Spirituality Week- Reception

Reception have taken part in Spirituality Week with the rest of the school this week. The theme this year has been ‘Meeting Jesus’. The week began with a whole school Act of Worship, where the children placed their personalised host on a large host above the altar. This created a beautiful display showing how we are One Body. They then created pictures based on where they see Jesus.


On Tuesday, the class were led in prayer by our wonderful Year 5 children, as they participated in the activities set up at the prayer stations.

On Wednesday, Reception looked at a modern painting depicting Jesus sitting alongside people on a train. Chloe decided that it reminded her of the story, The Road to Emmaus’, as Jesus was travelling alongside people who didn’t recognise him!

The children then thought about times in school when they had shared a joyful experience with a friend. Together, they then drew a picture of how they felt during that time.

Today, the children were excited to share their learning environment during the Celebration Morning. It was wonderful to see so many of you.

Father Shaun then led us in the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This was a very special time where the children collectively worshiped Jesus, present in the form of the sacred host.

Wishing you all a safe, restful and happy half term holiday.

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer