with the story The Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon. The children planned and wrote their own stories of the dish and the spoon’s adventures in their homes or our school. They got up to lots of mischief!

In PE we watched the Honda advert of different parts of the car moving. We performed a dance of different movements in a sequence.

Thank you to all the parents for coming to the celebration morning, we hope you enjoyed it. Well done to the great Irish dancers in our class!


Have a lovely weekend!


Mrs Carey

8th March

This week was another busy week in Year 4.  On Monday, the children discussed their Lenten promises and the importance of praying, fasting and almsgiving.  As we talked about Jesus’ love for us, the children each created a crown of thorns.  It’s a new tradition in which you create a crown (from dough), add thorns (toothpicks), and  remove one thorn each time a good deed is done.

On Wednesday, we joined the rest of Key Stage 2 and celebrated Ash Wednesday Mass , receiving ashes on our forehead.  The children sang beautifully and Jamie and Heather brought up the Offertory gifts.

After swimming on Wednesday afternoon, the class continued with their violin lessons with Mrs Rodgers and their   their plucking skills.  She has commented that the children are focussed and working hard to learn their new instrument.

On Thursday the classroom was buzzing with excitement as the children came dressed up as a wide variety of book characters.  It is so encouraging to see the children taking part in various fun and creative reading and writing opportunities to really promote the importance of reading.  We took part in an online creative workshop about the author Jeff McKinney, author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid.  The children found out about his work and what inspired him to write.  They then went on to writing their own diary extract, making it as funny as they could.  The class giggled many times as they took turns to read aloud their extracts.