Spring Term Week 7 Reception

Image result for the adventures of the dish and the spoon EYFS activities

Have you ever wondered what happened to the dish and the spoon when they ran away in the nursery rhyme, Hey Diddle, Diddle? This week Reception class found out when they heard the story, ‘The Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon’ by Mini Grey. The children had lots of fun thinking and writing about what they would do if they found a big bag of money; ideas ranged from giving it to the poor, to buying a gold Lamborghini! In the story, the dish and the spoon make some poor life decisions and as a result the spoon is put in prison.  To re-enact this, Reception decided that they wanted the outside role play area to be a police station, complete with a jail and so they have been very busy working together to create and then play in it.

In RE, the children have learnt about the importance of buying Fairtrade in order to support hardworking farmers, so that they will get fair and better prices for their products, have decent working conditions, be in a position to make their own decisions and control their future and lead the dignified lives that they all deserve. The children then designed their own posters telling everyone to buy Fairtrade. Today, they reinforced their learning by discussing Fairtrade and then drawing the Fairtrade logo with their Learning Partners.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer

Year 6 – 01/03/19

This week, we have been recognising the first half of Fairtrade Fortnight: on Tuesday afternoon, the Fairtrade Group went to The Wroxham School to teach them about the principles of Fairtrade and to encourage them to purchase Fairtrade products. They spoke very professionally and were truly living out the Catholic calling of working for the Common Good.

This morning, Year 6 worked with Year 1 to make their own role plays explaining why we should be buying Fairtrade products where possible.

Also this week, we were kindly visited by a volunteer from the church who demonstrated burning last year’s palms into ash for this coming week’s Ash Wednesday masses.

In English, we have started – along with the rest of the school – our new text, The Adventures Of The Dish And The Spoon; in maths, we have been learning about circle geometry and properties of 3D shapes; in RE, we recorded podcasts about the Sacraments of Healing (QR Codes to be included in next week’s blog to listen to these – watch this space!); in PE, we took advantage of the fantastic weather and did some athletics outside.

This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 5th March) is as follows:

English spag.com – KS2 SATs Grammar Test (D)
Spellings The adjectival suffix –ful becomes –fully when turned into an adverb. From the list below, write spelling sentences choosing either the adjective or adverb version of each word (eg. If you write on for hopeful, then you don’t have to write one for hopefully). I want to see a mix of both though.

Times tables

Questions to be completed in the yellow Home Learning book:

·        CGP Year 6 book pp. 58-61 (Shape Properties and Circles)

Continue to revise all times tables.

Reading Continue to use readtheory.org

Daily reading, with parent signature once a week.

Spelling list (to be tested Friday 8th March)

Suffix ful -> fully

hopeful hopefully
careful carefully
thoughtful thoughtfully
deceitful deceitfully
woeful woefully
doubtful doubtfully
fateful fatefully
successful successfully
skilful skilfully
merciful mercifully

Have a great weekend.

Miss Donatantonio

(SN and SD – here is the psalm for you to practice):

Spring term Week 6 Reception

Well, we are officially half way through our first year of school and to mark it, Reception performed their first ever class assembly today, all about love.

Their teachers were very proud of them all- Well done Reception Class!


As part of the school’s Other Faith Week, Reception have been learning about Judaism. On Tuesday the class participated in a fun, hands-on workshop, where they got to wear and look at lots of symbolic Jewish artefacts.

The class also participated in a Safer Internet workshop, where the children learnt about how to stay safe and what to do if someone is being unkind online.

Wishing you all a wonderful half term break!

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer



Spring Term Week 5 Reception

Our story focus this week has been the ‘The Ugly Duckling’. The class have spent lots of  time discussing the positive aspects of being different, and recognising and celebrating the similarities and differences between themselves. Inspired by the ending of the story, some of the class decided to make their own flying creations and test them outside!

As part of Safer Internet Day, the children took part of in a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectively, critically and creatively. They each designed a poster saying, ‘Don’t post mean pictures…post this instead’, and drew a picture that had nice content and didn’t require consent from  another person.

Our Maths focus this week has been addition, and the children have had lots of fun, practical experiences creating and solving simple addition problems.

We finished our week sharing an Act of Worship with our Year 6 Learning Partners. Well done to Kate, Kiera, Alex and Thomas for leading so beautifully.

Please remember to sign up for a parent consultation time – sheets will be left out in the hall next week.

We look forward to seeing you all at our first ever class assembly on Friday at 9.15am.

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer


The Sacraments

This week, Year 4 have spent some time focusing on the Sacrament of Reconciliation, one of the seven Sacraments we are learning about this term. They  created  a role play of the Sacrament and reflected on what they  learnt about the role of the priest and the penitent. They also made some beautiful ‘stained glass effect’ artwork to link art with their RE topic.

The children were introduced to Hinduism in preparation for our visit to the Neasden Temple as part of our Other Faith Week.

On Wednesday, the children enjoyed a double swimming session and have learnt two new patterns during their Djembe lesson on Thursday.

Next Thursday at 2.45pm the children would like to invite all parents and carers to their djembe concert led by Caz, their drumming teacher.

Have a lovely weekend.

Ms Varga and Mrs McNamara


Spring Term Week 4 Reception

Our story focus this week has been The Three Little Pigs. The children have been thinking about what materials they would make their own houses from and have enjoyed using the building site role play area. They also made their own houses from different materials, and worked together to create this fantastic den!

Due to the freezing temperatures this week, Reception have spent a lot of time investigating ice and were surprised to hear just how loudly the ice crackled when you put salt on it!

Today, the class enjoyed using watercolour paints and painting directly onto the snow. They also had fun participating in a team challenge of making a snow person together.

This afternoon, the Year 6 Healthy Living group cut up and shared the fruit the children had brought in this morning. Reception enjoyed trying lots of different exotic flavours.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer

Spring Term Week 3 Reception

What another busy week of learning Reception have had!

This week, the story focus has been ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. The children have been very busy turning the fairy tale cottage into Grandma’s house. They have also been designing bags suitable for transporting a cake to Grandma, drawing maps of the forest, writing lists of items to make Grandmas feel better and writing own versions of the story. The children were also challenged to independently make a free standing tree! We had some fantastic creations in class!

After Tuesday night’s snowfall, the children were keen to get outside on Wednesday morning. They were excited to see tracks left in the snow from different wild animals and the mud kitchen became the snow kitchen for the day!

On Thursday, Reception welcomed a very important visitor to the class- Bishop John Sherrington. The children learnt about the different vestments that he wears and the religious objects that he carries, such as the crosier. They shared their learning with him and sang their favourite song, Yellow Bird.

Friday’s PE lesson built on last week’s learning and the children had lots of fun working together to perform group balances to the rest of the class.

*Reception will be doing their very first assembly on Friday 15th February at 9.15am. Please join us!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer

Year 2 Blog Week 17

It has been another busy week of learning in Year 2. We have continued work on our Religion unit – sacramental people. The children enjoyed reading the story – Maybe God is like that too by Jennifer Grant. We thought about how we see, hear and feel God’s presence in the words and actions of others. Image result for maybe god is like that too doorman

In Maths, we have been focusing on using different strategies to add 2 digit numbers. Everyone worked very well and ensured they could prove all their answers. On Wednesday, Bishop John Sherrington came to visit our school.  It was lovely to meet him and ask him questions about his calling. From our research we found out that Bishop John Sherrington has a degree in Mathematics from Cambridge University. Year 2 delighted in asking Bishop John some tricky number riddles! 

In English we have been focusing on non chronological reports. Year 2 had great fun using different source material to research sharks. Our author of the month is David Walliams and we are currently enjoying his tale of a Gangsta Granny.

This week we were very lucky to have Luca, a German exchange student, volunteering in our class. A BIG thank you to Luca for all his help and we wish him well in his future studies.


Home Learning: Reading comprehension, Mathletics and Spag.com.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Davey


Spring Term Week 2 Reception

Since returning from the Christmas break, Reception have been reading different versions of the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, as part of their new topic- Traditional Tales.

During this time, the children have written their own versions of the story in various different forms and have also written ‘Wanted’ posters to help find Goldilocks. They have created letters to say sorry to the three bears from Goldilocks and have made puppets, props and masks. They have made the three bears’ cottage from a range of large and small construction and have enjoyed role playing the story in the bears’ cottage in the outdoor area.

On Wednesday, the children were shocked to find that a crime had been committed! Someone had broken into the cottage, smashed up Baby Bear’s chair and made a real mess. The cottage was taped off as a crime scene! Luckily, we had lots of police detectives in the class, who were very keen to track down the suspect. Unfortunately, even though the police used all of their available resources, the criminal remains at large!

During part of our RE lesson this week, the children were introduced to their new topic, Sacramental People. The children thought about how God is all around us and within us and that he loves everyone. The children then thought about all the people who care for them at home and discussed how God is like those special loved ones, because like them, he cares for us too.

The class have enjoyed being taught gymnastics by Mr Dugan, the PE teacher from Dame Alice Owen School, for the past two Fridays. This is set to continue for the rest of this term.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer

Spring Week 1

Happy New Year, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wish you every blessing for this new year ahead.

We have been busy celebrating the Epiphany story from Marks Gospel this week and the children have reflected on the gifts that they will offer to their families and schools this year.

We have a trainee teacher in Y3 until half term called Miss Francios, whom the children have made feel very welcome.

New PE days

We will have PE on Mondays this term and Swimming starts next Wednesday – please see the letter that was sent home today for more information about swimming.

Home learning – please see your child’s home learning pack for details about their home learning

RE  – sacramental people writing activity.

Spelling revision


Enjoy your weekend

Miss Pringle